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Chapter 9-Energy Review Sheet Answer Key
Section 1 Notes
1. What are the 2 factors that determine potential energy?
a. Position (height) and mass
2. Explain how mass and position effect potential energy.
a. As mass increases, potential energy increases.
b. As height increases or the position is pulled back
further, the potential energy increases.
3. What are the 2 factors that determine kinetic energy?
a. Speed and mass
4. Explain how mass and speed effect kinetic energy.
a. As mass increases, kinetic energy increases.
b. As speed increases, kinetic energy increases.
5. How is kinetic energy transferred?
a. When an object in motion collides with another
6. What is the formula gravitational potential energy?
a. Gravitational Potential Energy = Weight x Height
7. What is the formula for mechanical energy?
a. Mechanical Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic
Section 2 Notes
8. Give three examples of energy conversions.
(For example-a toaster converts electrical energy into heat)
Alarm Clock: electrical to light and sound energy
Battery: chemical to electrical energy
Light bulb: electrical to thermal energy
Blender: electrical to kinetic and sound energy
Hair dryer: electrical to thermal energy
Fan: electrical to kinetic energy
9. What happens to some of the energy in all energy conversions?
a. Thermal (heat energy) is released
10. Plants convert ___light___ energy into ____chemical_energy.
11. Which energy conversion takes place when you eat food?
a. Chemical energy to potential energy
Section 3 and Section 4 Notes
12. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state?
a. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
13. Define a closed system and give an example.
a. A closed system is a group of objects that transfer
energy only to each other.
Example-A sun giving light energy to seed to make it grow
and converts the energy into chemical energy.
14. Name and describe the seven energy resources (places we can
get energy from)
a. An energy resource is a natural resource that can
be converted into other forms of energy in order to do
useful work.
Fossil Fuels-coal, oil, natural gas
Wind-used with windmills to create electricity
Nuclear-uranium gives off radiation
Water (Hydropower)
Geothermal-heat from the Earth’s crust
Biomass-burning of plants/wood
15. What are fossil fuels?
a. Forms of energy that are formed from the remains
of plants and animals from millions of years ago.
16. Give 3 examples of renewable resources.
a. wind energy
b. solar energy
c. water energy
17. Give 3 examples of nonrenewable resources.
a. fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
Blast From The Past: (Look up the answers your keep section from
Chapter 6/8)
18. What is the property of all moving objects?
a. momentum
19. Momentum is most similar to ______kinetic energy____ (vocab
word from this chapter).
20. A rocket ship blasting into space is an example of Newton’s
_____3rd____ Law of Motion.
21. How much work is being done if 10N of force is being applied to a
chair for 5 m?
(W=F x d) 50 joules
22. What is the acceleration of an object if there’s 40N of force is
being applied to a 10 kg object? (F= m x a)
40N= 10kg x a
a= 40N/10kg