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Unit Two Review – Canada’s Physical Connections
Structure of the Earth
The four “spheres,” the crust, the mantle, the core (inner & outer)
You should…
 be able to describe each feature
 be able to compare the structure of the earth to that of an egg
Geological History of Earth
The four eras: Precambrian, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
You should…
 know what an era is
 be able to describe each era – the major events that occurred and the types of living things that would have been
Types of Rocks & The Rock Cycle
Igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, the rock cycle process
You should…
 be able to describe how each type of rock is made, what its name means, and examples of each
 know the following terms: magma, lava, sediments
 know the rock cycle process and be familiar with the diagram of it
Plate Tectonics
Plates of the Earth, Pangaea, Continental Drift Theory (Wegener), Plate Tectonics (Wilson), Plate Boundaries
You should…
know what a plate is
know what ridges, transform faults, and trenches are
be able to explain how we know the plates are currently moving
know what Pangaea is
be able to explain Wegener’s theory of Continental Drift and what four pieces of evidence prove it
be able to explain Tuzo’s theory of Plate Tectonics and what convection currents are
know the different types of plate boundaries
know what causes earthquakes and volcanoes and who studies them
be able to explain the future of continental drift – Pangaea Ultima
Forces of Change
Folding, faulting, wearing down forces
You should…
 know what folding and faulting are
 be able to explain the wearing down forces – weathering (chemical and mechanical) and erosion
Landforms, landform types, landform regions
You should…
know what a landform is
know what the three types of landform types are
know what Canada’s seven landform regions are
be able to describe the highlights of each landform region
Unit Two Review – Canada’s Physical Connections…continued
Glacier formation and movement, types of glaciers, physical impacts of glaciers
You should…
know when the last ice age was in Canada and Ontario
be able to describe how glaciers form and how they move
be able to describe the two types of glaciers and where in Canada each can be found
be able to define: u-shaped valleys, striations, till/till plain, spillways, moraines, drumlins, erratics, eskers, kettle
lakes, kames, isostatic rebound
Climate and Precipitation
Weather, climate, Canada’s climate, LOWERN, Climate Regions, Precipitation, Types of Precipitation
You should…
know the difference between weather and climate
be able to explain why Canada’s climate is so different depending on where you are in Canada
know each of the factors that affect climate (LOWERN) and be able to explain how each affects climate
know each of Canada’s climate regions and know the key highlights of each
know what precipitation is and examples of it
be able to explain the three different types of precipitation: relief, convectional, and frontal
be able to provide a diagram that demonstrates each of the three types of precipitation
Climate Graphs
How to make a climate graph, how to analyze a climate graph
You should…
 be able to create a climate graph with provided data
 be ale to analyse a climate graph and climate graph data
 know the different calculation for: average annual temperature, total precipitation, temperature range
Vegetation and Soil
What is soil made of, how vegetation changes with the temperature, soil profiles, leaching, calcification, vegetation regions
You should…
know what components soil is made up of
be able to explain how vegetation changes as the temperature changes
know what a soil profile is and be able to draw one
know what both leaching and calcification are, and in what type of environment each occurs
know each of the six vegetation regions in Canada and be able to explain the key highlights of each
Wilderness in Canada and Species at Risk
The value and characteristics of Canada’s wilderness, species at risk facts and classification, history of endangered species
You should…
know what “wilderness” is
know the three values of Canada’s wilderness
know the four characteristics of Canada’s wilderness
know what a “species” is
be able to explain how species at risk are classified
be able to identify extinct species and describe the history of endangered species
Canada’s National Parks
National Park system of Canada, goals of Canada’s National Park system, different types and uses of parks, ecological integrity
You should…
be able to describe Canada’s National Park system
know what the goals are of Canada’s National Park System
know how National Parks are classified in Canada
know the difference between the different types parks and park uses
know what ecological integrity is
Unit Two Review – Canada’s Physical Connections…continued
know which was Canada’s first national park
know which is Canada’s largest national park