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Direct Object Pronouns
Last semester we learned about Indirect Objects (IO) & Indirect Object Pronouns (IOP).
You’ll remember that:
1. Indirect Objects tell to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done.
2. The pronoun can replace the indirect object just like in English. For example, I bring the
book to Juan can be restated: I bring the book to him. You may wish to include a
clarification statement (a Juan)
3. The IOP’s in Spanish are:
me nos
te os
le les
4. Placement rules for the IOP:
a. IOP + conjugated verb / the IOP goes before the conjugated verb
Marta me llamó anoche.
b. Attached to infinitive verbs / or again in front of the conjugated verb
Marta va a llamarme.
Marta me va a llamar.
c. Attached to a gerund (-ndo form) & add an accent 3 vowels back/ or again in front
of the conjugated verb
Marta está llamándome.
Marta me está llamando.
d. Attached to any positive command & add an accent 3 vowels back
We will now be learning about the Direct Object and the Direct Object Pronouns. The direct
objects tells who or what receives the action of the verb. For example:
I throw the ball. He bought the tickets. You gave him the money.
We played soccer.
As we know, pronouns replace nouns. So when we change these direct object nouns to direct
object pronouns, the nouns disappear. In English we usually use the words it or them.
I throw it.
He bought them.
You gave it to him.
We played it.
The Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish are very similar to the Indirect Object Pronouns.
Note the difference is in the 3rd person forms. The direct object pronouns must match the
noun it is replacing in gender and quantity.
Here’s some good news!! The placement rules are identical to those of the indirect object
a. DOP + conjugated verb / the DOP goes before the conjugated verb
Marta compró un regalo anoche.
Marta lo compró anoche.
b. Attached to infinitive verbs / or again in front of the conjugated verb
Marta va a comprar un regalo. 
Marta va a comprarlo.
Marta lo va a comprar.
Attached to a gerund (-ndo form) & add an accent 3 vowels back/ or again in front
of the conjugated verb
Marta está comprando un regalo.
Marta está comprándolo.
Marta lo está comprando.
d. Attached to any positive command & add an accent 3 vowels back
Throw the ball!
Throw it!
 ¡Lánzala!
Let’s try some!
Circle the direct object in these sentences, and then rewrite the sentence with the pronoun.
1. Lanzo la pelota. La lanzo.
2. Leímos muchos libros. Los leímos
3. Mi familia compró una casa nueva ayer. Mi familia la compró
4. Tuvo que escuchar la lección. La tuvo que escuchar.
Tuvo que escucharla.
5. Las personas miraron el desfile. Las personas lo miraron.
6. Estoy escribiendo las invitaciones. Las estoy escribiendo.
Estoy escribiéndolas.
7. No pude ver los barcos. No los pude ver.
No pude verlos.
8. ¡Mueva la silla!