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Developmental Psychology:
Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence
1. Objective: Describe the physical and perceptual development of newborns and children
2. Objective: Discuss the development of language
3. Objective: Summarize the Cognitive development theory (Piaget)
4. Graphic Organizer: How Knowing Changes
5. Objective: Discuss how children develop emotionally (Lorenz)
6. Application Activity: Parenting Styles
7. Objective: Describe various parenting styles
8. Enrichment Activity: Children and Child abuse
9. Objective: Evaluate Freud’s Psychosexual development
10. Objective: Outline Erikson’s stages of Psychosocial Development
11. Objective: Outline Kohlberg’s stages of Moral Development
12. Guided Reading Activity (Study Guide): Section 1-3, Chapter 3
13. Project: I am Sam
14. Project: Adolescent Video
I Am Sam film and paper
Write a paper where you evaluate parenting styles, moral and cognitive development and
the impact they have on a family environment.
Watch I am Sam in class
Write a 2-paged, single-spaced paper (see rubric) discussing the following topic: Can a
parent who is mentally retarded (IQ of 70) raise a healthy, confident, moral and
independent child without outside assistance.
A. You must cover all of the following topics
i. Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development
ii. Freud’s stages of psychosocial development
iii. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
iv. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
v. The four parenting styles
B. Introduction
i. Set up the purpose of the paper and develop an opinion. (Yes OR No)
C. Body of the paper
i. Discuss how your opinion is correct based on the FIVE areas of
psychology discussed in this chapter
1. Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development
2. Freud’s stages of psychosocial development
3. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development
4. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development
5. The four parenting styles
ii. If you say NO, you must discuss how they would overcome the challenge
with outside assistance
D. Conclusion
i. Re-iterate your opinion, BUT
1. Discuss any additional questions, concerns, topics you may have
Developmental Psychology
Grasping reflex
Rooting reflex
Telegraphic speech
Object permanence
Representational thought
Critical period
Authoritarian family
Democratic/authoritative family
Permissive/laissez-faire family
Role taking
Extra Credit
The objective for this project is to create a brochure regarding child abuse form a
psychological perspective. Students will do outside research to present the social
and psychological issues associated with child abuse.
1. Create a tri-fold brochure concerning child abuse.
2. Your brochure should contain a title page, information pages, and the last page
should contain your sources as well as the names of the writers.
3. Areas of representation
a. Current statistics, later than 2004
b. Current tables/graphs, later than 2004
c. Definition of child abuse (emotional and physical)
d. Average environment an abused child is subject to
e. Information to report child abuse
f. Information for people to seek help (abused and abuser)
Your brochure needs to be grammatically correct
Chapter Outline
Developmental Psychology
A. Nature and Nurture
B. Newborns
i. Capacities
1. Grasping reflex
2. Rooting reflex
C. Physical Development
ii. Physical and motor development
iii. Maturation
D. Perceptual Development
i. Vision
ii. Language
1. Can animals use Language?
2. Acquiring Language
a. Telegraphic speech
b. Case Study: Genie (Pg 69)
Cognitive and Emotional Development
A. Cognitive Development (PIAGET)
i. How knowing Changes
1. Schemas
a. Assimilation
b. Accommodation
ii. Object Permanence
iii. Representational Thought
iv. Principal of Conservation
1. Conservation
2. Egocentric
v. Stages of Cognitive Development
1. Sensorimotor
2. Preoperational
3. Concrete operations
4. Formal operations
B. Emotional Development
i. Imprinting (Lorenz)
1. Imprinting
2. Critical period
ii. Surrogate Mother (Harlow0
iii. Human Infants
1. Anxiety
a. Separate anxiety
b. Stranger anxiety
2. Attachment
a. Secure attachment
b. Avoidant attachment
c. Resistant attachment
d. Disorganized attachment