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Для сдачи зачёта(экзамена) студентам ЗФ экономических специальностей предлагается выполнение
следующих заданий:
1) Перевод пяти предлагаемых текстов с листа.
2) Контрольная работа №5 – выполнение одного из пяти вариантов; первый текст не переводится - по
тексту выполняются задания со II-V, задания с VI-VIII – грамматические, письменный перевод текста в
задании X. Вариант выбирается по последней цифре шифра студента.
(1, 2 – вариант № 1; 3,4 - вариант № 2; 5, 6 - вариант № 3; 7, 8 – вариант № 4; 9,0 – вариант № 5)
3) Тема: “Country’s Economy” – “Экономика страны”
4) Перевод текста, предлагаемого экзаменатором.
Защита контрольных работ и перевода технических текстов проводится по расписанию во время сессии и в
течение семестра по четвергам с 17.05 – 20.00. Тексты переводятся с листа: a) Вы читаете текст на
английском языке, затем его переводите, глядя на английский вариант текста. Разрешается пользоваться,
составленным вами словарем по предложенным текстам.
N.B. Просьба распечатать контрольные работы и тексты и принести их на зачет.
1) 5 текстов на перевод с листа:
Text I
The Russian Economy in the 19th century.
The Russian empire grew enormously during the 19th century, covering land from Poland in the West to
the Pacific coast in the East. In economic terms, this meant an increase in two of the four factors of
production: land and labour. You might think then, that the Russian economy at this time was booming.
But until the 1860s , this was not true at all. Compared to the important powers like Britain, France and
America, Russia’s economy was hopelessly underdeveloped. Why was it so?
The main problem was Russia’s feudal economic system. Almost 80 per cent of the population were
peasants. They either worked on land owned by the state, or they were serfs. Serfs worked land that
belonged to a small number of wealthy landlords. In return for a small piece of land and a place to live,
serfs had to work for their landlords. In fact, the serfs didn’t just work for their landlords – they
belonged to them.
This system did not encourage economic growth. Peasants’ labour was used in subsistence farming
for their families or working to maintain their landlord’s estate. Without surplus goods, there were no
profits or savings. With no savings, domestic investment for growth was not possible. Russian
agriculture still used the most basic technology and almost the whole workforce was unskilled and
In addition, the empire’s industrial base was poorly developed. Before 1850, there were relatively
few factories, mostly producing textiles. Some factories were run by the state, but many were run on
the estates of landlords. Industrial technology was basic, and engineering education was not
encouraged by the authorities.
To make matters worse, the Crimean War from 1853 to 1856 had weakened the Russian economy
even more. Eventually, the Russian authorities realized that they had to do something about economy.
The empire was now surrounded by modern industrial powers. Russia had to make an economic leap
into a new age.
The first step was emancipation of the serfs. Tsar Alexander II finally made this happen in 1861. This
meant that the population was no longer tied to the land and could provide labour for industry. With
foreign investment, Russia began to build up its industries. The iron and steel industries grew rapidly.
Mining of raw materials increased and industrial centres developed along the Don and Dnepr rivers. The
output of the iron and steel industries helped to build a huge railway network, including the TransSiberian railway.
Growth continued and by the 1890s the Russian economy was experiencing a real boom. From five
per cent in the 1860s, annual growth reached nine per cent in the 1890s – higher than anywhere else in
Europe at the time. However, much of the growth was built with foreign debt. Agricultural methods and
technology were still primitive. And what about the economy’s human capital? The exploited serfs had
now become exploited factory workers. The majority of the population remained totally illiterate and
desperately poor. With the turn of the new century, how much longer could the boom continue?
Serfs – крепостные.
Subsistence – бытие, жизнь, существование.
To make matters worse – ухудшать, усугубить (положение).
Leap – прыжок, скачок.
Output – производительность; мощность.
Experience - испытывать, чувствовать, переживать.
Text II
Contemporary Russia: the Fall and Rise of the Market Economy.
A recent survey compared the cost of living for expatriates in cities around the world. Not surprisingly,
the top ten most expensive cities included Tokyo, London and New York. But more expensive than any
of these was … Moscow! Less than two decades ago, Moscow was the heart of the world’s biggest
planned economy. There was no property for sale back then. The state-run shops had few consumer
goods. Shortages for simple things like shoes were common. Today, things could not be more different.
Moscow is the centre of a free market with some of the highest property prices in the world. The staterun shops have been replaced by expensive shopping centres and designer stores. But the change has
not been easy.
The figures for Russia’s real gross domestic product since 1991, when the economic reforms began,
show that the economy has been on quite a roller-coaster ride. In 1991 GDP was over $350 billion. That
fell dramatically year after year until 1998, when GDP was just over $220 billion. However, the situation
improved again from ’98. In fact, Russia’s GDP increased steadily year after year from 1999 until 2006
when it reached around $740 billion. What caused such a change of fortunes?
Changing over to a completely different economic system could never be painless. The Russian
government of the early 1990s decided to use a shock therapy approach. They introduced severe fiscal
and monetary policies. The government drastically reduced its spending. It cut subsidies to its crumbling
state industries. Interest rates and taxes were raised. Government price controls on nearly all consumer
goods were lifted. Only prices for staple goods like food and energy remained controlled by the
government. New laws were introduced to allow private ownership and businesses to exist.
All of these measures were intended to create conditions for a market economy to grow. However,
they also caused great hardship for ordinary people. Most workers at that time were on fixed incomes.
The measures caused the cost of living to rise, but their salaries did not rise at the same rate. To make
matters worse, events in the banking system in 1992 caused the money supply to balloon. This resulted
in hyperinflation levels of 2,000%. Despite Russia’s enormous reserves of oil and gas, the economy went
into a long and difficult depression. Finally, in 1998, when an economic crisis hit the East Asian Tigers, oil
prices began to fall around the world. For Russia, it turned a depression into an economic crisis.
However, from 1999, world oil prices began to rise again. Mostly with money earned from energy
exports, Russia began to pay off its foreign debts. Inflation fell and the value of the rouble stabilized. The
economy was recovering. GDP grew steadily year after year, and foreign investors began to show
confidence in investing in the country. Moscow’s place at the top of the list of the world’s most
expensive cities is not enviable. However, it is a clear sign that the Russian economy has survived a
difficult time.
Expatriates - эмигранты
on quite – полностью
GDP (per capita) - ВВП (на душу населения)
drastically – решительно; радикально
hardship – трудности, лишения; муки, тяготы жизни
to balloon – быстро увеличиваться, расти
enviable - завидный
Text III
Russia’s Foreign Trade.
Through most of the 20th century, Russia’s, or the USSR as it was known for most of that century, trade
with the outside world was mostly limited to trade with other members of the Socialist Bloc. It was selfsufficient in energy resources and primary goods. Its manufacturing industry was for domestic
consumption only. Foreign consumer goods simply didn’t exist. Investment from abroad was not
encouraged because the government wanted full control of production and prices. But things have
The Russia of the 21st century is much more open to business with the rest of the world. In the first six
months of 2005, its total international trade turnover was worth about $ 150 billion. Both exports and
imports have grown in recent years, but exports are growing more rapidly in value. This is mainly
through the sale of oil and gas. In fact, energy resources make up over two thirds of Russia’s exports.
The growing price of these commodities on world markets has brought huge amounts of foreign
currency into the Russian economy. Metals are also important for the Russian economy. Russia’s steel
industry, for example, is one of the world’s biggest. Other primary goods such as timber, minerals and
fish are also important.
The value of trade isn’t the only thing that has changed. There have been changes in Russia’s trading
partnerships, too. In the old Soviet days, and even in the years that followed the fall of communism,
Russia’s main trading partners were other communist countries that used to be known as the COMECON
( Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) countries. In the early 1990s, for example, Russia still had
trade agreements to export energy resources to many former Soviet republics. As oil prices increased,
however, many of these countries found it difficult to pay for Russian oil, and exports fell. At the same
time, trade with other parts of the world, especially the European Union began to grow. Communist ties
have not all been broken, though. One of Russia’s most important trading partners is China.
But what does the future hold for the economy? The danger for Russia is that it relies very heavily
on exports of oil, gas and minerals. Prices for these commodities can change suddenly on the world
markets. What does Russia have to fall back on? at the moment, not very much. Its industrial sector is
mostly run down and uncompetitive. During the Soviet years, a large part of the country’s industrial
strength was used to produce arms. Today, military equipment and weapons are still the biggest
manufactured exports from Russia. It has to import almost all other manufactured goods.
Many economists believe that Russia must spend its oil money on investing in capital and
infrastructure for industry. Doing this will encourage foreign investment and further economic growth.
In turn, this will help to spread the benefits of growth to everyone in Russia, not just a privileged elite.
self-sufficient – самостоятельный; автономный; независимый
commodity – товар
to rely on – надеяться, полагаться
uncompetitive – неконкурентоспособный
benefit – преимущество, выгоды, прибыль
Text IV
Inflation is an overall increase in prices over a certain period of time. It’s also a worry for anybody who’s
trying to make ends meet, and a headache for many governments. The rate of inflation is often in the
headlines. The rate of inflation is often in the headlines. However, inflation isn’t really news. In most of
Europe, for example, prices have risen year after year for at least the last 50 years. Deflation (overall
decrease in prices) does happen occasionally, but the trend is mostly for the cost of living to increase.
There are lots of ways to measure inflation. One of the most popular ways is the retail price index.
This is calculated by recording increase in price for a range of goods and services. This is sometimes
called a basket of goods. Some of the goods are weighted more heavily than others because they are
more important. For example, food will be weighted more than the cost of a cinema ticket, because a
5% increase in food is more important than a 10% increase in the cost of seeing a film. Inflation is
worked out from an average of all the price increases in the basket.
Inflation can happen for a number of reasons, but economists say there are two main culprits. These
are demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation. Demand-pull inflation can happen when the
economy is growing fast. Aggregate demand begins to grow faster than suppliers can cope with. This
causes a shortage, and prices rise. At first, customers may be able to pay the higher prices, and demand
grows again. This forces prices up even more, and the cycle continues.
One of the characteristics of demand-pull inflation is that there is often too much money going
round the economy. This is explained by the quantity theory of money. This theory uses the following
equation: money supply x velocity = average price x transactions. Velocity is the speed that money is
passed on from one person to another. Some economists say that velocity and the number of
transactions don’t really change. The only things that change in this equation are the money supply and
average prices. This means that when the money supply increases, prices will increase too. For this
reason, printing money is rarely a solution for economic crises.
Cost-push inflation, on the other hand, occurs when prices rise without an increase in demand. This
happens when suppliers’ variable costs increase sharply. For example, workers may demand higher
wages or raw materials may become more expensive. Producers then pass these increases on to
consumers by raising prices. So, as usual, we are the ones who pay!
to make ends meet – сводить концы с концами
retail price index – индекс розничных цен
a basket of goods – корзина товаров
culprits – причина (чего-либо плохого)
demand-pull inflation – инфляция спроса ( инфляция, вызываемая увеличением совокупного
cost-push inflation – инфляция издержек
equation – уравнение, формула
velocity – скорость, быстрота
Text V
There will always be a certain amount of unemployment in the economy. When economists talk
about full employment they mean that everyone who can work and wants to work has got a job. Able
workers who are not working are simply not happy with the salaries that are offered – or just can’t be
However, economies rarely reach full employment. There are a number of reasons for this, and a
number of different types of unemployment. One of these is cyclical unemployment. This type of
unemployment varies with the growth and recession cycle of the economy. As the economy grows,
demand for labour grows and unemployment falls. As the economy contracts, unemployment grows.
A second kind of unemployment is structural unemployment. This occurs when changing public
tastes or advances in technology cause a fall in demand for some types of work. For example, computer
technology has revolutionized the printing industry, and many traditional printers’ jobs have become
obsolete. Sometimes whole regions of a country suffer from high structural unemployment. The northeast of England, for example, was famous for many years for its shipbuilding industry. Competition from
abroad forced many shipyards to close. This caused huge unemployment in the region.
How long structural unemployment lasts will depend on two things. Firstly, how easily the
workforce can retrain for new jobs. This may be difficult for older workers who find it hard to learn new
skills. There is also the question of who pays for the training. The second issue is mobility. Workers who
are able to relocate easily to another part of the country will find new jobs more quickly.
There are two other kinds of unemployment which we should mention here. These are less serious,
perhaps, but they are still difficult for governments to get rid of. The first is frictional unemployment.
This is a natural kind of unemployment that occurs when someone leaves a job and is looking for
another one that suits them. Frictional unemployment often happens because people want to leave
their jobs in order to change careers. Few people walk straight into another job. However, when the
economy is in recession, frictional unemployment will be more common because jobs are harder to find.
The second kind is seasonal unemployment. Some industries have busy periods and periods where
there is no work at all. Some freelance farm workers, for example, get most of their work in the spring
and summer. Like structural unemployment, seasonal unemployment can affect whole regions of a
country. Areas that rely on summer tourism, for example, suffer serious unemployment during the
autumn and winter months.
cyclical unemployment – циклическая безработица
structural unemployment – структурная безработица ( безработица среди рабочих некоторых
профессий при наличии спроса на рабочих других профессий)
obsolete - устарелый; вышедший из употребления; старомодный
frictional unemployment – фрикционная безработица (безработица, связанная с добровольной
сменой рабочими места работы и периодами временного увольнения)
seasonal unemployment – сезонная безработица ( связана с отсутствием/ненадобностью какоголибо вида деятельности в определённое время года)
freelance – внештатный, независимый
2) Устная тема : Nation’s Economy – Экономика страны
Цель: Дать определение, описать основные вехи в истории российской экономики и сектора
экономики страны. Рассказать в каком секторе экономики вы работаете. Использовать
материал в заданиях I и II.
I Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно), содержащий информацию о секторах экономики.
Выучите слова и используйте для описания экономики страны. Пользуйтесь материалом в
заданиях I и II для выполнения задания III.
branch n — отрасль экономики
fiscal policy - бюджетно-налоговая политика
monetary policy - кредитно-денежная политика
supply n — предложение
supply of money and credit – денежная масса в обращении и предложение
кредитных средств
primary sector - первичный сектор
deal with - иметь дело с
extraction и - добыча (минерального сырья)
processing n — переработка
manufacturing sector - обрабатывающий сектор
distribution n — распределение, дистрибуция
catering и - общественное питание
advanced industrialized countries - промышленно-развитые страны
The Nation's Economy
There are three sectors of the economy. Speaking about the three sectors of the economy, first of
all we should define what the word “sector” means. Actually it has two meanings. The first is the
sector as a part of the economy of a country. A particular sector consists of all the companies,
which are involved in a particular area or work; all companies, which are run according to a
particular system or ownership or financial control.
But usually the word “sector” is more often used in its second meaning – talking about different
parts of the economy, such as public and private sectors. So as we see, the economic system is
not simple, on the contrary, economic infrastructure is very difficult and complex: all its parts
and sectors depend on each over, and even our simple actions make all the sectors of the
economy run.
The economy of the country is like a machine which provides us with things we need, i.e. goods
and services. The economy creates the wealth of the country. The better it works the better are
the people.
The government through its economic policy plays an important role in the control of the
economy machine. The major branches of economic policy are fiscal and monetary policies.
Fiscal policy is concerned with taxes and government spending activities. Monetary policy is
concerned with controlling the supply of money and credit.
A nation's economy can be divided into three sectors of activity. The primary sector deals with
extraction of minerals, agriculture, fishing, and forestry. Processing of the primary sector
materials and production of manufactured goods is the field of the manufacturing sector. The
service sector provides services of various kinds such as transportation, distribution, catering as
well as financial services and tourism. The role of the manufacturing sector in the advanced
industrialized countries is decreasing while the service sector is becoming more important.
II. Ответьте на вопросы.
 Which sector is contracting? Which is growing? Which is staying the same?
 Which sector do you (or do expect to)work in?
 Which areas of the economy in your country are changing most?
 Which areas have the most people working in them?
 Which areas are the most important?
 Which sectors can we not do without?
3) Контрольная работа №5 (IV семестр); выполнение одного варианта из пяти.
Комментарии по выполнению контрольных работ смотри выше.
Контрольная работа № 5
по английскому языку для студентов экономических специальностей
заочного отделения
Вариант 1
I. I. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Labour market flexibility refers to the speed with which labour markets adapt to fluctuations and
changes in society, the economy or production. The most common definition of labour market flexibility
has been the neo-liberal definition. This entailed the ease of labour market institutions in enabling
labour markets to reach a continuous equilibrium determined by the intersection of the demand and
supply curve. Labour market institutions were seen to inhibit "the clearing functions of the market by
weakening the demand for labour, making it less attractive to hire a worker by explicitly pushing up the
wage costs or by introducing a negative shadow price for labor; by distorting the labor supply; and by
impairing the equilibrating function of the market mechanism.
Labour market flexibility does not only refer to the strategies used by employers to adapt to their
production/business cycles. Increasingly the common view is that labour market flexibility can
potentially be used for both workers and companies/ employers and employees. It can also be used as a
method to enable workers to ‘adjust working life and working hours to their own preferences and to
other activities’. As companies adapt to business cycles and facilitate their needs through the use of
labour market flexibility strategies, workers adapt to their life cycles and their needs through it . The
European Commission also addresses this issue in its Joint Employment Report and its new Flexicurity
approach, calling for adequate methods to enhance flexibility for both workers and employers that is
“capable of quickly and effectively mastering new productive needs and skills and about facilitating the
combination of work and private responsibilities.” ETUC also emphasize the importance of the
development of working time flexibility as an alternative to implementing external flexibility as the sole
method of increasing flexibility in the labour market. In their report on working time, TUC has also
argued that flexible working should be extended to all workers through stronger regulations . As authors
Gerson and Jacobs agree, “flexibility and autonomy are only useful if workers feel able to use them.”
Therefore, if the policies and benefits are being offered, our hope, as management, is that our
employees take advantage of the opportunities.
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту. 1. What did labour market
institutions inhibit?
a) increasing flexibility
b) the clearing functions of the market
c) equilibrating function
2. Who emphasizes the importance of the development of working time flexibility?
b) TUC
c) European Commission
3. “capable of quickly and effectively mastering new productive needs and skills and about facilitating
the combination of work and private responsibilities.” What is it?
a) an alternative to implementing external flexibility
b) labour market flexibility strategy
c) new Flexicurity approach
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.
4. Labour markets can adapt to fluctuations in _________.
a) economy
b) politics
c) society, the economy or production
5. Workers adapt to their life cycles and their needs through ________.
a) the use of labour market flexibility
b) business cycles
c) life cycles
6. Flexible working should be extended to all workers through _______ .
a) external flexibility
b) stronger regulations
c) the policies and benefits
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию.
7. гибкость рынка труда
a) Labour market flexibility
b) labour market fluctuation
c) labour market responsibility
8. баланс, равновесие
a) balance
b) fluctuation
c) equilibrium
9. препятствовать
a) to enhance
10 детально, подробно
to entail
c) to inhibit
a) explicitly
b) effectively
c) increasingly
b) to facilitate
c) to adjust
b) intersection
c) curve
11. приспособить, подогнать
a) to enhance
12. кривая
a) equilibrium
13. ослаблять, снижать, ухудшать
a) to impair
b) to distort
c) to enhance
V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным терминам.
a) curve b) explicitly c) adjust d) distort e) flexibility f) enhance
g) equilibrium h) take advantage
14. to improve something
15. expressed in a detailed way that is very clear and direct
16. a balance between different people, groups, or forces that compete with each other, so
that none is stronger than the others and a situation is not likely to change suddenly
17. to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear/ to
report something in a way that is not completely true or correct
18. a line that gradually bends like part of a circle
19. to change or move something slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular
20. to use a particular situation to do or get what you want
21. the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a different situation
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение
действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если не
соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ примером из
22. Labour market flexibility can be used for both employers and employees.
23. Labour market flexibility can be used as a method to enable workers to ‘adjust working life and
working hours to their own preferences and to other activities’
24. Flexible working should be reduced to all workers through stronger regulations.
VII. Выберите правильную неличную форму глагола.
25. … output is the utility which employers get from their purchase of labour.
a) Increased
b) Increasing
c) Having increased
26. All markets, … the labour market, obey the laws of supply and demand.
a) being included
b) having included
c) including
27. Workers get more and more experience at … their particular task.
a) having done
b) done
c) doing
28. … … a new device he launched it into the production.
a) being created
b) having created
c) to create
29. As the division of labour increases, the amount of time needed … each worker decreases.
a) being trained
b) to train
c) training
VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
30. Scientists’ laboratories are usually full … apparatus … experiments.
a) of/for
b) in/ for
c) with/of
31. None of us are robots, so we all need some time to rest and switch … from work.
a) off
b) on
c) in
32. The wage that workers get for their labour is a compromise … what they want and what companies
will pay.
a) at
b) between
c) for
VIII. Заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием в нужной форме.
33 It can be … to get the right balance between work and free time..
a) the most difficult
b) difficult
c) difficultly
34. Workers perform their operations … .
a) more automatical
b) automatical
c) automatically
35. … the salaries of employees, … productivity employers’ll get.
a) the highest/ the best
b) higher/better
c) the higher/ the better
IX. Переведите текст письменно.
Why do people work? To make money, of course. However, nothing in economics is ever that simple.
The economist will ask a further question: how much are people prepared to work? The answer to this
question is much more complex. Finding the right balance between work time and leisure time is one of
the trade-offs we have to make in life. The balance each person chooses depends on a number of things.
There are natural limits, money etc.
A good wage rate clearly attracts more workers, and encourages them to work longer hours.
However, the strength of this relationship depends on how elastic the labour supply is. Sometimes it is
difficult for companies to find a certain kind of worker. Perhaps there are not many people with
necessary skills. Or perhaps the company is in a place where there are not many available workers. In
these situations, even if employers double the wage rate/ they will only attract a small number of extra
workers. The labour supply is inelastic. In the opposite situation, when it is easy for companies to find
workers, the labour supply becomes elastic.
V семестр
Вариант 2
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Relevance to business and electronic commerce
Even though there are more than 25,000 companies conducting business on the Internet,
consumers are still not that confident with having transaction done over the Internet. This is
mostly due to a lack of a readily available and secure payment system. With credit cards,
consumers are concerned with the security of their information and thus deterring them from
directly making purchases from the Internet. With e-cash, hopefully consumers will be more
comfortable with transactions over the Internet as it is a one-time transaction that cannot be
traced back to the user, whereas with credit cards, hackers can obtain information of the card
holder and commit frauds.
With the appearance of e-cash, the need for commercial banks to be involved in electronic
banking and to back the electronic currencies becomes more apparent. However, there remains a
skeptical view about having monetary transactions done over the Internet as it is a fairly public
domain where there is easy access. Thus increasing and promoting commercial bank's interest in
the Internet and conducting business over the Internet is necessary in order to further
development of e-cash and commerce in the Internet, as well as improving cryptography and
security features of the systems.
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.
1.Why are consumers not confident with having transactions over the Internet ?
a) because it’s more expensive
b) due to a lack of secure payment system
c) because of a complex procedure
2. What is the advantage of using e-cash ?
a) it is a one-time transaction
b) transactions become more apparent
c) it’s cheaper
3. Why is it necessary to increase and promote bank’s interest in the Internet?
a) to conduct business over the Internet
b) for further development of e-cash and commerce
c) to get an easy access to a public domain
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.
4. The number of companies conducting business on the Internet is ________.
a) more than 10000
b) more than 20000
c) more than 25000
5. Consumers are concerned with the security of their information with _________.
a) cash machines
b) credit cards
c) e-cash
6. Hackers can obtain information of ________.
a) the card holder
b) all people
c) shareholders
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию.
7. деловая операция
a) transaction
b) business operation
c) deal
8. безопасная платёжная система
a) safe system
b) secure payment system
c) free payment
9. делать покупки
a) go shopping
b) make purchases
c) buy items
b) e-cash
c) Internet currency
10. электронные деньги
a) electronic money
11. продвигать, раскручивать
a) conduct
b) increase
c) promote
b) publicity
c) people ownership
b) deceive
c) commit a crime
12. общественное достояние
a) public domain
13. совершить обман, афёру
a) commit frauds
V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным терминам.
a) transaction
f) conduct
b)consumer c) purchase d) apparent e) development
g) promote h) the Internet
14. easy to notice, obvious
15. to carry out a particular activity or process
16. someone who buys and uses products and services
17. a computer system that allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange
18. the process of increasing business, trade, and industrial activity
19. a business deal or action, such as buying or selling something
20. encourage to help something to develop or increase
21. something you buy, or the act of buying it
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение
действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если не
соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ примером из
22. It’s more difficult for hackers to obtain information when consumers use e-cash.
23.. Monetary transactions done over the Internet is considered to be difficult of access.
24. In order to improve cryptography and security features of the systems it’s necessary to increase and
promote commercial bank's interest in the Internet.
VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.
25. Purchases ………… by consumers yesterday.
a) made
b) were made
c) was made
26. The Company……… just ……….transaction over the Internet.
a) has conducted
b) was conducted
c) had conducted
27. Commercial banks … … … in electronic banking in the nearest future.
a) are involved
b) will be involved
c) will involve
28. Monetary transactions … … … over the Internet at the present moment.
a) are being done
b) are done
c) done
29. The information can … easily … by hackers.
a) be obtained
b) has obtained
c) will obtain
VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
30. It’ll be more comfortable for the consumers to have transactions … the Internet.
a) over
b) at
c) on
31. It’s safer to make purchases … e-cash from the Internet
a) with
b) without
c) at
32. The security features … the systems is in danger.
a) for
b) from
c) of
IX. Заполните пропуски причастием или герундием в нужной форме.
33. There are more than 25,000 companies … business on the Internet.
a) conducting
b) having conducted
c) being conducted
34. There remains a skeptical view about … monetary transactions done over the Internet.
a) having been had
b) having had
c) having
35. Commercial banks … in electronic banking and to back the electronic currencies become more
a) involving
b) having involved
c) being involved
X. Переведите текст письменно.
While it is a grand idea to mimic the real world transactions with cash on the Internet through the
use of an anonymous transaction system, at this moment it still poses a lot of logistics and legal
problems and possible security hazards. There are still questions of the regulation of electronic
money, how will the e-cash be backed and redeemed, determining how much of money in the
economy are circulated in e-cash since the Internet covers such a vast area internationally.
Moreover, with Internet business companies, taxes will be applied to them when they conduct
business all over the world.
E-cash is not completely anonymous as with hard cash since there is always the computer and
the network, which can be traced. Some people may want to track expenses if they're conducting
businesses through the Internet. Also, there is the issue of possible criminal activity within the
system by allowing criminals to spend illegal money easier if e-cash is untraceable. The US
Department of Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network provides some information on
how it is addressing these issues.
V семестр
Вариант 3
I.Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Many large businesses in the UK are public limited companies (plc), which means that the
public can buy and sell their shares on the stock exchange. Examples include Marks & Spencer,
British Telecom and the National Westminster Bank. The minimum share capital for a public
limited company is &50,000, so many new businesses are likely to take one of the following
Sole Trader (UK) or Sole Proprietor (US and UK)
The simplest way of starting business. You are self-employed and entirely responsible all
aspects of the management of your business.
Partnership (UK)
Two or more people starting business together can set up a partnership. All partners are
responsible for the debts of the partnership, and profits and losses are shared between them.
Private Limited Company (UK) or open corporations (US)
A company can be formed with a minimum of two people becoming its shareholders. They
must appoint a director and a company secretary. If the company goes out of business, the
responsibility of each shareholder is limited to the amount that they have contributed; they
have limited liability. Such a company has Ltd (Limited) after its name.
In the US, businesses take the same basic forms. However, American companies are registered
or incorporated with the authorities in the state where they have their headquarters. The
abbreviations Inc and Corp refer to such companies. To sell shares to the public they must
apply to the Securities Exchange Commission.
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.
1. What are the forms of business organization in the UK?
a) Inc., joint venture, Ltd, corporation
b) Corp, Inc, merger, plc
c) Ltd, Sole Proprietor, plc, partnership
2. What are the partners responsible for?
a) documents, capital, profits
b) profits, losses, debts
c) money, staff, documents
3. Where must American companies apply to sell shares?
a) SEC
b) authorities
c) headquarters
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.
4. Unless the owner has much personal wealth, the business may have difficulty borrowing
money, hiring employees because ________ when the owner retires or dies.
a) the business will start
b) the business will dissolve
c) the business will go on
5. The major disadvantage of the partnership is ________.
a) unlimited liability of each partner for the debts of the business
b) that partners are not responsible for debts
c) complete financial responsibility only for profits
6. A private limited company can increase the capital
a) by buying shares
b) by laying out rules for the internal management
c) by selling shares
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию .
7. ограниченная ответственность
a) unlimited liability
b) responsibility
c) limited liability
8. ликвидировать
a) to discover
b) to dissolve
c) to display
9. владелец бизнеса
a) proprietor
b) entrepreneur
c) host
10. закрытое акционерное общество/компания
a) Corp
b) Ltd
c) plc
b) shareholders
c) directors
b) to install
c) to set up
b) friendship
c) partnership
11. акционеры
a) authorities
12. основать компанию
a) to build
13. партнерство
a) ownership
V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным словам и терминам .
a) limited liability b) plc c) sole trader d) to set up
e) partnership f) corporation g) benefit h) shareholders
14. someone who owns shares in a company
15. to start a business
16. extra money or an advantage that you get from something
17. a company in the UK that has shares that ordinary people can buy
18. the legal position of having to pay only a limited amount of the debts of a company that
you have invested in
19. a large company or business organization
20. a legal form of company in some countries for someone who has their own business, with
no other shareholders
21. the position of being one of two or more people who own a company as partners
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение
действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если
не соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ
примером из текста.
22. The notions of liability and share capital are central features of the different types of
business organizations .
23. Sole Trader is the easiest way of setting a business because no legal formalities, no
disclosure of accounts and no business taxation.
24. When setting up private limited companies in the UK and open corporations in the US,
specific administrative procedures must be followed which don’t usually require specialist
legal advice .
VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.
25. That company is said ……. as a sole proprietorship.
a) to have established
b) to establish
c)to have been established
26. The shares of corporation are sold to those who are interested in ….. their money in the
a) to invest and risk
b) investing and risking c) being invested and risked
27. Before a limited company ….. officially …., two important documents ….. .
a) could be registered,
have to draw up
b) can register,
c) can be registered,
has to draw up
have to be drawn up
28. He….. rent a site, present his products and contact investors all over the world 2 years ago
a) might
b) was able to
c) ought to
29. ….. shares of the company, the investors receive stock certificates as evidence of their
a) having purchased
b) being purchased
c)having been purchased
VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
30. Each partner is liable ….. the debts of the business.
a) at
b) for
c) in
31. American businesses are incorporated ….. the authorities in the state.
a) with
b) in
c) of
32. Ownership should consider all aspects of business ….. making a decision.
a) by
b) to
c) before
IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием в нужной форме.
33. The owner’s liability in the sole proprietorship form of business is ….. that in other
forms of ownership.
a) less than
b) greater than
c) bigger than
34. ….. amount of money a stockholder has invested, ….. dividends he will expect to
a) the great ...the high
b) greater … higher
c) the greater...the higher
35. It is ….. set up a proprietorship, as one has only to purchase a license.
a) easy
b) difficult
c) pleasant
X. Переведите текст письменно.
Andrew Klein, the director of Spring Street Company, founded his company in 1993 with the
idea of bringing a Belgian beer, Wit Beer, to the American market. However, his original
approach to finding the necessary capital, by using the Internet, soon made him a pioneer in
this new field. He was one of the first to understand the advantage of using the Internet as a
means to attract investment capital for new business ventures. For just $200 a month, Klein
was able to rent a site, present his products and contact investors all over the world. Following
in his footsteps, many other entrepreneurs have been able to finance and promote their own
businesses in a similar way.
Today, Wit Beer can be found in several major cities in the US and Andrew Klein predicts that
consumer demand for his company’s products will continue to rise. Indeed Wit Beer already
outsells some of the more exotic beers which compete in the industry.
V семестр
Вариант 4
I.Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Divisions of economic activity Although the structure of each country is different, their
economies can be shown to have similar sectors. When speaking of business or economic
activity, commentators normally recognize three major ‘sectors’:
 primary – agriculture, fishing, mining (gas, oil, minerals), construction
secondary – crafts, manufacturing industry, chemicals, electronics,
food processing, beverages and other
 tertiary – services, including education, banking, transport, insurance,
airline, retailing, hotels and restaurants, catering and other
The occupational structure The types of activities that most workers are occupied in differ,
sometimes dramatically, from one country to another and from one time to another. In most
developing countries, the vast majority of the workforce work in the agricultural, or primary,
sector. Their work is almost entirely manual, and most of the country’s labour power is
concentrated on the basic task of feeding the population. In fully developed countries far more
of their productive resources are directed towards other economic activities.
In the US and Canada, for example, only 4 and 7 per cent, respectively, of all employed persons
work in agriculture, fishing, and mining, compared to more than 70 per cent in India.
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.
1. What are divisions included in the economic activity?
a) mining, manufacturing, servicing
b) agriculture, crafts, education
c) primary, secondary, tertiary
2. In what countries are dominated agriculture?
a) developing countries
b) European countries
c) the US and Canada
3. What is servicing sector comprised?
a) construction, mining, agriculture …
b) retailing, education, insurance …
c) manufacturing industry, electronics, crafts
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.
4. Primary sector is not only mining one because also consists of
a) crafts, transport, fishing
b) agriculture, fishing, construction
c) agriculture, construction, chemicals
Manual labour is used yet ________.
a) in the developed countries
b) in some European countries
c) in the countries of the Third World
6. The structure of countries is different but their economies ________.
a) have different sectors
b) have private sectors
c) have the same sectors
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию .
7. сектор обслуживания
a) secondary
b) primary
c) tertiary
8. страхование
a) income
b) insurance
c) loan
9. ручной труд
a) manual labour
b) hard labour
c) casual labour
10. обрабатывающий сектор
a) mining
b) servicing
c) manufacturing
11. технология производства пищевых продуктов
a) food processing
b) food industry
c) food engineering
b) franchising
c) retailing
b) construction
c) conformation
12. розничная продажа
a) catering
13. строительство
a) structure
V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным словам и терминам .
a) economy b) plant c) sector d) production e) labour
f) heavy industry
g) raw material
h) construction
14. all the organizations or companies in a particular area of activity, industry
15. the process of building something large or complicated
16. building where industrial process happens
17. physical work
18. the system by which a country’s trade, industry and money are organised
19. substances are in a natural state
20. industry that produces large goods (cars, machines) or materials (coal, steel)
21. the process of making or growing things to be sold, especially in large quantities
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение
действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если
не соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ
примером из текста.
22. The vast majority of the workforce in the developing countries occupy in the primary sector
23. Most of the countries can’t be without tertiary sector
24. In the developed countries of North America large per cent of all employed people work in
VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.
25. We have received so many complaints about the product that we ….. redesign the next
a) must
b) will have to
c) has to
26. Because the machine ….. its usefulness, the production manager proposed ….. it.
a) had outlived …
b) has outlived …
c) have outlived … replacing
to replace
27. He refused ..… the contract until he ….. to his boss.
a) to sign … speaks
b) signing … has spoken
c) to sign … had spoken
28. The big break came when people ….. to elect their own boss.
a) are allowed
b) was allowed
c) were allowed
29. If the share price falls any more, we risk ….. by a larger company .
a) to be taken over
b) being taken over
c) to take over
VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
30. How long have you been working ….. the company?
a) to
b) for
c) in
31. Sectors of economy differ ….. one country ….. another
a) from ….. to
b) from ….. for
c) from ….. in
32. The basic task of the developing countries is concentrated ….. feeding the population
a) by
b) on
c) in
IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием в нужной форме.
33. In most developing countries labour is ….. manual .
a) not almost always
b) almost always
c) almost entirely
34. This is ….. machine that we have ever produced.
a) powerfully
b) the most powerful
c) more powerful
35. The East Asian Tigers grew ….. for many years
a) fast
b) steadily
c) slowly
X. Переведите текст письменно.
For thirty years, between 1960 and the early 1990s, four East Asian economies enjoyed a period
of amazing economic growth. They were Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea, and
they all grew steadily by over ten per cent per year for many years. How did they do it?
First of all, they invested in people. Education was seen as an important factor for growth, and
governments spent money on schools and universities. The second ingredient was to
encourage spending. Added to that, rates of saving were high and this provided money for
investment loans to business. Local consumption, on the other hand, was not encouraged. All
four Tigers produced in order to export, and their main markets were the rich countries of the
industrialized world, not their local shops.
Politically, these countries were not what you might expect. During their early growth, the
Tigers did not have democratic governments. Some people think that strict government control
in their early years helped these countries develop. However, things were very different in the
factories and offices. Good relations between management and workers were the other secret
component for the Tigers’ success.
the East Asian Tigers - группа стран Юго-Восточной Азии – «юго-восточные тигры»
V семестр
Вариант 5
I.Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно).
Companies are a very important part of a country’s economy. Businesses produce goods and
services, and they come in every shape and size. Although the vast majority of the world’s
companies are small, in many countries the economy is dominated by large firms. Large
businesses differ from small ones in a wide variety of ways. In many countries there are
nationalized companies belonging to the state, as well as private companies. A private company
might be a small firm with just one owner or a very large firm with thousands of shareholders
‘owning’ the firm.
In very large firms the shareholders have very little to do with the day-to-day running of the
firm. This is left to the management. Large companies may be organized into several large
departments, sometimes even divisions. The organizational structure of some companies is
very hierarchical with a board of directors at the top and the various departmental heads
reporting to them. Often the only time shareholders can influence the board is at the yearly
shareholders’ meeting.
Some firms may only produce one good or service. Others may produce many different
products; in fact they may seem to be like a collection of ‘businesses’ inside one company. As a
company gets bigger it may expand geographically. Many large firms are multinationals with
manufacturing plants and trading locations in several different countries spread around the
II. Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопросы к тексту.
1. What are very important parts of a country’s economy?
a) private businesses
b) large businesses
c) divisions
2. Whom do nationalized companies belong to?
a) company directors
b) economy
c) state
3. What have got multinationals?
a) markets, factories
b) plants, trading locations
c) buildings, plants
III. Закончите предложения по содержанию прочитанного текста.
4. Organizational structure of some companies ________.
a) matrix with the head of departments
b) large departments with divisions
c) hierarchical with a board of directors
5. The country’s economy is dominated ________.
a) by services
b) by firms
c) by products
6. The shareholders of large companies can influence ________.
a) the state
b) the economy of the country
c) the board of the company
IV. Подберите эквивалент к данному русскому слову или словосочетанию .
7. совместное предприятие
a) corporation
b) joint venture
c) enterprise
8. поглощение
a) take-up
b) takeout
c) takeover
9. дочерняя компания
a) parent company
b) holding company
c) subsidiary company
10. слияние
a) merger
b) joining
c) consolidating
b) share
c) currency
b) to be charge of
c) to respond
b) board of directors
c) directors of branches
11. акция
a) dividend
12. отчитываться
a) to report
13. совет директоров
a) union of managers
V. Выберите соответствующее определение данным словам и терминам .
a) company b) joint venture c) merger d) subsidiary
e) takeover f) enterprise g) division h) parent company
14. a group that does a particular job within a large organization
15. the joining together two or more companies/organizations to form one company
16. the acquisition of one company by another
17. a company which is owned or controlled by another larger company
18. a company that controls a smaller company or organization
19. a business activity in which two or more companies have invested and worked together
20. company, organization, business
21. an organization which makes or sells goods or services
VI. Прочитайте предложения и укажите соответствует ли данное утверждение
действительности: если соответствует напишите после предложения T- true, если
не соответствует то F- false, при этом письменно подтвердите ваш ответ
примером из текста.
22. Large companies may be divided into divisions
23. The management carries out routine office work, not shareholders
24. Multinationals are located in one country.
VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.
25. Manufacture of the component ….. to a smaller company.
a) had been
b) was subcontracted
c) has subcontracted
26. The phone ….. ringing since we started work this morning
a) have not stopped
b) has not stopped
27. She ….. to get through to head office all morning
a) is trying
c) had not stopped
b) are trying
c) has been trying
28. In 1989 our firm…..two new factories in South America.
a) opened
b) is opened
c) was opened
29. He ….. in New York, but then he ….. to Tokyo
a) use to work, move
b) used to work, moved
c) uses to work, moves
VIII. Заполните пропуски предлогами.
30. The whole company is going to benefit ….. the South American order.
a) of
b) for
c) from
31. The managing director approved …. my recommendations.
a) on
b) in
c) of
32. The management and the workers blamed each other ….. the strike.
a) for
b) to
c) in
IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательным или наречием в нужной форме.
33. The finance department …… miscalculated the costings for the new factory building.
a) good
b) not bad
c) badly
34. We are only a small company. We are not ….. the market leader in our sector.
a) as large as
b) as good as
c) as small as
35. This is ….. case of corruption we’ve seen for years.
a) worse than
b) worse
c) the worst
X. Переведите текст письменно.
As business and the world economy become increasingly competitive, more and more
companies have to strengthen their operations to remain profitable. Companies can go about
this in a number of ways, including the following.
Joint venture: Two or more companies agree to collaborate and jointly invest in a separate
business project. This type of deal allows the partners to combine their strengths in one specific
Merger: Two companies, often in the same industry, come together to form one company.
Companies merger for many reasons, for example, to increase market share and cut costs in
certain areas, such as research and development.
Acquisition or takeover: One company accumulates enough of another company’s shares to
take over control and ownership.