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History of Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Mesopotamia wikipedia , lookup

Civilizations: Hebrews, Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians,
Mesopotamia Neo-Babylonians
tribute: wealth sent from one country or ruler to another as a sign that the
other is superior
siege: a military blockade and attack on a city to force it to surrender
rabbi: a religious teacher who studies and teaches others about Jewish law
Talmud: the collection of ancient Jewish writings that interpret the law of
the Torah
Exodus: the escape of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery
GeographyLand between two rivers: Tigris & Euphrates
H: moved to Canaan (near Mediterranean); migrated to Egypt-famine
food supply
S: Upper class: priests, landowners, government officials
S: Common class: merchants & craftspeople
S: Lowest class: slaves
Government Kings in Sumer
Empires with famous kings: A, B, Assyrians, NB
H: leaders & prophets: Abraham, Moses
H: kings: David, Solomon
Polytheism: belief in more than one god
Monotheism: worshipping just one god, as did the Hebrews: ancient
Israelites who lived to the NE of Egypt, in Canaan, from about 1800
B.C.E. – 70 C.E. During time of famine, migrated to Egypt; left in
S: Ziggurats: an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower
H: Torah: the first five books of the Jewish Bible
The Arts
Assyrians: bas-reliefs: a sculpture in which the image projects out from a
flat surface
S: Wheel, irrigation systems, plow, arch
Assyrians: aqueducts: a pipe or channel that brings water from distant
S: pictographs: a symbol that stands for an object; cuneiform: writing that
uses wedge-shaped characters
B: Hammurabi’s Code of Laws: based on the word of the gods as well as
Hammurabi’s authority. Written on a stele and placed in a temple for all
to see. Very detailed. Covered: trade; payment for work; marriage;
divorce; punishments for stealing, causing injury and other crimes.
Applied to all. Different punishments for different classes.
EconomyCity of Babylon = trade center: with people all along Persian Gulf (Kush,
trading groups from Egypt?). Grain & cloth for wood, gold, silver, gems,
LeadershipSargon of Akkad: first ruler of Akkadian Empire. Kept control by
destroying city walls so could not rebel; replaced disloyal governors with
own men; 1st king to demand sons rule after him.
B: Hammurabi: united Mesopotamia as king. Best known for his Code of
Laws. Built roads; created postal service; kept irrigation systems working
Other points
of interest
NB: Nebuchadnezzar II: expanded empire; inner & outer wall around city
of Babylon to keep safe
H: Abraham: taught just one God; covenant with God-favor descendants
if family always honor God; tested-willing to sacrifice son
H: Moses: led Hebrews out of Egypt; began 40 yr. round-about journey
back to Canaan; at Mount Sinai received 10 Commandments-basic
Jewish laws
Hanging Gardens of Babylon: gardens decorating Nebuchadrezzar II’s
palace. Lush greenery hung from rooftops down over walls, and was kept
fresh by a watering system. Legend: planted for wife, who was from the
mountains, to keep her from being homesick.
Jewish Diaspora: the scattering of the Jewish people to many lands