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1__ What were the motivations for European overseas exploration in the 1400’s and 1500’s.
2__ Identify Prince Henry the Navigator.
3__ Why were the Italians not interested in overseas exploration?
4__ Which was the first European country to engage in the slave trade?
5__ What was the basis of an economy which benefited most from the use of slaves?
6__ What was the most powerful country in Europe during the 1500s?
7__ Why is Amerigo Vespucci remembered?
8__ Where did the Spanish get most of their wealth in the 16th Century?
9__ What was a goal of a country practicing mercantilism?
10__ What was the most powerful European power in the 1600s?
11__ To what does "Absolutism" refer?
12__ What was Henry VIII's most significant impact on England?
13__ Why was Elizabeth Tudor respected throughout Europe?
14__ What was the result of the sea battle which stopped an invasion of England in 1588?
15__ How did James I please Christian England?
16__ What impact did the trial and public execution of Charles I in 1649 have on national politics in England?
17__ Characterize Oliver Cromwell’s rule during the Interregnum.
18__ Who has made up Parliament throughout most of its history?
19__ Where does control of the government of Great Britain rest today?
20__ Discoveries in what area of science brought Galileo into mortal conflict with the Catholic Church?
21__ List key elements of John Locke’s political philosophy?
22__ What social and political ideas did Voltaire promote?
23__ What did Baron de Montesquieu admire about English government?
24__ Politically speaking, how were England’s American colonies different from the colonies of other
European powers?
25__ What was the primary cause of the American Revolution?
26__ When did the French Revolution begin?
27__ When did the French Revolution end?
28__ When did the American Revolution begin?
29__ When was the U.S. Constitution ratified?
30__ What was the tax system of France like before the French Revolution?
31__ What did the bourgeoisie of the Third Estate want?
32__ Who made up the majority of the people of the Third Estate?
33__ Why was Napoleon easily able to take over the government of France?
34__ List the reasons for Napoleon's failure to conquer Russia in 1812?
35__ Identify a permanent change that Napoleon’s rule had on the world.
36__ In what industry did the Industrial Revolution begin?
37__ What did the country that began the Industrial Revolution have that fostered the Industrial Revolution?
38__ Identify early social and economic problems brought on by the Industrial Revolution?
39__ What was the principle of laissez-faire?
40__ Why did workers form unions?
41__ What did Adam Smith believe?
42__ What did Karl Marx believe caused all important changes in history?
43__ What did Karl Marx believe would describe the inevitable final stage of human history?
44__ What is the essence of capitalism?
45__ What is the essence of communism?
46__ What is the essence of socialism?
47__What is imperialism?
48__ List the motives for late 19th Century imperialism?
49__ What are the characteristics of a nation?
50__ What is the name of the idea that a nation should rule itself and be free from outside authority?
51__ List the European countries that possessed colonial territory in Africa in 1914.
52__ List ways that a nation’s power in the world measured in 1890?
53__ What is a “strategic location”?
54__ To what part of its empire did the Suez Canal connect Great Britain?
55__ What were the results of Commodore Perry’s 1853 contact with Japan?
56__ Explain the Monroe Doctrine and how it has been applied to the advantage of the U.S.
57__ How did the U.S. become responsible for the Philippines?
58__ How did the U.S. treat Latin America after 1898?
59__ What was the primary purpose of the United States in building the Panama Canal?
60__ List 4 causes of WW I?
61__ What effect did multiple alliances among European nations have on WWI?
62__ What caused the problems between Serbia and Austria?
63__ Identify new forms of warfare in WWI.
64__ Identify the major belligerents of the Allied Powers in WWI.
65__ Identify the major belligerents of the Central Powers in WWI.
66__ What great even occurred in Russia which caused Russia to withdraw from WWI?
67__ Characterize the Treaty of Versailles.
68__ Where was the first fascist dictatorship in Europe established?
69__ What African country did Italy conquer in 1935 that it could not conquer in 1896?
70__ What was a major violation by Germany of the Treaty of Versailles in 1936?
71__ After an attack on what country did Great Britain and France finally declare war on Germany?
72__ Who were the leaders of the "Big Three" (the three most powerful of the allied countries) in World War II?
73__ Who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied invasion armies in Western Europe?
74__ In whose zone of control was the German city of Berlin after WW II?
75__ What did the U.S. Marshall Plan attempt to do after WWII?
76__ Who was Mohandas Gandhi and how did he affect the Indian subcontinent?
77__ What was the purpose of the post war U.S. policy of "containment"?
78__ Why were NATO and the Warsaw Pact created?
79__ For the aid of what country was the Truman Doctrine first invoked?
80__ Who was Mao Zedong, and how did he affect China?
81__ From whom did the Chinese Communist Party gain most of its support?
82__ Why did the Soviets blockade the city of West Berlin in 1948 and how was the matter resolved?
83__ What was the name of the U.S. policy which began as the Truman Doctrine?
84__ Against what country did the U.S. and its U.N. allies fight a war against communism from 1950 to 1953?
85__ Founded in 1949, NATO was a sweeping military alliance between the U.S. and what other part of the world?
86__ Who was the leader of the U.S.S.R. during most of the 1950s?
87__ What shook America's sense of technological superiority in 1957?
88__ Where did guerrilla forces led by Fidel Castro overthrow a dictatorship in 1959?
89__ In 1960 a U.S. spy plane incident destroyed all hope for a summit meeting between Premier Khrushchev of the Soviet U
and what U.S. president?
90__ Why did the Soviets encourage the building of the wall between East and West Berlin?
91__ Where was the most serious confrontation between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. during the Cold War?
92__ What has been a major problem in the relations between Israel and the Arab states?
93__ Where is the state of Israel located?
94__ What effect did the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive of January 1968 have on the U.S.?
95__ What European city was repeatedly a point of Cold War confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviets?
96__ What happened on July 20, 1969?
97__ Explain Chernobyl and its impact on the world.
98__ Where were the Soviets engaged in actual war in the 1980’s, and how did that war turn out?
99__ Identify Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, and Vladimir Putin.
100__ When did the Cold War begin?
101__ When did the Cold War end?
102__ Who are America’s most important allies in the war in Iraq?
103__ What major reorganization of the U.S. government has taken place in the last three years?