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Appetizers (Causes)
Choose 1
Make a mind map of causes of World War I.
Write a news article on the causes.
Create a comic strip on the causes.
Write an interview with an eyewitness to the death of the ArchDuke Francis Ferdinand.
All must include 4 long term causes and the immediate cause.
Main Course
Choose 1
1. Make a World War I propaganda poster for any of the Allied or
Central Powers.
2. In a well developed paragraph, explain a given propaganda
poster. Describe the poster and explain what technique is
being used.
Choose 1
1. In three drawings, illustrate and label the U-boat problem.
2. Recreate the Zimmerman telegram
3. As Wilson, write Wilson’s speech to Congress explaining why
we should declare war against the Central Powers.
Choose 1(Include 5 specific facts.)
1. Create a postcard from the trenches. Include a picture and a
2. Write a letter home from the trenches.
3. Write a song or poem about army life in the trenches.
Choose 1
1. Make a trading card for two different people you have learned
about. Include a picture, biography information, and their
role/accomplishments in WWI.
2. Create a political cartoon of the Sedition and Espionage Acts.
3. Create a quiz on the Home front. Include an answer key. You
must have a least one open- ended question.
Choose 1
1. Complete a map of Europe before and after World War I
2. As Hitler, write a diary entry on why you want revenge on the
Allied Powers.
3. Create a mission statement for the League of Nations.
Late Night Snack
1. Answer the question in one good power paragraph- How did
World War I lead to World War II?