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Regions of Georgia Unit Test
Important Vocabulary Words for EVERY Habitat:
1. organism- a living thing
2. environment- all the living and nonliving things that surround an organism
3. habitat- the home of a living thing
4. adaptation- a structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment. If a
habitat changes, animals must adapt to the changes or they will die.
Mountains Habitat:
deciduous trees lose their leaves during the winter. Hickory and oak trees are
Vocabulary: deciduous.(Think D=dead leaves, deciduous)
coniferous trees keep their leaves (or needles) all year. Pine trees are coniferous.
camouflage- an adaptation that allows an organism to blend into its environment
valley- land in-between mountains. The valleys have the best soil for farming
because it is very rich.
-Mountains have a cold, wet climate. The air cools as it rises up the mountains.
Information: -Georgia mountains are in the northern part of the state.
Examples of -Bobcats have large paws and squirrels store food inside of holes to get ready for
Plant/Animal the winter.
Adaptations: -Bears hibernate because it is hard to find food in the winter. This helps them
save energy.
-Some flowers have bright colors in order to attract animals that will spread pollen.
-Some animals such as earthworms and ants have the ability to dig tunnels to stay
safe and store food.
Coastal Plain Habitat:
Plain - a flat region of sandy, well drained land.
-This region has hot summers and mild winters. Peanuts and cotton grow in the rich
soil here.
- The coastal plain makes up the southern half of Georgia.
Examples of - Armadillos, deer, wild boar, rattlesnakes, gopher tortoises, and squirrels make
their home in this region.
Adaptations: - Live oak trees and pine trees grow here.
Wetland Habitat:
wetland: an area where water covers soil for most of the year.
-Wetlands are very important! Wetlands are filters and clean dirty water. They
Information: also act as sponges and soak up extra water. This helps prevent floods from
-The soil in wetlands does not have many nutrients. Plants must adapt.
-Wetlands can have salty or fresh water.
Examples of -Pitcher plants must catch small insects for nutrients because wetlands have soil
Plant/Animal that does not have many nutrients. (Think about the video that we watched of the
Adaptations: pitcher plant.)
- Alligators have powerful tails and webbed feet that help them swim.
Barrier Island/Atlantic Ocean Habitat:
brackish water- a mixture of salt and fresh water
Vocabulary: Freshwater-water that contains almost no salt. Most ponds, rivers, and streams are
freshwater habitats.
Saltwater- water that is very salty. Oceans and seas are saltwater habitats.
Drought- When it does not rain in a long time and water habitats can start drying
up. Animals and plants may lose their habitat.
-Most ocean animals live in the shallow waters because there is more sunlight.
Information: -Many of the lakes that are in Georgia were made by people.
-The ocean that Georgia touches is the Atlantic Ocean.
Examples of - Water lilies- leaves have air inside that help them float on the surface.
Plant/Animal -Sting ray- Can swim quickly by waving his flat body, bury himself if he is scared,
Adaptations: and his tail can sting
-Fish have gills to help get oxygen from the water.
-The right whale has lungs so it must come to the surface to breathe.
Piedmont Habitat:
succession- the process in which one group of organisms replace another
Vocabulary: migrate- to move to another place
-The Piedmont was once a part of a long mountain range. Over time it was worn
Information down into hills.
- The Piedmont has red clay soil. Plants must be able to live in poor soil to live in
the Piedmont.
- The Piedmont used to have many trees such as large pine trees. Farmers came in
and cut down all of the trees. There were no longer any roots to keep the good soil
in place so it all washed away. After the large trees were cut down new plants
such as shrubs and hardy grasses began to grow. This is an example of succession.
Eventually taller trees started growing again.
- How do tall, leafy trees make this habitat cooler? These trees provide shade
which cools the habitat down.
-Many waterfalls are located in the Piedmont along the fall line.
Examples of -A fence lizard uses camouflage to hide.
Plant/Animal - Many birds migrate to Georgia during the winter to find food.
Adaptations: - Pine trees have waxy, needle-like leaves to help them hold in water during sunny,
dry weather.