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Sharks Exploration
Review of Shark Anatomy: Label the shark with its correct parts. Use your background knowledge to complete
labeling below.
Shark Basics (scroll down, find the information, and answer the questions below)
Site One:
True or False. Sharks are older than dinosaurs.
2. What characterizes an elasmobranch AND what are some examples of this type of animals?
3. What is the difference between an elasmobranch and bony fish?
4. Explain why we don’t find many fossils of sharks?
5. How long can the largest fish in the world live for?
6. What does a sharks’ skin feel like?
7. What is the advantage to having their scales point all in one direction?
8. What are 2 similarities between a sharks’ eye and a human eye?
9. What are 2 differences between a sharks’ eye and a human eye?
10. What part of the shark fossilizes the best?
11. What is the advantage of a shark’s countershading?
12. What is the fastest shark and how fast can it swim?
13. What is the largest fish and how big is it?
14. What is the smallest fish and how small is it?
Shark Biology (scroll down, find the information, and answer the questions below)
Site Two:
15. What are 3 ways shark can maintain neutral buoyancy?
16. What do we call baby sharks?
17. What is an example of a shark that can live in freshwater?
18. True or False. For most sharks their “tongue” is useless.
19. Where are taste receptors located and what is their function?
20. What is meant by sharks are cold blooded?
21. What organs do the sharks use to catch their prey?
22. Why do white sharks attack surfers?
23. What type of hunter is a great white shark?
24. How do tiger sharks hunt for their prey?
25. How do bull sharks hunt for their prey?
26. Why are sharks called apex predators?
27. Why do basking sharks swim with their mouths open?
28. What is the advantage of hammerhead sharks broad head shape?
29. How did a cookiecutter shark get its name?
Shark Attacks (scroll down, find the information, and answer the questions below)
Site Three:
30. What three types of sharks have been linked to shark attacks?
31. How many people are attacked each year by sharks?
32. Why have shark attacks increased over time?
33. What is the difference between provoked and unprovoked shark attacks?
34. What are the three types of unprovoked shark attacks?
35. Read through the different ways to prevent being attacked by a shark. List the top 2 you will always
Site Four:
Looking at the data table and map answer the following questions?
36. Which states have had the least amount of total shark attacks?
37. Which state has had the most amount of total shark attacks?
38. How many total shark attacks have been recorded in VA since 1670? _____ What year did the last one
39. Use a little math (you can do it, use the computer’s calculator) to calculate the percent of total attacks in
the USA that were fatal? _______
Site Five:
Click on each question listed and answer the following questions:
40. Aquatic Recreationists Advice:
True or False. You should always swim in groups.
True or False. It is safer to swim at night than during the day.
True or False. You should tickle a shark if you see it.
41. Diver Advice:
True or False. If you see a shark in the water you are going to be attacked.
Where is the best place you should hit a shark if being attacked? ______________
True or False. If inside the shark’s mouth, you should play dead.
42. Menstruation and Sharks:
True or False. Sharks can detect menstruation blood in the water.
Have there been more male or female shark attacks? _______________
43. Color of Apparel:
What types of colors should you wear to avoid being sighted by sharks? ________________
Varieties of Sharks
Site Six:
44. Look through the list, what family do most sharks belong to? __________________________
45. Look through the list and click on any 3 sharks and fill out the information below:
Shark One
One Common Name:
Scientific Name:
What geographic areas would you find these sharks?
Where in the ocean would you find these sharks? (habitat)
What is the average length of these sharks?
List 2 interesting facts about these sharks:
Shark Two
One Common Name:
Scientific Name:
What geographic areas would you find these sharks?
Where in the ocean would you find these sharks (habitat)?
What is the average length of these sharks?
List 2 interesting facts about these sharks:
Shark Three
One Common Name:
Scientific Name:
What geographic areas would you find these sharks?
Where in the ocean would you find these sharks (habitat)?
What is the average length of these sharks?
List 2 interesting facts about these sharks:
Shark Conservation
Site Seven:
46. What do Asian fisherman hunt sharks for?
47. What is one main reason why it is important to protect sharks?