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Global Perspectives Learning Outcomes
1. A market economy is a system in which the production is owned and operated for profit.
2. A command economy is a system in which the production is controlled by the government.
3. A command economy does not allow the private ownership of industry.
4. A mixed economy is a system in which the production is a combination of both private and state-run businesses.
5. A traditional economy is a system in which production is the result of ritual, habit, and custom.
6. Gross domestic product, GDP, is one indicator needed to determine the level of development of a country.
7. Social, demographic, and economic indicators distinguish less developed countries from developed countries.
8. Most countries are considered developing.
9. Gross domestic product is a country’s total output production in a year.
10. An embargo is the suspension of trade with another country.
11. Africa’s economy depends on its abundant mineral resources.
12. The high availability of natural resources, energy, high literacy rates, and high GDP all contribute to increased
levels of development.
13. Developing nations have a lower number of adults able to read.
14. Developing countries lack industrial opportunities.
15. The Middle East’s economy depends on petroleum.
16. Some nation’s economies depend on world demand for their goods to succeed.
17. Mexico, Vietnam, Iraq, India and Rwanda are considered developing countries.
18. Germany, Israel, and the Ukraine are considered developed countries.
19. Latin American countries have a hard time attracting investments from world groups because of their political
20. A democracy is a government in which the people vote directly, and represent themselves.
21. A republic is a government in which the people have the right to vote for leaders to represent them.
22. A theocracy is a government in which priests and religious leaders serve as kings.
23. Communism is a government in which there is a common ownership of property.
24. An absolute monarchy is a government in which kings have complete authority over the government and the
25. Anarchy is the lack of a government system.
26. Totalitarianism is a government in which a single-party dictator controls every aspect of daily life.
27. An oligarchy is a government in which a small group exercises control.
28. A constitutional monarchy is a government with both a legislative body and ceremonial figureheads.
29. Totalitarian governments would most likely develop in a country where there is economic and social instability.
30. Minority groups, such as the Kurds, Tamils, and Sikhs have their major goal as to obtain self-rule and economic
control of their homelands.
31. Racial segregation in South Africa was called Apartheid.
32. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are monotheistic, which is the belief in only one god.
33. Polytheism is the belief in more than one god.
34. Animism is a belief that inanimate objects and natural events have spirits.
35. Animism is practiced mainly in Africa.
36. Christianity is a religion in which the members worship in a church.
37. Christianity is a religion in which the Bible is the sacred text.
38. Christianity is a religion in which Jesus was the prophet.
39. Christianity is mainly practiced in Latin America and Europe.
40. Judaism is a religion in which the members worship in a synagogue or temple.
41. Judaism is a religion in which the Torah is the sacred text.
42. Judaism is a religion in which God is the deity.
43. The main center for Judaism is Israel.
44. Islam is a religion in which the members worship in a mosque.
45. Islam is a religion in which the Koran is the sacred text.
46. Islam is a religion in which Muhammad was the prophet.
47. Islam is a religion in which Allah is the deity.
48. Islam is the largest practiced religion in the Middle East.
Muslims aspire to follow the five pillars of faith.
The five pillars of faith include daily prayer, faith, fasting, pilgrimage, and alms giving.
Mecca is considered to be a holy city by Muslims.
Jerusalem is a city that is considered holy by Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Hinduism is a religion in which the members worship in a temple.
Hinduism is a religion in which the Veda is the sacred text.
Hinduism is a religion in which Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the deities.
Hindus established the caste system, which is a set of rules for each individual of society.
Hinduism is mainly practiced in South and East Asia.
Buddha means the enlightened one.
Buddhists believe in nirvana, which is becoming one with the universe again.
Buddhism is mainly practiced in South and East Asia.
Buddha was born with the name Siddhartha Gautama.
Confucianism is an ancient philosophy that had the greatest influence on the development of social order.
Religious and ethnic differences are two factors that most limit the development of national unity.
Like the Israelis and Palestinians, many minority groups fight for a homeland and to obtain self-rule.
The status of Asian women is that they are expected to dedicate their lives to their families.
National unity is most limited in countries like Ireland, India, Lebanon, and Bosnia-Herzegovina because of
religious and ethnic differences.
67. The location of water is most responsible for the population distribution and civilization centers in the Middle East
and around the world.
68. Major rivers are used for both irrigation and transportation.
69. Monsoons help determine the types of agricultural products grown in South and East Asia.
70. The geography of a region will most affect its people’s types of occupations.
71. The availability of fresh water has determined population centers around the world and originally in the Middle
East civilizations.
72. Africa’s diverse geography most contributes to its diverse cultures.
73. Jerusalem, Baghdad, Persian Gulf, and the Suez Canal are located in the Middle East.
74. The Sahara Desert, Nile River and Johannesburg are located in the Africa.
75. Himalaya Mountains, Gobi Desert, and Tokyo are located in Asia.
76. Calcutta, Mt. Everest, Ganges and Yangtze Rivers are located in Asia.
77. Berlin, Thames River, and Rhine River are located in Europe.
78. Madrid, Alps, and Pyrenees Mountains are located in Europe.
79. Brasilia, Caracas, and Andes Mountains are located in Latin America.
80. The Amazon River is located in Latin America.
81. Ethiopia and Somalia are located in Africa.
World Organizations
82. The European Union, EU, is an organization in which European countries integrate the economies of member
states, and promote cooperation and policy coordination of policies.
83. The organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, is an international corporation primarily concerned
with regulating crude oil prices for its member states. It gives member nations more influence in world markets.
84. The North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, is a free trade agreement among Canada, Mexico, and the
United States to eliminate tariffs to support free trade.
85. The World Trade Organization, WTO, is an agreement by over one hundred countries that aims to liberalize trade
through multilateral agreements.
86. The Palestinian Liberation Organization, PLO, is an organization created to establish a homeland for Palestinian
87. The United Nations, UN is an international peacekeeping organization.
88. AIDS is most prevalent in Africa.
89. Idaho has several ethnics groups, but one in particular, the Basques, comes from the Pyrenees Mountain in Spain
and France.
90. The largest ethnic group in Idaho is the Latinos.