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Name:___ _____________________Block:______________Date________
Part I: Matching - Match the definition on the right with the correct term on the left.
1. The evacuation of 30,000 British and
French troops took place here.
A. Blitzkrieg
B. Dunkirk
2. “Lightning War”
C. Battle of the Bulge
3. The largest air-sea engagement in history
and the defeat of the Japanese main fleet
took place here.
D. Midway
E. D-Day
4. This invasion allowed the Allies to
attack Germany from the West.
5. The last German offensive
6. dictator of the Soviet Union in the 1930’s
A. Winston Churchill
7. prime minister of Great Britain during WW2
B. Benito Mussolini
8. Nazi dictator of Germany during WW2
C. Joseph Stalin
9. Japanese prime minister who came to power in 1941
D. Adolf Hitler
10. Italian dictator during World War 2
E. Hideki Tojo
11. Head of European military operations for the U.S.
A. Dwight Eisenhower
12. Japan, Germany, Italy
B. Erwin Rommell
13. Leader of Pacific military operations for the U.S.
C. Axis Powers
14. Head of European Axis defense of the Atlantic Wall
D. Allied Powers
15. Russia, Great Britain, United States
E. Douglas MacArthur
Part II: Multiple Choice - Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the
16. Which of these countries was forced to pay reparations after World War I?
A. France
B. Germany
C. Britain
D. Russia
17. What did the 1935 Neutrality Act establish?
A It forbade the United States to assist any nation involved in war.
B It forbade Hitler to invade other countries.
C It established United States membership in the League of Nations.
D It established the U.S. right to invade Latin America.
18. What was the agreement Hitler and Stalin made at the start of WW II?
A They both became allies with the United States.
B They made a nonaggression pact with each other.
C They both signed a treaty with Poland.
D They attacked each other.
19. Which two Pacific battles were considered the turning point of World War II in the
Pacific Theater?
A the Coral Sea and Pearl Harbor
B Midway and Pearl Harbor
C the Coral Sea and Midway
D New Guinea and Midway
20. How did American industry change during World War II?
A It converted from military goods to export goods
B It converted from consumer goods to military goods
C It converted from consumer goods to export goods
D It converted from military goods to consumer goods
21. Which groups were singled out and held in U.S. government camps during World War II?
A British Americans, Japanese Americans, and German Americans
B Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans
C German Americans, Italian Americans, and British Americans
D Japanese Americans, British Americans, and Italian Americans
22. What strategy did the United States utilize for its offensive against Japan?
A. blitzkrieg
B. kamikaze missions
C. Island Hopping
D. negotiation
23. World War II started when invaders entered which European country?
A. Poland
B. Austria
C. France
D. Czechoslovakia
Even before the United States entered WW II, Congress enacted
a rationing law.
a Resolution of War.
a war bond campaign.
the selective service act.
25. During World War II, millions of American women
A fought in Europe and in the Pacific.
B took over jobs in factories and shipyards.
C protested equality in hiring.
D faced curfews and travel restrictions.
26. What former ally did Germany turn on in order to claim its vast wheat and oil supplies?
A. Russia
B. Austria
C. Poland
D. France
27. Mussolini was the head of what party in Italy?
A. Tyranists
B. Nazis
C. Communists
D. Fascists
28. What is the name of a government that establishes complete control over the life of its
A. Fascism
B. Dictatorship
C. Totalitarianism D. Monarchy
29. Which two cities were destroyed by Atomic Bombs, which brought an end to the war in
the Pacific?
A. Hiroshima & Tokyo
B. Iwo Jima & Okinowa
C. Hiroshima & Nagasaki
D. Nakasaki & Kyushu
30. The Americans entered World War II after the
Germans attacked Poland.
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Italians invaded France.
Germans bombed Great Britain.
Part III: Order of Events: Appeasement
Hitler used appeasement to make great gains in Europe before World War II. Put the following
steps taken by Hitler in the correct order. Put the letter of the 1st defiant move on the 1st line and
his last under appeasement on the 5th line.
31. 1st______
A. Hitler clames the Sudetenland for Germany
32. 2nd_____
B. Hitler invades all of Czechoslovakia
C. Hitler’s forces move into the Rhineland
D. Hitler invades Poland
E. Hitler takes over Austria
Part IV: Document Based Questions
Directions: Use the chart and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 36
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are needed to see this picture.
Which country is described by the information in the box?
A. the Soviet Union
B. Italy
C. Germany
D. Japan
Directions: Use the excerpts and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 37:
“We are buying . . . not lending. We are buying our own security while we
prepare. By our delay during the past six years, while Germany was preparing,
we find ourselves unprepared and unarmed, facing a thoroughly prepared and
armed potential enemy.
—Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson
“We have the men—the skill—the wealth—and above all, the will. . . . We
must be the great arsenal of democracy.”
—Franklin D. Roosevelt
Why did President Roosevelt believe that the passage of the Lend-Lease Act made
the United States the “arsenal of democracy”?
A The United States would use the provisions of the Lend-Lease Act to enter World War II.
B The United States would provide necessary weapons to Britain and other countries
fighting the Nazis.
C The Lend-Lease Act encouraged Congress to pass the Selective Training and Service
D The Lend-Lease authorized the American army and navy to receive more money from
the U.S. government.
38. In a speech delivered to Congress, President Roosevelt called December 7, 1941, “a date
which will live in infamy.” What was so important about this date?
A This date marked the turning point of the battle in North Africa.
B On December 7, 1941, the Japanese forced captured soldiers and civilians to begin the
Bataan Death March, which killed nearly 10,000 of them.
C It was the date of the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor, which caused the United States to
enter World War II.
D The League of Nations broke up on this date over disagreements on how to respond to
World War II.
Directions: Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following
“All the day long, whether rain or shine
She’s part of the assembly line.
She’s making history,
Working for victory,
Rosie the Riveter.”
—Redd Evans and John Jacob Loeb, “Rosie the Riveter”
39. What did Rosie the Riveter symbolize for many Americans?
the capacity of women to serve in the military alongside men
support of the war effort through rationing
protest against the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II
the ability of women to take on a ”man’s‘ job of working in a weapons factory
40. What conclusion can be drawn about the economic effects of rationing on the United
Rationing caused more shortages in food and supplies.
Rationing ensured that important resources were reserved for civilians and soldiers.
Rationing increased the amount of goods people could buy.
Rationing limited the amount of supplies that the military received.
Directions: Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following
“Wherever you went, you didn’t bother to take the roads. Everything was flat,
nothing was standing, no gates, pillars, walls, or fences. You walked in a
straight line to where you wanted to go. Practically everywhere you came
across small bones that had been left behind.”
—Hiroshima survivor
What event from World War II does the excerpt describe?
A the dropping of the atomic bomb
B the Holocaust
C V-E Day
D D-Day
42. What did Hitler claim would be the “final solution to the Jewish problem”?
making them give up their religion
the Holocaust
kamikaze missions
forcing them to immigrate to North America