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The term amphetamines covers several similar substances including
amphetamine sulphate, dexamphetamine and methamphetamine.
Amphetamines are produced from an oil base but may be found in a number of
forms. The most common is for the oil to be converted into a powder. The powder
may be made into capsules or tablets. Methamphetamine may appear as rock-like
crystals or as a liquid. Methamphetamine, although structurally similar to
amphetamine, is more pure and longer lasting. Occasionally a very high purity gel
or putty like substance can be produced. Amphetamine is often "cut" with
adulterants such as sugar, glucose or ephedrine.
Amphetamines are psychostimulant drugs and their primary effect is to speed up
the activity of the brain and nervous system. The user's heart and breathing rate
increase and they may experience increased energy, alertness and confidence.
Appetite may be suppressed and they may become talkative and excited.
The less sought after effects include heart palpitations, anxiety and irritability. At
higher doses, amphetamine can cause irregular heartbeat, headaches, dizziness
and panic attacks.
Long term, heavy amphetamine use can lead to insomnia and malnutrition.
Psychological and emotional problems such as depression, paranoia and extreme
aggressiveness can develop. In some cases, users may experience amphetamine
psychosis - a psychological state, similar to schizophrenia - characterised by
paranoid delusions. Amphetamine overdose can cause stroke, heart attack,
seizure, coma or death.
Method of use
Amphetamines can be injected, snorted, smoked or taken orally.
Australian law
Excluding some amphetamine-based drugs which are available on prescription for
medical conditions such as narcolepsy and hyperactivity, the possession, use,
manufacture and distribution of amphetamines is illegal throughout Australia, as
is its importation.
Many states have restricted access to the precursor chemicals used in the
manufacture of amphetamines and their importation is strictly controlled.
Prevalence, market and production in Australia
In a 2004 survey, more than 9% of Australians aged 14 and over indicated they
had used amphetamines at some stage in their lifetime and 3% had used
amphetamines in the past 12 months. According to the Australian Crime
Commission, there is an increase in the number of young recreational drug users
smoking crystal methamphetamine. Research also indicated an increase in use of
methamphetamine, which occurred around the same time as the heroin shortage
in Australia in 2000-01.
The majority of amphetamines consumed in Australia is produced in this country
in clandestine laboratories. Some of the laboratories located by police have been
highly mobile, sometimes contained within a car boot. Due to the highly toxic and
volatile nature of the chemicals used in amphetamine production, these
laboratories present a considerable risk to the public. Methamphetamine is
reported as the most common amphetamine-type to be produced in Australia due
to the easier accessibility of the precursor chemical pseudoephedrine compared
with other amphetamine-type precursors. A common source of pseudoephedrine
is Sudafed.
Generally the product is consumed on the local market, however some inter-state
distribution occurs. Outlaw motorcycle gangs are believed to be heavily involved
in the production and distribution of amphetamines, often in cooperation with
ethnic based organised crime groups.
Amphetamines are readily available on the drug market in most areas of
Australia. Purity levels vary markedly from 1% to 99% pure. According to the
Australian Crime Commission, the median purity of amphetamines seized and
analysed in 2004/05 varied across Australia, ranging from 1% to 78% - however
it should be noted that these figures are not drawn from a representative sample
as not all amphetamines seized by Australian law enforcement agencies are
subjected to forensic analysis.
Common street names
Table 1 : Common or street names for ATS
Selection of common (street) names
Speed, whiz, uppers, goey, louee
(ADHD medication used illicitly) Kidi-speed, whiz, uppers, dexies, pep
(Illegally imported weight loss medication used illicitly) Adipex-p or
methylamphetamine (solid) Meth, speed, whiz, fast, uppers, goey, louee, rabbit, tail, pep pills, base,
pure, point or wax.
Leopard's blood, ox blood, red speed or liquid red
crystal methylamphetamine Ice, meth, d-meth, glass, crystal, batu, shabu (from the Philippines)
paramethoxyamphetamine Death, PMA, PMMA (often mixed with or marketed as ecstasy, all are
known to be fatal)