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Local static reflexes
Stretch reflex
Positive supportive reflex
Negative supportive reflex
Segmental Static reflexes
Crossed extensor reflex
General Static reflexes
1. Atitudinal Reflexes
Tonic labyrinthine reflex
Tonic neck reflex
Long loop stretch reflex
3. Righting reflexes
a. Labyrinthine righting reflex
b. Body righting reflex(Body on head righting
c. Neck righting reflex (Neck on body righting
d. Body on body righting reflex
e. Limbs righting reflex f. Optical righting reflex
Vestibular placing reaction
Visual placing reaction
Stretch reflex
Stimulus Stretch
Receptor muscle spindle
Response  contraction of antigravity muscles
Integrating center in CNSspinal cord and midbrain
Positive supporting reaction
Stimulus contact of sole of foot with the ground
Receptor touch and pressure receptors
Response  contraction of extensors and flexors of
the limb
Integrating center in CNS spinal cord
Negative supporting reaction
Stimulus stretch of extensors muscles
Receptorproprioceptors in extensors muscles
Response disappearance of positive supporting
Integrating center in CNS spinal cord
Segmental Static reflexes
Crossed extensor reflex
Stimulus painful stimulus
Response contraction of flexors of ipsilateral side
and contraction of extensors of contralateral side
Integrating center in CNSspinal cord
General static reflex
Attitudinal reflexes
Tonic labyrinthine reflex
Stimulus Gravity (alteration of position of head
relative to horizontal plane)
ReceptorOtolith organ
Response  extensors rigidity
Integrating center in CNSvestibular and reticular
nuclei in medulla oblongata
Tonic neck reflex
Stimulus stretch of neck muscles due to alteration
of position of head relative to body
Receptormuscle spindles/ pacinian corpuscles in
ligaments of cervical joint
Response  flexion of forelimbs and extension of
hind limbs on ventroflexion of head & vice versa.
Flexion of ipsilateral limb and extension of
contralateral limb on turning the neck sideways
Integrating center in CNS medulla oblongata
Long loop stretch reflex
Stimulus stretch of the muscles due to swaying of
Receptormuscle spindle/ visual receptor (long
loop reflex)
Response  continuous moment to moment
corrections of sways which occurs during standing
Integrating center in CNSspinal cord
Righting reflexes
Labyrinthine righting reflex
Receptor otolith organ
Response brings head in upright position
Integrating center in CNSmid brain
Body righting reflex (body on head righting reflex)
Stimulus pressure on side of body
Response righting of head
Integrating center in CNSmid brain
Neck righting reflex (neck on body righting reflex)
Stimulus stretch of neck muscles
Receptormuscle spindles
Response  righting of thorax and shoulders and
then pelvis
Integrating center in CNSmid brain
Body on body righting reflex
Stimulus pressure on the side of body
Response righting of body even when righting of
head is prevented
Integrating center in CNSmid brain
Limb righting reflex
Stimulus stretch of limb muscles
Receptormuscle spindles
Response  appropriate positioning of limbs
Integrating center in CNSmid brain
Optical righting reflex
Stimulus visual cues
Response  righting of head
Integrating center in CNScerebral cortex