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American History
Mr. Syroney
Early U.S. Imperialism (1896 – 1914)
American Expansionism
1. Do you think “manifest destiny” or the right to extend our borders from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean was the right thing for Americans to uphold?
2. What is your own definition of expansionism?
3. Which one of the three reasons for U.S. imperialism surprised you the most?
4. *Define Imperialism. What is the difference between imperialism and
5. Do you believe Hawaii was legally annexed by the United States? Explain.
Cubans Rebel Against Spain
1. *Lets be honest, what was the real reason for U.S. interest in Cuba?
2. Why did Jose Marti encourage Cuban rebels to destroy sugar mills and
War Fever Escalates
1. Define sensationalism of press or yellow journalism.
2. Why did journalists fabricate or make-up stories of Spanish cruelty and atrocities
in Cuba when they did not exist?
3. What did Hearst mean when he said, “You furnish the pictures and I will furnish
the war?”
4. Why did President McKinley send the Maine to Cuba?
5. Why or who would want Americans to believe the Maine was blown up by the
Spanish in Cuba?
War with Spain Erupts
1. How many days, after we declared war on Spain, did our six ships set out to attack
the Spanish in the Philippine Islands?
2. What was interesting about the troops that landed in Cuba?
3. Who was in charge of the Rough Riders?
4. What were the Rough Riders able to accomplish and who really helped the Rough
Riders to be successful in their charge?
5. What did the United States gain in the Treaty of Paris, 1898?
6. What did those in favor of the Treaty of Paris, imperialists, argue and what did
those against the Treaty of Paris, anti-imperialists argue? Which side ultimately
won the argument?
7. **Huge Question. Relates to the war in Iraq today – Do you think the AntiImperialists were right or wrong. Support your answer with at least one reason.
8. What did the Platt Amendment do and what happened to Cuba as a result?
9. What was the ultimate reason why the U.S. maintained a strong presence in Cuba?
Who were we protecting?
Filipinos Rebel
1. What was Emilio Aquinaldo surprised to find out after fighting with the United
States against the Spanish?
2. What happened to the Filipinos who resisted and what price did the United States
end up paying to keep the Filipinos “Quiet”?
Foreign Influence in China
1. Why was China an important asset for American imperialists?
2. Interesting Point, a little over 100 years later, China will supply America with
most of our goods today. In 1900, we wanted China to have our goods.
3. How did the Second Open Door notes increase U.S. influence in Asia?
4. Which of the 3 capitalistic beliefs of the Open Door Policy is the most important?