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The War in Europe, Africa and Asia
World War II was truly a war that was fought all over the world. It was fought on land, sea and in the air. It was fought in Western and
Eastern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.
Today in class and as we go through this outline work on completing the following chart. You will need the information from your chart
to participate in class and for your next exam. Use the specified websites and your textbook. For each event, place the general dates and
the combatants in the chart with the battle, identify the general location in the “Where” box. Fill in the “Description” box with a brief
factual description of the event. Fill in the “Significance” box with the event’s importance. Please put everything into your own words.
Do not copy and paste!
One of the events has been completed for you. Please model your answers on the completed event.
Suggested Websites
War in the Pacific:
War in Europe:
Battle of the Bulge and D-Day:
The War in Europe and Africa
The Battle of the
The Battle of
Operation Torch
The Italian Campaign
Soviet Union
North Africa
Description of Event
German offensive u-boat attack on America’s
east coast. Aim was to prevent food and war
materials from reaching Great Britain and
Soviet Union.
Germany was originally winning as they sank
many of our ships. With eventual use of
convoy system and new technology, we
located and destroyed many German u-boats.
By mid-1943 the tide of Battle of Atlantic had
turned in favor of Allies.
German offensive attack in the Soviet Union.
Aim was to capture oil fields and destroy
Stalingrad, ( a soviet city) major industrial
German army was originally winning. Stalin
ordered Soviet army to defend city at all costs.
During winter, Soviets drove across frozen
land and surrounded German army. German
army surrendered
Allied offensive attack. During Battle of
Stalingrad, Stalin urged Allies to open second
front in Europe to divert German troops.
Churchill and Roosevelt instead launched
invasion on Axis-controlled North Africa
commanded by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.
Allies were victorious
Allied offensive attack against Germany via
Significance of Event
Use of technology (sonar, radar and ability to
produce hundreds of ships a month) helped
America turn the tide of the Battle and
eventually win.
Despite Soviet victory, they lost 1,100,000
soldiers – more than all American deaths
during the entire war. This Soviet victory
marked a turning point in the war. From that
point on, Soviet army began to move westward
toward Germany
Allies are now in control of the North African
shores. They were victorious when they were
skeptical that they had enough troops to
launch a second front.
Patton (US) and Montgomery (GB) are the
allied leaders. Their egos will conflict in Italy.
The Allies freed Italy (1945) despite Hitler’s
Italy. Allies captured Sicily. Hitler fought very
hard in Italy (Anzio) to stop the Allies there
rather than fight on German soil. This was one
of the hardest battles the Allies fought.
Operation Overlord /
Allied offensive to invade France and free
Western Europe from the Nazis. Commander
of Operation = Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.
US, British and Canadian troops launched on
D-Day (June 6, 1944). Land, air and sea attack.
Fighting on Normandy Beach and Omaha
The Battle of the
V-E Day
Very bloody battle. Eventually France was
German offensive. Aim was to split (create a
bulge in) Allied supply lines and recapture
Belgian port of Antwert.
Hitler recognized defeat and committed
suicide. Third Reich surrendered to Gen.
efforts at the Battle of Anzio.
Mussolini was removed from power
Black air squadron – the Tuskegee Airmen and
black infantry division, Buffaloe Soldiers rose to
prominence during this campaign.
Extremely bloody operation. Considered a
turning point in War because of liberation of
France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Gen. George Patton is used as a decoy.
“Saving Private Ryan”
Hitler’s last ditch effort (failed final attack)to
defeat Allies. Hitler’s army lost soldiers and
weapons that they could not replace and
ended up retreating. This lead to the liberation
of the death camps.
May 8, 1945, unconditional surrender of the
Third Reich.
War in Europe was over
FDR died before V-E Day (Truman became
The War in the Pacific
Bataan Death March
The Battle of Midway
Pacific Island
Japanese offensive against Midway Island
(NW of Hawaii). American surprise naval
attack resulted in substantial destruction of
the enemy’s fleet. Americans were able to
break Japan’s code
Considered the avenging of Pearl Harbor.
Allied victory that took out a large amount of
Japanese equipment. Turning point in Pacific
War. Soon the Allies began “island hopping”
Island by island they won back territory back
from Japan.
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Iwo Jima
Pacific Island
Allied offensive to capture strategic island in
Pacific. Very bloody and deadly battle. Allied
The Battle for
Pacific Island
Hiroshima and
V-J Day
Allied offensive in Island Hopping campaign
to get close to Japan. Japan used kamikaze
attacks on Allies. Many Japanese military
dead. Allied victory
Atomic bombs used to avoid costly and
deadly invasion of Japan. Truman warned
Japan to surrender or face “prompt and utter
destruction” 2 bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man
dropped. 200,000 people died as result
Emperor Hirohito accepted defeat after US
dropped atomic bombs.
Island critical to US as base from which heavily
loaded bombers might reach Japan. Most
casualties to that Point in battle in Pacific.
Famous photo of “East Company” hoisting US
flag atop Mount Suribachi
Okinawa was last island that stood between
the Allies and a final assault on Japan. The
battle itself was a foretaste of what the Allies
imagined the final invasion of Japan would be
First use of atomic weapon. Severe loss of life .
Moral implications. Led to Japan’s surrender
End of WWII
This next part is to be filled out in class as Mr. Sarajian gives his lecture.
This chart will be helpful as you take notes. This is not HW, however, I
suggest you complete it fully in order to be successful on your next exam.
Wannsee Conference
Tehran Conference
Yalta Conference
(where is the
Who was at the Conference
Significance of Event/
What was accomplished
Potsdam Conference
In addition to the two charts above, here is your outline. Fill out this outline
as Sarajian gives notes in class.
Pearl Harbor
What do you know about WWII…what words come to mind.
Pearl Harbor
Kimmel & Short
Operation Overlord
NUKE..the A-Bomb
Iwo Jima
What are the essential Questions for WWII
Did FDR allow PH to get us into war?
Why did Japan Bomb us? Why the sneak attack?
Should FDR have done more to save the Jews faster?
If the US had entered the war sooner, could we have prevented as much death and destruction?
Did we have to drop the A-Bomb to end the war?
How did the end of WWII shape the next 50 years?
Did Hitler really think he could conquer the world? Why did so many follow Hitler?
Did FDR allow Pearl Harbor to happen?
Did we benefit from the war?
(the above might eventually be essay questions…)
Pearl Harbor
Why did our relationship w/Japan deteriorate? What two things led to this?
1. Japan invade of China and IndoChina we were allies with China
2. We set up an Embargo…we stopped trading Oil with them. As an industrialized nation, they needed oil and Iron and they were mad!
3. Our goal was to stop them from invading China.
4. Japan promises to stop if we lift the Embargo…FDR did not!
5. Japan wanted us to appease them
Appeasement-we spoke about this w./Nazi’s and Munich Pact (w/England and France)…How does it relate to US/Japan…..Japan
offered to stop at Indochina if we would end the embargo…
Communication/Technology-how did this affect Pearl Harbor
1-we didn’t get the 14-part note completely
2-we didn’t transmit all info to commanders at PH
3-remember the midget sub that no one thought anything about
4-the planes that people thought were ours at first.
1. Lack of communication
2. Lack of preparedness
3. Hints were ignored
4. We created the Dept. of Homeland Security to share information.
Stories from Pearl Harbor…
o Musician - who swallowed all the oil and was trapped under water for 36 hours.
o Serving together on Boat
o 30 sets of brothers
o Memorial today
How many families lost all their sons?
 2 new regulations were passed stating that brothers could not serve on the same ship/unit together
sole-survivor policy – “Saving Private Ryan”, last surviving son was pulled from battle and sent home
US perspective
Psychological/Physical Scars
The way men/women died
Bring a divided nation together
VOTE-NEARLY unanimous in Congress
Men/Women roles
Everyone joins in - enlisting!!!
Conspiracy/Non Conspiracy/Had Warning
BLAME-Everyone wants to blame someone
o Everyone NEEDS to blame people
Why Was Our Anger Towards Japanese Citizens of US different than towards other ethnic groups like the Italians and the Germans???
It was on our turf- Pearl Harbor attack was on our turf!
We were embarrassed
Sneak attack everyone is under suspicion
Race-not fighting people who look like us
Japanese/Chinese – 1941- we grouped all Japanese and Chinese together…we were ignorant
Oriental-Asian we didn’t know difference
Internment- difference w/Japanese vs. Germans?
Remember those Japanese that were put in camps were AMERICAN Citizens!
We justified this by stating that it was for their own safety….
Japanese Perspective
The Japanese felt some dishonor after Pearl Harbor…
Many Japanese were upset because of the Timing of attack vs. sneak attack
Japanese fighters felt that the enemy should never be attacked while “sleeping”
Warn of attack…Decl. of War…Then attack
Yamamoto-his goal was to cripple us for 6 mos. How do you beat a stronger foe?
Bomb PH to negotiate peace.
9/11 Parallels
Patriotism (Pat Tillman leaves NFL to enlist)
Racism (anti Arabs---we even beat up Indians w/Turbans-what do we know?
How do they differ?
Japan a country-Al Qaeda?
Totally directed at Civilians
Executive Director PH Memorial-time to find an alternative solution
Forgive or not?
Oral history
I-Clip of General George S. Patton
“no b------ ever won a war by dying for his country; he won that war by making the other poor, dumb, b------ die for his country.”
II-The War
Where do we stand.?
Everyone in the US was behind the war.
America wants planned to destroy the Axis Powers
Americans share Patton’s attitudeWe have never lost a war…
We will murder the Huns (Germans)…
Don’t be afraid, you will know what to do
Germany has conquered
½ Poland
Attaacking Great Britain every night
Germany’s (Hitler’s) plan to was to take over England…..asap…before US gets into the war.
Italy has conquered
½ Poland
Clip of Significance of War
Clip of Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of England
Inspirational leader
Short, fat, bald man, like to drink a lot
Famous quote… “If we can stand up to Hitler, the world will be free…but if we fail, the whole world will sink into the abyss of a new dark age”
1940-The Battle of Britain----
Famous quote… “This was their finest hour”
Famous quote… “We shall fight on the beaches, we will fight in the air, what kind of a people do they think we are??? We shall never surrender!”
So what is the “Blitzkreig?”
US - Roosevelt
CHINA – Chiang Kai-Shek (leader of the Chinese Nationalists)
FRANCE Resistance- (but France has been taken over by Germany already…so they (France) are known as La Resistance an underground military force that helps Great
Britain and the Allies…led by Charles DeGaulle)
By 1942 the Soviet Union switched to the Allied powers!!!!
Axis Powers
ITALY - Mussolini (El Duce)
JAPAN – Emperor Hirohito & Military leader Tojo.
GERMANY- Hitler (Der Fuhrer) – An austrian painter – wrote “My Struggle” – committed suicide
French Vichy Govt. - the Govt. that was put into place in France by Germany…it is a “puppet government”
SOVIET UNION (1940) – Stalin
Truly a World War
WWII was truly a world war because the battles took place virtually everywhere...Hawaii, Asia, Europe, Africa, we mostly fought in the Pacific and the Atlantic Its effects
lasted till the 1990’s and beyond
WWI- fought mostly in Europe and the Atlantic only. Effects lasted till the 1930’s It made “the world safe for democracy” and was considered “The war to end all wars.”
The Effects of WWII was felt until the 1990’s.
The effect of WWI was felt only till the 30’s or until WWII.
Bookmark these sites please. (European Theatre Timeline) (Pacific Theatre Timeline)
Looking at WWII
1. What is war really about???
War is really about Land!!!!! Land is Power; Follow the Money!
The two ways to look at a war are through ….
The Political Objective
The Military Objective
The more land you own, the more power you have. Wars are often fought over land & power. Hitler wanted to control Europe. We had to stop Hitler and the Japanese. 90% of
Americans were in favor of the war.
The Strategies….
Germany-as fast as you can…Conquer as much as we can…Get England before US involved. Control North Africa
Japan-what can we get before US is ready to go again
England- Hang on
US-How many places can we fight?
What are the theatres? And who is fighting where?
European (include North Atlantic) Germany/Italy (remember they control France) vs. US/GB/La Resistance
Pacific Primarily Japan v. US/China (what’s going on in China???)
Hitler has violated his pact w/Stalin
Remember that was a relationship of convenience
What mistake will he make? Is it the same that Napoleon made? Is it the same the Kaiser made in WWI
You can’t attack Russia in the winter.
Two front wars can be disastrous.
2. Military and Political Aspects
When can a military objective come in conflict with a political/moral objective?
Looking at WWII from Military and Political aspects
Sometimes these conflict.
1. Roosevelt is an example- FDR knew politically he couldn’t get the US into the war before he knew everyone was behind it. But militarily he
wanted to get into the war. Militarily it was better for us to get in sooner but politically he had to wait…
2. Roosevelt is again another Example- did FDR let the military issues and objectives take precedence over freeing the Jews during the
3. Truman- The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is another example…Were we better off dropping the Nuke vs. a military operation in
Japan. Many feel that morally, dropping the bomb was a horrible thing.
Let’s look at some of the leaders first
Hitler o
Nazi leader of Germany
A dictator
Powerful speaker
War veteran
Wannasee Conference (Berlin)- Hitler calls together 15 German leaders
 The plan for the extermination of the Jews was decided upon here
Put them on trains, send them to camps, put them to work, then gas them.
Killed many in the Holocaust (6 million)
Nuremberg Laws- defined the citizenship and rights of the Jews in Germany
Appointed chancellor
He starts out by spying on the Nazi party and became enamored with them.
He was backed by German Industrialists
As a WWII leader
 He was able to trick France, the Soviets and Great Britain
 He convinces Japan to attack America
Adolf Hitler- Born in Austria, interest in Art when he was younger. He was in Jail in Munich and wrote the Munich Putsch and also wrote Meinkampf
(my struggle). In the military he was a corporal. (failed in school…. failed in the military) He eventually joined the Nazi party. His greatest skill was
persuasive speaking. Assured people he would get Germany out of the Depression. He believed in the Aryan Race. He exterminated the Jews and the
Gypsies. This was the “Final Solution.” The allies were closing in so …he committed suicide.
Hermann Goerring- He was in the German Air force (Luftwaffe) during WWI. He joined the Nazi party after WWI. He invented the Blitzkrieg on England. Captured by
the Allied forces. He was put on trial at the Nuremburg Trials, found guilty and killed himself.
Erwin Rommel- In 1915 he earned the Iron Cross, (a medal of honor) Rommel gave lectures, Hitler liked him and gave him command over the tanks.(Panzers) He was
defeated in El Alamein by Monte. He was caught trying to plot an overthrow of Hitler. Hitler found out and he committed suicide. Desert Fox. Did anyone see the
movie Valkyrie
Russia/Soviet Union
Stalin –
Stalin is friends with Lenin, the leader when the Soviet Union was formed.
Trotsky was the brains
Stalin was the muscle
When Lenin dies, the power struggle is between Stalin and Lenin
Lenin is Stalin’s friend but also his competition so he has him killed
Stain takes over the Soviet Union and spreads communism
Stalin and Hitler agree to not fight although they are enemies.
Stalin and Hitler both want Poland, eventually they split Poland.
Stalin and Hitler only got along because they both wanted Poland and didn’t want to fight
Eventually Hitler invades The Soviet Union
Stalin joins forces with the Allies
Joseph Stalin- Head of Communist Party in Soviet Union. Born in the country of Georgia. He took over after Lenin. He became the ruler of the Soviet Union.
(The Communist Party) He first sided with Hitler in WWII, but eventually went to the Allied side when Hitler turned on him and invaded Russia. He died of
natural causes. He was brutal to his enemies. If you did you were sent to Siberia. Roosevelt and Churchill hated him and he hated them. Churchill and Roosevelt
often disagreed over how much influence Stalin was given. He was considered to be as sick as Hitler.
Great Britain
Winston Churchill – mother was American. He has a strong tie biologically to America. He was offered citizenship after the war. He and Roosevelt had a great relationship.
He hated and distrusted Stalin. FDR had to referee. Before WWII he was Lord of the Admiralty. In WWII he was a member of Parliament. After they got rid of Chamberlain
he became the Prime Minister. He hated Stalin. He was a great speaker. Famous quote… “This is our finest hour” he was famous for holding up his fingers symbolizing V for
victory. After the war he gets removed from office and writes a book. Used the phrase “the Iron Curtain” in describing Soviet Union’s expansion into Eastern Europe and
spread of communism after end of World War II. Died 90 years old, stroke.
Field Marshall Montgomery- “Monty” Born in London. Went to military school. (Sandhurst) He was in charge of the British Expeditionary forces in Palestine. Then he was
in charge at the battle of El Alamein where he was victorious! First major victory in WWII for the Allies. (defeated Rommel) (Thought he was the greatest general ever. He
fought with Patton all the time; their ego’s were the problem.)
United States
FDR Franklin D. Roosevelt- 32nd president of the US. Known for fireside chats, went to Harvard, got us out of the Great Depression. President during WWII. Some
argue that he wanted the US to enter into WWII. He died from a cerebral hemorrhage 1 month before our victory in Europe. He was just elected into his 4th term as
George Marshall- became a soldier, fought in WWI, he taught at War College, Did not deliver the 14 part note quick enough. During WWII he arranged all of the allied
operations, he was the army chief of staff He was the military brains for Roosevelt. He told Roosevelt how the war should be fought. He organized all of the allies. He and
Eisenhower fought. He did not like Patton either. “The Organizer of Victory” He later became the Secretary of state and formulated plans for Europe’s postwar
Chester Nimitz –he and Douglass MacArthur signed the surrender document for the US from Japan. He led the Naval forces in the Pacific. Key figure in Battle of
Bull Halsey –A fleet admiral for the US navy was on the USS Missouri when Japan surrendered. He led the ships in the battle of Midway. He was a no nonsense guy. He
was critical to the success of Macarthur’s return from the Philippines.
Douglas MacArthur – born in 1880 in Arkansas, He was Eisenhower’s equal. He was in the Philippines. Famous for his speech “I shall return” He has film crews
following him. Know for having a corn cob pipe. Hated Eisenhower. Ego maniac. From a family of soldiers. After the war he along with Nimitz accepts Japans surrender
and he is put in charge of rebuilding Japan. He leaves them their dignity and helps them rebuild their economy. Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.
George S. Patton- Brilliant US Military leader known for daring battlefield maueuvers and public relations blunders off the battlefield. born in California. Graduated
from West Point. Fought in WWI. Mentored by John J. (Black Jack) Pershing in WWI; Pershing put him in first Tank Corps. Won battles in WWII, however lots of
people disliked him. Patton thought he was reincarnated from a soldier in Caesar’s army. He had a big ego. He thought it was his destiny to lead battles in WWII. He
hated Eisenhower. Eisenhower used Patton as a decoy. The Germans assumed that any invasion we would plan would include Patton, however Eisenhower led the
invasion of Normandy, not Patton which tricked the Germans. (D-Day) Eisenhower covered up some of the things he did. After the war, he died shortly after the war
ended in a car accident. (Conspiracy?) Public Relations nightmare which often slowed his advancement. Slapped soldier suffering from battle fatigue (now known as
PTSD) because he believed he was a coward. Famous for this quote: “No dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country; he won that war by making the other
poor dumb bastard die for his country”
James Doolittle- born in California, he enlisted as a flight cadet in WWI. 1 st war with planes being used. During WWII he was a leader in the air force. He led the first
attacks on Japan after Pearl Harbor. Attacking Japan entailed a lot of strategizing and it was a daring raid. The planes took off from carriers. Knew there wasn’t enough
fuel to get back; had to get to China. Many didn’t make it.
Dwight Eisenhower – went to West Point, he was the commander of the supreme allied forces. He was in charge of all the Allied forces in Europe. Marshall liked and
respected him, Patton & MacArthur hated him. He was an administrator, working at a desk. He had never been out in the field with the men fighting as General. That is
why Patton and MacArthur did not respect him. He did do his job well! Had to balance military and political objectives as well as balance all allies (keep Monty and
Patton both happy).After the war, he runs NATO, and then he was elected President.
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (alliance made after WWII)
Harry Truman – Became President after Roosevelt’s sudden death. Had only been Vice President for one month, knew nothing about the Atomic Bomb or post war
plans for the Allies. He had to fill the shoes of Roosevelt and was not prepared, had to learn a lot quickly. A man of great character. Took responsibility with the phrase
“The buck stops here” He made the decision to drop the atomic bomb.
Emperors of Japan are considered to be God-like
Tutored by his grandfather
The power in Japan came from the Military and the Military leader was TOJO.
Hirohito was a quiet man who did not want to go to war with the US.
After the war there was a big controversy over whether or not we let him stay in power. He stayed in power as the figurehead leader of Japan.
Germany and Japan became two of our biggest allies after the war.
The only thing we required was that he denounce that he was God-like.
Hirohito- Emperor of Japan educated in Europe.(Gave him exposure to other cultures, especially the West.) Even though he was the emperor, the military leaders were
running the country. After WWII, when Japan lost, (they surrendered), Hirohito remained Emperor but he did not have any power. The US ran the country and they
eventually they had a democratic election. IF he had been removed by Americans we would have removed the symbol of their country. We didn’t want to remove the
dignity the Japanese had. (We learned from our mistake with Germany. We didn’t want a Hitler to rise to power again)
Yamamoto – father was a school master. Went to a naval school in Japan. Went to Harvard. He liked America and didn’t want to go to war with us b/c Japan didn’t have
the resources. (Japan wanted China, not us) He wanted to knock us out quick to give himself a lead (so he planned the attack on pearl harbor) b/c we would be crippled for
6 months. If we were crippled Japan could take over China easily (so they thought) After the attack the Americans made it a top priority to have him killed. His plane was
shot down by American pilots. “Tora,Tora,Tora”
Tojo – Before the war, he went to military school and taught there. His role in WWII, he was the war minister and then became Prime Minister. He led the Japanese War
effort. He gave the OK for Pearl Harbor. The Americans captured him. He tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful. We saved him, made him well, put him on trial,
found him guilty and then executed him.
DeGaulle –
the leader of the French Forces
He organized the french fighters outside of France
Part of the LaResistance
He communicated with the French resistance fighters in France
He helped make D-Day a successful attack
He worked with the Americans and the English
After WWII he became the elected leader of France
“the Great Asparagus”
Charles De Gaulle – Born in France. In WWI he was a captain. After WWI he was promoted to a major. In WWII he was a Colonel and then became a secretary of state
for national defense and war. When France was overrun by Germany he was a key leader of the Government in Exile. He was against Germany being in France. After
WWII he become President of France on and off for 25 years.
Chiang Kai-shek - China- Beginning of WWII Japan attacked China. Rape of Nanking. Kai-sheck is the leader of China and has good relations with the US. He is trying
to lead a democratic Govt but the people under him are corrupt and the communist get in. He is removed! Forced to Taiwan. The US supports him.
Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong)- Leader of the Chinese communist party in China and gained support of the villagers in China. Mao was now more powerful than Chiang.
He had the support of the Soviet Union
What do Pacific, African and European Theatres mean in relation to WWII?
Why are these different fronts significant?
What does this mean in terms of battle strategies?
How is this relevant to today?
The Pacific Theatre
March/April, 1942
Surrender of Bataan MacArthur was forced to retreat in the Philippines. Doesn’t want to leave. FDR orders him to. “I shall return!”
 The soldiers were forced to march, many miles to the Japanese concentration camp on the island. Many will die along the way. Japanese are
merciless; if you fall, they may kill you. If you try to help a friend, you risk your own life.
Aren’t there rules of war? How does this treatment benefit Japanese?
Less people to watch in POW camp-saves manpower and supply resources.
June 4, 1942
Battle of the Midway
the US gains the advantage in the Pacific after defeating 4 of Japan’s aircraft carriers.
The Japanese had planned the attack, but we broke their code and were ready.
Significance-almost 6 months to the day after Pearl Harbor we gain a victory.
Remember Yammamoto’s initial plan was to try to cripple us for 6 months to negotiate a peace
August 7, 1942
Guadacanal A significant battle
 We learned that the Japanese would fight to the death.
 Bushido Code
 Samurai Code
 We are moving closer to Japan
 We are changing our attitude towards fighting in the Pacific.
 We no longer fought defensively. We fought first!
 This battle was in the Pacific Islands as we were moving closer to Japan
November, 1943
US invades Tarawa 3 day battle to destroy a Japanese air strip on an ATOLL (what’s that)
 72 Hours of HELL
 Had met resistance before at Guadacanal but nothing like this
 6,400 Americans/Japanese/Koreans died
 We need to keep getting closer to launch an attack on the Philippines
October 1944
Battle of Leyte Gulf
MacArthur fulfills his promise “I Shall Return”
February/March, 1945
Battle of Iwo Jima-
We are still not close enough to attack the Japan.
They are using this as an airbase to intercept and attack our planes.
We need an air strip. We attack the island of Iwo Jima, 6000 marines were killed. There is some controversy as to its strategic benefit.
First time we suffer more casualties than the Japanese do.
The famous picture (by Joseph Rosenthal) is of the American Soldiers raising the flag on Mt. Suribachi on the volcanic island (there is a monument
of this in Washington DC. )
Battle of IWO JIMA
Okinawa??? What happened
The European Theatre
July, 1942-February, 1943
Battle for Stalingrad
Stalingrad was a Soviet City that the Nazi’s tried to seize. They cut its people off from supplies, food and medicine…many Soviets died.
A six month battle in Soviet Union (USSR). Hitler ordered a ‘fight to the death. ” Wanted to conquer this major city…He didn’t succeed but
if he did, he would have had a great city with lots of resources!
Hitler makes same mistake Napoleon and Kaiser Wilhelm made. Can’t invade Russia in winter.
Battle started in July of 1942-came for summer.
Stalin throws body after body; no regard for life.
Stalls till Winter comes to his help.
Now they are moving forward against Hitler.
2 million died (1.1 million Soviets; 800,000+ Germans).
Many froze.
Hitler’s first major loss.
July, 1942
1st Battle of El Alamein
 Rommel attacks and moves very close to key cities in Egypt.
 Tank battles w/air support
 But British forces are able to force a stalemate.
November, 1942
2nd Battle El Alamein
Montgomery (Monty) has taken over for British.
Tank battle, Allied Air Support is Key.
Victory for Allies….we are going to win in Africa.
November 9, 1942
Operation Torch - the Allied invasion of North Africa—go to the European Battle Map!
 We have to start figuring how to invade Europe.
 Plan is up through Italy…
 French Vichy government (supported by Germans) control Morocco/Tunisia/Casablanca (watch the movie-a classic)
 Three Allied forces land in North Africa.
 There is little resistance by the French Vichy forces.
 We push east to meet up with Monty
 By May, 1943 Rommel and the Afrika Korps are fleeing.
Allies invade Sicily –
Italians surrender, Mussolini loses power
Conflict between Montgomery and Patton
June 6, 1944: D-Day.
THE SECOND FRONT!-Stalin wanted this—see Teheran Conference below!
There are a lot of thoughts with regards to what the “D” in D-Day stands for but it does not mean anything. It was called “Operation Overlord”
Over 160,000 Allied troops and 30,000 vehicles are landed along a 50-mile stretch of fortified French coastline and begin fighting on the beaches of
Normandy. Amphibious assault (water) Germany was defeated and Paris was liberated
Patton was the decoy in Africa!
The weather was terrible. But they couldn’t wait they didn’t want to be discovered.
First wave,They parachuted in and missed their mark by ten miles.
Eisenhower gave the decision to GO! He was going to take the blame if they failed.
Luckily, the Germans did not have enough resources b/c this was unexpected. Resources were deployed for assault by Patton
“Saving Private Ryan.”
November, 1944-FDR Re-Elected to a 4th term!!!-unprecedented-what is the famous quote? “Don’t change horses in midstream.” Used by Lincoln
during Civil War.
Relationship w/Truman
4th Inauguration in January, 1945
Battle of the Bulge – Hitler’s failed final attack
December-1944 it is snowing… in the Ardennes mountains
Biggest and bloodies battle of WWII
Hitler decided to throw everything he has at the Americans
Christmas- the Germans were winning this battle-Send a note under a flag of truce to the “Commander of the Allied Troops that are surrounded.”
McAuliffe(US) (was acting commander-actual commander was away before the surprise attack)– refuses to surrender, his men are trapped, but his
response was “nuts”…
Ask me the story.-The Germans didn’t understand…defined as “Go to Hell”
Patton’s and his men, exhausted, get in their tanks and travel over to McAuliffe and his men and save the Battle of the Bulge
Jan, 1945Auschwitz Liberated - eventually we came to the rescue and liberated Auschwitz. This shows what the Nazi’s had actually been doing.
Dresden bombing-February, 1945- we were winning the war but we bombed this beautiful place to make a point. This was controversial because
we were bombing innocent people. Some feel we were guilty of a war crime by doing this, but some feel that we were justified and we should have
done it. It was a city in Germany. We firebombed it…killed at least 100,000 civilians.
What is the criticism of this act?
The ConferencesThe Nazi’s and the Final Solution:
January 1942
The Wannsee Conference
 Hitler arranges to plan his final solution at this conference.
15 political and military leaders meet outside Berlin to discuss final solution to the Jewish question at this conference. Hitler will not attend.
Heydrich runs the meeting with his #2 Eichmann.
The Jewish Question: how to deal with the growing numbers and influence (economic, as well) of the Jewish population.
The Final Solution-extermination. The meeting goes into detail as to how may per hour they can kill and dispose of. Heydrich dies in combat
soon after. Eichmann is in charge of carrying out the plan. He was given key responsibilities in transporting Jews to concentration camps.
He escaped after the war but was eventually caught.
The SS – Schutzstaffel- Hitler’s men, horrible men.
The Aryan Race- Hitler’s idea of a perfect person, Blonde, Blue Eyes.
Meetings between the Allies During the War.
January 1943
Casablanca Conference –
 Roosevelt and Churchill met here to discuss the course of the war. Atomic bomb is also discussed here. Casablanca is in Morocco.
 It was decided here that Europe would be invaded through Sicily
 Also decided was that they would fight till Germany unconditionally surrenders
Teheran Conference- November/December 1943
In Iran, FDR & Churchill & Stalin meet to discuss war. Views are divided.
Stalin is feeling strong as his Soviet troops are moving strong against Germans.
Stalin wants a second front in France (they are planning Operation Overlord).
Stalin wants FDR and Churchill’s support in Yugoslavia. Give Stalin control of Poland
Yalta Conference February, 1945 – Churchill, prime minister of England, Stalin of Russia and FDR all met in Yalta.
They decide to divide up Germany into 4 zones. Four nations who will control it are Russia, US, France & England. France is too weak; England
can’t be bothered so the US has to take care of their parts. Russia’s real plan was to take over much of Eastern Europe. Stalin now asks for Poland as
Denazification and Demilitarization of Germany.
Soviets want war reparations. England and US agree to let Soviets get half of all reparations.
Stalin wants Poland under a Communist government…Churchill objects…Stalin agrees to free election (don’t believe him).
Stalin agrees to declare war on Japan and to join war in Pacific after defeat of Germany.
He also agrees to join the “United Nations.” What’s this…a place where countries can discuss conflicts and resolve them in peace.
Soviets and the US and England never agree and settle anything at this conference and because of this we end up in the Cold War. The British and
the Americans were worried that the Soviets (communists) would want to dominate Europe after the war
Who are these 3 guys and from what countries????
FDR Dies April, 1945/Truman –FDR dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia.
Truman was playing poker when he was called to the White House to be told of FDR’s death.
Truman expressed his sympathy to Mrs. Roosevelt and asked if there was anything he could do for her.
Her reply is classic, “Is there anything we can do for you? You are the one in trouble now!"
Truman knew nothing about the Manhattan project. Truman was a senator-put there by the Kansas City political machine. Some thought he was
corrupt, or incompetent because of that. But when he gets to Washington, he is committed to his duties. As a senator, early in the war he investigated
some defense contractors and found fraud-rose to prominence. FDR asks him to be VP. Rarely met w/FDR. He was a great President but he was
unprepared. He ROSE to the challenge! Sometimes men rise to the challenge and seize the moment.
We are closing in on Berlin…race between Americans and Soviet Union…Why? Control of Postwar Germany. Eisenhower once again has to balance the Allies
Patton wants to be first. “We know we’re going to have to fight the Russians, let’s do it here while we have everything we need (paraphrased))”
V-E Day- May 7th 1945 – Germany surrenders. (Victory in Europe Day) This happened right after Hitler commits suicide.
Potsdam-July/August, 1945- Potsdam is in Germany. There is a conference there. Truman is there along with Stalin and Atlee (of
England…replaced Churchill They agree that they will use whatever force is necessary to end the war with Japan. Russia and England don’t really
care about the war with Japan but China and the US do. Stalin and Atlee tell Truman to do what he has to do to win in Japan.
Truman tells Stalin about A Bomb-(Stalin actually knew because he had spies involved in project). Remember, Truman didn’t know till FDR died.
What was resolved?
Division of Postwar German into 4 occupied zones.
Goals of: demilitarization, denazification, democratization, decentralization (decision making closer to people) and decartelization (free market economy).
Prosecution of Nazi War Criminals
Shifting of Germany’s eastern border (reducing Germany’s size)
What does the Soviet Union want?
They say buffer because Germany has attacked them twice. But they want to increase their sphere of influence (Baltic States, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania. Many people flee these countries because they fear the Communists.
How does this relate to WWI (remember alliances)
Because they never resolved the issues in Yalta and Potsdam, the US and Russia end up in the Cold War. The relationship between the US, Russia
and England was a “Marriage of convenience” because we all had a common goal, to defeat Germany, but each of us had a different reason for
wanting to do it.
People accused US and GB of being too weak at Yalta and Potsdam (FDR was sick/Truman too new) and that we gave too much to Stalin.
Do Compromises work, or just postpone the inevitable?
Race for the Atom bomb – Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi and Manhattan Project team creates the bomb and test it in Los, Alamos New
Mexico. The first to finish will win the war!!!! Einstein’s letter to FDR warning that the Germans were working on it.
See Einstein’s Letter:
Read Einstein’s Letter:
OK-What happens on August 6th and August 9th, 1945
Hiroshima!!!!! August 6, 1945. The attack on civilians in occupied territories is not justified according to FDR according to writings prior to his
Nagasaki – Bombed August 9th
What questions are asked about our use of the A Bombs?
Was it Racial?
Was it payback for Pearl Harbor?
How did Truman justify? Saving American lives. Knew Japanese would fight to death.
Or was it a threat to Soviets???? Why?
Did we know that was the next conflict?
The War at Home
Role of Women
As you view the Keynote and film clips, record the reasons why women went to work and what jobs they filled.
Before the War,
 There was a Depression in the US.
 Women, although cheaper labor, were encouraged not to work because they took jobs from men.
 The woman’s place was in the kitchen
Start of the War…WWII starts
In Uniform – women took on new roles in the military
 Why - to free up the men to go fight
 What Roles – Secretary, Nurses, Mechanics
At Home – Women had to go to work
 Industry- women took on jobs once held by men who went to war…police, firemen, taxi cab drivers
 Rosie the Riveter….a symbol
Women were known as “Soldiers without guns!”
Problems they faced during war?
 Women were not treated equally
 Paid less than men
 Daycare was needed
 School attendance dropped
 Juvenile delinquents
Problems after the war?
 Men returned and man wanted jobs back
Support for the war
What role did Henry Ford play?
 Henry Ford was put in charge of putting peacetime factories and plant into Wartime factories and plants! So factories that made cars, now
made tanks
Farming Farmers had to keep up with the demand to feed the troops!
Positive developments?
 Radar
 Sonar
 The Manhattan project
 Space technology
Nylon for parachutes and clothing
Medicine- Penicillin and sulfa
The economy of the US improved (Great Depression), because of wartime production….The production of war materials solved the nation’s
unemployment problem.
Smith Act-What was its purpose?
The Smith Act
the first peace-time sedition laws…. since 1798.
All alien residents in the US over 14 had to register with the government their political beliefs.
Went against the 1st Amendment to the constitution.
Sedition- people who would speak or work against your country.
Aliens- people who are here on work visas, people who are not citizens of the country they are living in.
What did FDR indicate about the guarantees of liberty in our Constitution?
 We will not surrender the guarantees of liberty that our forefathers framed for us in our Bill of Rights!
 He violated this because he censored the press and demanded loyalty oaths.
2 Executive Orders….
8985 - the creation of “the office of censorship”. Those who spoke against the country. Also this made sure that the press did not leak any
information to the enemy.
9066 - 120,000 American citizens who were Japanese were places in internment camps (like jail). Done to avoid espionage. Many years later, those
who were interned were paid reparations.
What were loyalty oaths?
Oaths of loyalty to the US.
Americans had to take Loyalty Oaths
Police, Teachers, public servants
Japanese took Loyalty Oaths and some were released from Internment
Some Japanese served in WWII…but not in the Pacific
View Clip Nisei Japanese Americans during wartime…Question…why were the guns pointed in??? If the Japanese were interned for their own
Who was Fred Korematsu….go to and look up Korematsu v. US
 At first he was rejected from the military,
 Hides to avoid the internment camp, gets caught and is sent to an internment camp
Supreme Court Justice Black’s background??? South /KKK What would we expect of him?
 Justice Black was from the South.
 He ruled that Korematsu should be interned after Korematsu sued.
 He ruled through FDR’s executive Order 9066 that Japanese including Korematsu should be kept in internment camps.
 Black was from the South and was a member of the KKK…is there any wonder that he was in favor of Japanese internment?
Tuskegee Airmen- African Americans who served in the military. Trained as pilots to fly support for Bombers. At first, other pilots shunned them.
When their record was superior (few bombers lost), their reputation grew. African Americans could be “brave;” could be “pilots.”
After war----back to racism.
 Selling the war
o See the additional sheet-as we watch the film clips be prepared to identify the type of propaganda.
o Watch Clips
 Clark Gable – Movie Star – Endorsement Propaganda
 Sailor repays blood bank
 America Salutes Workers
 Mail Call
 Private Snafu