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Dear Parent/Guardian:
In my instruction, I use motion pictures to supplement the learning that takes place in class. I believe these films do an excellent job
of illustrating the historical concepts that we will be discussing, and the students really enjoy seeing these connections. During the
course of the school year, I will be showing either clips or all of these films, and would like to ask you to sign a permission slip stating
that you give your son/daughter permission to watch the following films. The films range from PG ratings to R ratings, yet, I believe
all have tremendous academic value. Please consider signing each film, designating that you give permission for your son/daughter to
watch the following film in my class. Feel free to contact me for any questions, comments, or concerns. Students who do not obtain a
parent signature will not be penalized. However, they will have to stay in the school’s Alternative Learning Center through the
duration of the film, where they will be given an alternative assignment.
“I am aware that the following film will be shown in Mr. Nakamura’s World History (Honors) Class, and I give permission for
________________________ (student name) to watch this film in that class.”
The Patriot—“Benjamin Martin is drawn into the American revolutionary war against his will when a brutal British commander kills
his son.” Rated R for strong war violence.
Parent Signature/Initials: ________________________________
Gladiator-Gladiator is a 2000 American-British epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott, starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin
Phoenix. Rated R for intense graphic combat, brief language, and strong war violence. Parent Signature/Initials:________________
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World—During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and
crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America. Rated PG-13 for intense battle sequences,
related images, and brief language. Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
The African Queen—“In Africa during WW1, a gin-swilling riverboat owner/captain is persuaded by a strait-laced missionary to use
his boat to attack an enemy warship.” Excellent depiction of Imperialism in Africa. Starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine
Hepburn. Unrated. Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Hotel Rwanda—Don Cheadle stars in the true-life story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who housed over a thousand Tutsis
refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda. Rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images and brief strong
language. Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Gallipoli—“Bleak, anti-war drama about ill-fated WWI invasion.” The Australians must overtake a beachfront held by the Turks.
Starring Mel Gibson. Rated PG.
Parent Signature: __________________________________
Schindler’s List–Steven Spielberg-directed. “Oskar Schindler uses Jews to start a factory in Poland during the war. He witnesses the
horrors endured by the Jews, and starts to save them.” Rated R for Holocaust violence.
Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Saving Private Ryan—Steven Spielberg-directed. “Based on a World War II drama. US soldiers try to save their comrade,
paratrooper Private Ryan, whose stationed behind enemy lines.” Violent, yet accurate, depiction of D-Day and the invasion at
Normandy. Rated R for war violence.
Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Life is Beautiful—“A Jewish man has a wonderful romance with the help of his humour, but must use that same quality to protect his
son in a Nazi death camp. Both tragic and warm, it captures the spread of Nazism in Europe, as well as the Holocaust.” With
Subtitles. Rated PG-13 for Holocaust violence.
Parent Signature: ____________________________
Pearl Harbor—An account of that fateful morning on December 7 th, 1941, a “day that will live in infamy.” Rated PG-13 for war
Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Band of Brothers-An HBO mini-series depicting the story of Easy Company of the US Army 101st Airborne division and their
mission in World War II Europe from Operation Overlord through V-J Day.
Rated R for war violence
Parent Signature/Initials: __________________________________
Mr. Nakamura
World History Instructor
Descriptions of films are taken from the Internet Movie Database (