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Middles Ages\ Renaissance Test
What is the most accurate description of the Church’s role in the European Middle Ages?
It played an important role in some people’s lives
It was battling for survival
After the fall of the Roman Empire, its power declined over the next 1000 years
It played a dominant, central role in society
2. The word clergy refers to
a. forgiveness of sins b. priests and other church officials c. religious rituals
d. selling of church positions
3. The Church tithe during the Middle Ages was a
a. high religious official
b. a proclamation from the Church
c. a payment received by crusaders
d. a tax levied by the Church
4. A monastery is
a. the home of the pope
c. a community of monks
b. an agreement to share power between church and secular leaders
d. one of the sacraments
5. Sacraments are
a. pilgrimages
b. monks
c. holy rituals
d. a way to buy oneself out of purgatory
6. Excommunication is
a. formally removing a person from membership in a church
c. one of the sacraments of the Church
d. none of the above
b. promising eternal salvation
7. During the Middle Ages, all of these were true about the Church EXCEPT
1. It was the largest landowner in Europe
2. It largely controlled education
3. It always cooperated with non-religious rulers
4. It played a major role in launching the Crusades
8. The lines from this 14th Century poem refer to whom?
“His favors from the poor are aye withholden.
He strives to gather wealth as best he may,
Forcing Christ's people blindly to obey,”
a. Cosimo de Medici
b. the Black Plague c. William Shakespeare
d. the pope
9. Among other results, The Hundred Years’ War between England and France
a. boosted the economy of Northern Italy
b. led to collapse of France
c. marked the start of the Crusades
d. ended the domination of knights on the battlefield
10. The goal of the Crusades was to
a. free slaves in the Middle East
b. re-establish Christian control of the Holy Land (Jerusalem)
c. open up trade routes to Asia
d. get some exercise
11. The Crusades helped expose Europeans to new ideas and knowledge from Middle East
a. True
b. False
12. The Crusades were motivated only by religion
a. True
b. False
13. The center of the early Northern Italian Renaissance was
a. Rome
b. Venice
c. Paris
d. Florence
14. A patron is someone who
a. lends money
b. owns large tracts of land
c. sponsors someone financially
d. is of noble birth
15. Humanism is
a. a literary, artistic, and intellectual movement that moved its focus from human beings and everyday life on
earth to God and the divine.
b. a literary, artistic, and intellectual movement that moved its focus from God and the divine to human beings
and everyday life on earth.
c. a new type of scientific study that tried to make a better attempt to understand how the human body works.
d. a new movement within the church to help understand why God created humanity.
16. Cosimo de Medici decided to support Brunelleschi’s construction of the cathedral dome in
Florence because
a. the dome was the most important project in Florence and he would gain great prestige from its completion.
b. he was a great admirer of the pope.
c. he had made a deal that if he got it completed he would become a cardinal and eventually pope.
d. all of the above.
17. Which of the following did NOT contribute to Italy being the birthplace of the Renaissance?
a. The growth of city states and urban areas
b. The growing influence of the Catholic Church
c. The development of a wealthy merchant class from banking and trading
d. Italians drew inspiration from the legacy of Rome and its literature and architecture
18. In an oligarchy,
a. leaders are elected, but for life
b. a king rules with the help of church advisors
c. a small group of people control the government
d. a big, hairy guy named Olig rules
19. Cosimo de Medici exercised power and influence by all of the following means EXCEPT
a. armed force
b. control over the economy of Florence
c. gaining allies through political deals
d. patronage
20. The term contrapasso, the idea that the punishment should fit the sin, originated with
a. Thomas Aquinas
2. Boniface VIII
c. Virgil
d. Cosimo de Medici
21. Who officially proclaimed the Church’s power over the secular rulers of Europe?
a. Dante
b. Pope Boniface VIII
c. Machiavelli
d. Erasmus
22. Accounts from Germany show that Jews, were not only blamed for spreading the plague but
were also scapegoated because
a. they tried to convert Christian children to Judaism
b. they did not believe in the contagion theory of how the disease spread
c. they tried to use the social turmoil caused by the plague to take over local governments
d. Christians often owed them money
23. The Black Plague helped speed up the breakdown of feudalism because
a. lots of priests died thereby concentrating power in the ones that lived
b. the resulting labor shortage meant that many serfs could demand higher payment
c. trade decreased leading to less migration of people
d. none of the above
24. The vernacular is
a. another name for Latin b. a special language used to publish the Bible
c. the native language of a region
d. a language used by traders from different nations to communicate
25. Secular means
a. non-Christian
b. non-religious
c. noble
d. related to the Renaissance
26. The Black Plague killed this proportion of Europe’s population in five years from 1347-1352?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 33-50%
d. 90-95%
27. The Black Plague undermined the authority of the church because
a. people blamed it for causing the plague
b. people felt it was withholding medical help from victims of the plague
c. it seemed that the church was powerless to stop the plague despite people’s prayers
d. all of the above
Put these events in the correct order they occurred (a=1st, b=2nd, c= 3rd, d=4th) (4 points)
28. The invention of the printing press
29. The Crusades
30. The Black Death
31. The fall of the Roman Empire
32. Why was the Catholic Church so worried about the impact of the flagellants?
a. It didn’t want people hurting themselves.
b. They were essentially a religious movement operating outside control of the church.
c. It feared that they would spread the plague faster.
d. It feared that the flagellants would be attracted to Judaism.
33. During the Middle Ages, what could Jews do that was seen as a sin for Christians?
a. Own stores
b. Become merchants
c. Join a monastery
d. Charge interest to lend money
34. Which of the following is NOT true of the Italian Renaissance?
a. It came about partly because the wealth and interested in new ideas generated by trade
b. It mainly affected wealthy/educated people
c. It celebrated life on earth in the present
d. It was fundamentally anti-Christian
35. Simony is
a. criticizing church practices
c. the selling of church positions
b. taxing the poor to support the church
c. paying off a lord to buy freedom
36. The ability to depict scenes realistically in three-dimensions is called
a. shading
b. hieratic scale
c. perspective
d. geometry
37. The Prince is mainly concerned with the subject of
a. politics
b. art
c. religion
d. sports
38. Which the following is NOT necessarily true of an ideal “Renaissance Man?”
a. a broad knowledge in different fields
b. an interest in holding political office
c. deep knowledge in at least one area
d. the ability to connect knowledge across disciplines
39. Who is the most famous example of a “Renaissance Man?”
a. Cosimo de Medici
b. Leonardo da Vinci
c. Donatello
d. Niccolò Machiavelli
40. In The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli argues that the state (government)
a. should be based on a vote of the people
b. ought to reflect Christian values
c. is created by human and does not reflect a divine purpose
d. none of the above
41. Machiavelli, who authored The Prince after he was exiled from Florence, wrote it partly
a. to get back in the good graces of the Medici
b. to announce his opposition to the Pope
c. to make a little money while he was unemployed
d. to get revenge on his enemies
42. In The New York Times article “Florence and the Drones,” the author argues that a key
problem with Machiavelli’s analysis is that he
a. put too much faith in the self-restraint of leaders b. didn’t account for how technology has changed politics
c. didn’t understand how democracy works
d. didn’t take into account to the role of religion in society
43. A heretic is
a. a knight who went on the Crusades
b. a noble who receives religious training
c. an aide to the Pope
d. someone who rejects or opposes church doctrines
44. “Balance of Power,” when it refers to the political situation in 15th century Italy, is best
described as
a. making sure that the king and the pope shared equal power
b. a system in which none of the three branches of government has too much power
c. ensuring that no single state has enough power to defeat or take over the others
d. sharing power between Protestants and Catholics.
45. The Northern Renaissance was originally centered where?
a. Spain
b. Germany
c. Flanders
d. Sweden and Norway
46. Christian humanism, which developed in the Northern Renaissance, focused on
a. providing food for everyone
b. reforming the Catholic Church
c. promoting the rights of serfs
d. increasing scientific knowledge
47. Reformers of the Northern Renaissance were interested in educating people to
a. add to the power of the church
b. give serfs access to different skills
c. increase trade
d. enable more people to read the Bible
48. Criticism of the Catholic Church in the 1400s (Think of Hus and Wycliffe as well) was
a. widespread across Europe
b. limited to Flanders
c. mainly in Italy
d. mostly in Britain
49. Which of these helped speed the spread of Renaissance ideas?
a. perspective
b. the Black Plague
c. the printing press
d. conquest
50. Northern Italy and the area where the Northern Renaissance started had this in common
a. They were centers of trade and wealth
b. A lot of people there spoke Latin
c. The Catholic Church was very weak
d. a & b & c.