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Reviewing Concepts
Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following processes occurs in eukaryotic organisms that only reproduce
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both mitosis and meiosis
d. fertilization
2. Which of the following is a key event during the S phase of the cell cycle?
a. The genetic material is duplicated.
b. A cell grows in size.
c. The number of organelles increases.
d. The cytoplasm is divided in two.
3. The cytoplasm is divided into two daughter cells during
a. metaphase.
b. prophase.
c. cytokinesis.
d. anaphase.
4. Which of the following steps occurs during prophase in mitosis?
a. Sister chromatids separate.
b. Nuclear envelope disappears.
c. Nuclear envelope reappears.
d. Chromosomes undergo duplication.
5. The spread of cancer cells beyond their original tumor site is called
a. mitosis.
b. fertilization.
c. cytokinesis.
d. metastasis.
6. The products of meiosis from one parent cell are
a. two diploid cells.
b. four chromosome pairs.
c. four haploid cells.
d. two haploid cells.
7. How many possible chromosome combinations are there for the gametes of an organism with a
haploid number equal to 4?
a. 22 = 4
b. 28 = 256
c. 21 = 2
d. 24 = 16
Short Answer
9. Describe four events that happen in a typical cell during interphase.
10. Identify the two major events that occur during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle.
11. What is the function of the spindle during mitosis?
12. Explain how cancer tumors spread.
13. Describe the most obvious way the karyotypes of a sister and brother look different.
14. Explain how having a haploid number of chromosomes contributes to the function of gametes
in a life cycle.
15. Describe the structure of a tetrad. When do tetrads form?
16. Describe one similarity between mitosis and meiosis II. Describe one difference.
17. Name two factors that introduce genetic variation during the process of meiosis. Explain how
they introduce variation.
Applying Concepts
Analyzing Information
18. Analyzing Diagrams Use the diagram below of a cell undergoing cytokinesis to answer the
following questions.
a. Does the diagram show a plant cell or an animal cell? Explain.
b. Identify each of the numbered structures in the diagram.
c. Draw and label a diagram of the final step in this process.
Critical Thinking
19. Developing Hypotheses The cells of organisms called plasmodial slime molds have multiple
nuclei. Suggest how a variation on the cell cycle could give rise to such a situation.
20. Comparing and Contrasting How are the growth of a malignant tumor and the repair of a
cut on your finger similar? How are they different?
21. What's Wrong With These Statements? Briefly explain why each statement is inaccurate or
a. The first stage of mitosis is the duplication of the chromosomes.
b. Every cell of a sexually reproducing organism has the same number of chromosomes.
c. Cells spend most of their time in the mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle.