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Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
Page 1 of 11
Section 5.1: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
A monomial in one variable is the product of a constant and a variable raised to a nonnegative integer power.
General form of a monomial in one variable: axk.
The constant a is called the coefficient and k is the degree of the monomial.
Examples of monomials in one variable:
A binomial is the sum of two monomials, like 3p2 – 6p
A trinomial is the sum of three monomials, like p2 – 6p + 9
A polynomial is a monomial or the sum of monomials, like 4p3 + 2p2 + 7p – 12
A polynomial is in standard form when it is written with the terms in descending order of degree.
The degree of the polynomial is the highest degree of any of its terms.
A monomial in many variables is the product of a constant and two or more variables raised to nonnegative
integer powers.
General form of a monomial (in two variables): axmyn
The constant a is called the coefficient and m + n is the degree of the monomial.
To add polynomials, combine like terms.
To subtract polynomials, combine like terms.
A polynomial function is a function whose rule is a polynomial.
 The domain of a polynomial function is all real numbers.
 The degree of a polynomial function is the value of the largest exponent on the variable.
 A polynomial function of degree one or zero is called a linear function, like f  x   0.5x 1 , or
f  x  3 .
A polynomial function of degree two is called a quadratic function, like f  x   x2  2 x  9 .
A polynomial function of degree three is called a cubic function, like f  x   2x3  7 x2  5x  3 .
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
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If f and g are two functions, then
The new function that can be made by adding them together is called f + g: (f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x).
The new function that can be made by subtracting them is called f – g: (f – g)(x) = f (x) – g(x).
Section 5.2: Multiplying Polynomials
Skill #1: Multiplying Monomials
When multiplying monomials:
 Multiply the coefficients to get a single new coefficient.
 Add exponents of common variables to get simplified variable factors.
 2a3b  6a 2b4    2  6     a3  a 2    b  b4 
 aaaaa   bbbbb 
  12   a 3 2  b14 
 12a 5b5
Skill #2: Multiplying a Monomial and a Polynomial
When multiplying a monomial and a polynomial, use the extended form of the distributive property:
Extended form of the Distributive Property:
a  b1  b2  b3   bn   ab1  ab2  ab3   abn
2 x 2  x 2  3x  5  2 x 2  x 2  2 x 2  3x  2 x 2   5
 2 x 4  6 x3  10 x 2
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
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Skill #3: Multiplying a Binomial and a Binomial
When multiplying a binomial and a binomial, you can use one of four techniques:
1. Distributive Property Technique
 3x  4  2 x  9    3x  4   2 x   3x  4    9 
 3 x  2 x  4  2 x  3 x   9   4   9 
 6 x 2  8 x  27 x  36
 6 x 2  19 x  36
2. Vertical Multiplication Technique
 3x  4  2 x  9  
3x  4
 2x  9
 27 x  36
6 x 2  19 x  36
3. Table Multiplication Technique (not in book)
To Calculate 3429:
= 600 + 80 + 270 + 36
= 986
To Calculate  3x  4 2 x  9  :
= 6x2 + 8x – 27x – 36
= 6x2 – 19x – 36
4. FOIL Technique (ONLY works for binomials)
FOIL  First, Outside, Inside, Last
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
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Skill #4: Multiplying a Polynomial and a Polynomial
When multiplying a binomial and a binomial, you can use one of two techniques:
1. Distributive Property Technique
 2 x  3  x 2  5 x  2    2 x  3   2 x  3   5 x    2 x  3   2 
 2 x  x 2  3  x 2  2 x  5 x  3  5 x  2 x   2   3    2 
 2 x3  3x 2  10 x 2  15 x  4 x  6
 2 x3  13x 2  11x  6
2. Table Multiplication Technique (not in book)
Notice that like terms line up on the diagonals…
Skill #5: Recognizing Special Binomial Products
When multiplying a pair of “conjugate” binomials, or when multiplying a binomial with itself, you can use the
following formulas:
1. The Product of Conjugate Binomials, or, a Difference of Two Squares
(A + B)(A – B) = A2 – B2
2. The Square of a Binomial, or, a Perfect Square Trinomial
(A + B)2 = A2 + 2AB + B2
(A – B)2 = A2 – 2AB + B2
If f and g are two functions, then
The new function that can be made by multiplying them together is called f  g: (f  g)(x) = f (x)  g(x).
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
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Section 5.3: Dividing Polynomials; Synthetic Division
Dividing a polynomial by a monomial: Divide the monomial into each term of the polynomial, and cancel
when possible.
Dividing a polynomial by a polynomial using long division:
Long division of polynomials is a lot like long division of numbers:
a. Arrange divisor and dividend around the dividing symbol, and be sure to write them in
descending order of powers with all terms explicitly stated (even the terms with zero
b. Divide leading terms, then multiply and subtract.
c. Repeat until a remainder of order less than the divisor is obtained.
 Quotient 
Compute (5x2 + 7x +9) ÷ (x + 6)
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
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Dividing a polynomial by a binomial using synthetic division: THIS IS A SHORTCUT THAT ONLY
Synthetic division is a shorthand way to divide a polynomial by the linear factor x – c:
a. Write c outside the division bar and the coefficients of the dividend inside the bar.
b. Bring the leading coefficient of the dividend straight down.
c. Compute c times the number in the bottom row, and write the answer in the middle row to the
d. Add and repeat until all coefficients are used up.
Compute (2x3 – 3x2 – 4x + 11) ÷ (x – 2) using synthetic division.
Definition: Quotient of Functions
If f and g are two functions, then the new function that can be made by taking their quotient is called
f  x
 f 
defined as:    x  
, provided g(x)  0.
g  x
, and is
The Remainder Theorem
If the polynomial P(x) is divided by x – c, then the remainder is the value P(c). This is because when we divide
a polynomial by x – c, the remainder must be of degree less than x – c, which means the remainder has degree
of zero, which is just a numeric constant R. So:
The Factor Theorem
If P(x) is a polynomial function, then x – c is a factor of P(x) if and only if R = P(c) = 0.
In other words, if P(c) = 0, then P(x) can be written as P(x) = (x – c)(Quotient(x)).
(This can be used to see if a divisor divides evenly into a dividend quickly.)
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
Test #4 Review
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Section 5.4: Greatest Common Factor; Factoring by Grouping
In algebra, when you are asked to factor a polynomial, you are supposed to find other polynomials whose
product is the polynomial you are factoring.
Factor x 2  2 x  1 :
x2  2 x  1   x  1 x  1
Factor x3  3x 2  3x  1 :
Factor x 3  1 :
x3  3x2  3x  1   x  1 x  1 x  1
x3  1   x  1  x 2  x  1
The above examples are prime factorizations because each of the factors are prime polynomials. We say
that the polynomials above have been factored completely.
In algebra, a polynomial with integer coefficients is prime when it can not be written as the product of two
other polynomials with integer coefficients (other than itself and 1).
7 is prime
 x  1 is prime
 x  1 is also prime
Factoring the greatest common factor:
1. Identify the greatest common factor (GCF) in each term.
2. Rewrite each term as the product of the GCF and the remaining factor.
3. Use the Distributive Property to factor out the GCF.
4. Use the Distributive Property to verify that the factorization is correct.
10 x 2 y 2  15 xy 3  25 x3 y 4  5 xy 2  2 x  5 xy  3 y  5 xy  5 x 2 y 2
 5 xy   2 x  3 y  5 x 2 y 2 
Factoring by grouping:
1. Group terms that have a common factor. You may need to rearrange the terms.
2. In each grouping, factor out the common factor.
3. Factor out the common factor that remains.
4. Check your work.   .
5 y  5 z  ay  az   5 y  5 z    ay  az 
 5 y  z   a  y  z 
  5  a  y  z 
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
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Section 5.5: Factoring Trinomials
Steps for Factoring Quadratic Trinomials of the Form x2 + bx + c:
Find factors of c that sum to b…
o List all factors of b
o Add up each pair of factors; choose the pair of factors that add up to b
Supposing that the factors are m and n (i.e., mn = c), write the trinomial in factored form as:
x2 + bx + c = (x + m)(x + n)
Check your work by multiplying out your factors.
Factor x2 – 4x – 12
All the factors of -12 are: (+1)(-12), (-1)(+12), (+2)(-6), (-2)(+6), (+3)(-4), (-3)(+4)
The factors that add up to –4 are: (+2) and (-6)
 x2 – 4x – 12 = (x+ 2)(x – 6)
Steps for Factoring Quadratic Trinomials of the Form ax2 + bx + c:
Find factors of ac that sum to b…
o List all factors of ac
o Add up each pair of factors; choose the pair of factors that add up to b
Supposing that the factors are m and n (i.e., mn = ac and m + n = b), re-write the trinomial with the linear
term broken up into a sum using m and n:
ax2 + bx + c = ax2 + mx + nx+ c
Take your re-written polynomial and factor it by grouping.
Check your work by multiplying out your factors.
Factor 2x2 – 9x – 18
Multiply leading term coefficient and constant term: (2)(-18) = -36
All the factors of -36 are: (+1)(-36), (-1)(+36), (+2)(-18), (-2)(+18), (+3)(-12), (-3)(+12), (+4)(-9),
(-4)(+9), (+6)(-6)
The factors that add up to -9 are: (+3) and (-12)
2x2 – 9x – 18 = 2x2 + 3x – 12x – 18
= x(2x + 3) – 6(2x + 3)
= (x – 6) (2x + 3)
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
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Section 5.6: Factoring Special Products
Product of conjugate binomials, or a Difference of Squares
A2 – B2 = (A + B)(A – B)
Square of a binomial, or a Perfect Square Trinomial
A2 + 2AB + B2 = (A + B)2
A2 – 2AB + B2 = (A – B)2
Factoring a Sum of Two Cubes
A3  B 3   A  B   A2  AB  B 2 
Factoring a Difference of Two Cubes
A3  B 3   A  B   A2  AB  B 2 
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
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Section 5.7: Factoring: A General Strategy
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.
Int. Alg. Notes
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Section 5.8: Polynomial Equations
The Zero-Product Property
If the product of two numbers is zero, then at least one of the numbers is zero. That is,
if ab = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0, or both a and b are 0.
Steps for solving any polynomial equation (degree 2 or higher):
1. Expand the polynomial equation (if needed), and collect all terms on one side; combine like terms.
2. Factor the polynomial on the one side.
3. Set each factor from step 2 equal to zero (this is justified by the zero-product property rule).
4. Solve each first degree equation for the variable.
5. Check answers in original equation.
Algebra is:
the study of how to perform multi-step arithmetic calculations more efficiently,
and the study of how to find the correct number to put into a multi-step calculation to get a desired answer.