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North American Lakes and Pond Ecosystems
Introductions to the North American Ponds and Lakes
For this assignment I will be bringing forward information relevant to the issues (what they are, who/
what they affect, and possible solutions, etc.). This information is all data related to lakes and/ or ponds
in Canada and the Northern U.S.A. as ponds are everywhere, and to bring all the different climates into
comparison. Larger lakes like the Great Lakes in Ontario (area), as well as other smaller lakes in the
other provinces/ territories as well as states. Important topics like; how global warming is affecting this
ecosystem, what types of species are being extirpated/ going extinct, the environmental focus that
scientists are taking towards conserving these ecosystems. There will be a bibliography at the end of this
‘paper’ for references I used and the date of such.
Questions Answered On Wiki
1. How is global warming affecting this ecosystem? In an ecosystem such as ponds and lakes could
global warming be affecting the water levels? How would changes like lower/ higher/ drier seasons
affect these North American ponds/ lakes?
2. Which would be a solution to the ecosystem’s worst issue? How long could this solution take to work
and/ or replace the dying components? How can we as people help solve this disaster/pollutant?
3. What species live in this ecosystem? How does global warming or another serious issue affect their
species populations?
4. What do scientists test for in this ecosystem? Are the tests coming up with data that brings the
ecosystem’s level to dangerous or deadly?
5. What would be the most harmful issue for ponds/lakes? How long has this been taking place? What
are the causes of this issue?
6. Where are examples of these ecosystems?
7. When or will the water levels change? If so what conditions could this cause in ecosystems such as
ponds/ lakes?
8. Where would extirpated species go, if the ecosystem were to be destroyed? Will there be some
species that cannot survive in other ecosystems? Will there be species who survive the sparsely of their
ecosystem and adapt to another ecosystem? What types of species live there during this age? Have any
past species gone extinct or been extirpated from that area?
9. In countries like Canada whose climate changes with the season, and is unpredictable from one year
to the next how is this ecosystem able to sustain life in these harsh and unpredictable climates? What
adaptations do the animals and plants that live in these ecosystems use to survive climates like
extremely cold winters, or low rain years?
What Affects the Wetlands and how bad is the Damage? Is it
Affecting Aspects like Climate Change?
Two main issues become interconnected when concerning the
conservation of lakes and ponds in North America; global warming
and pollution. Businesses such as mining companies, power plants
and other manufacturing companies use lakes as a waste dump, or
coolant. In Canada the Fisheries Act that makes it illegal to pollute
or dump waste in fish-bearing lakes. Unfortunately, the federal
bureaucrats can change the status of a Canadian lake to “tailing
impoundment areas” which allows them to use these natural lakes as dump
sites. This year alone there are eight lakes scheduled to be “roped off” for use
as a coolant or dump sites. When water from these lakes evaporates to fall
back to the Earth as rain, these pollutants create acid rain, which really destroys the ecosystem. This
issue directly correlates with a huge issue on everyone’s mind; global warming. Beginning up north,
lakes are beginning to evaporate and shrink, losing their water and capability to perform as an
ecosystem. Creatures from these lakes are getting extirpated and some are even becoming extinct. If
these issues are not controlled, or stopped then the ecosystems could cease to exist.
North American lakes and ponds are abundant with species of birds,
insects, and wildlife and plant life in the ecosystems. Scientists have
recently completed a twenty year study on the ways acid rain and
global warming is affecting the ecosystem. According to this study;
the surfaces of the lakes are becoming transparent, which magnifies
the affect of UV radiation. This is affecting the populations of both
aquatic and land creatures in these ecosystems. The Great Lakes
that spread along the Quebec, Ontario lines are accountable for 20%
of the world’s fresh water. This ecosystem has kept losing
creatures, soil nutrients and other important aspects of life to
the human need and overuse of these bodies of fresh water.
Overpopulation, along the edges had brought on the loss of nutrients in the water, soil and air. As well
as the pollutants seeping into the water supply, killing any life it comes across. There are three defined
warning names for conditions or populations of animals; extinct (no longer in existence), extirpated (no
longer exists in a certain area) and endemism (living in only one area). Species from all over the map fit
into these categories with the lowering water levels, and acid rain inducing pollutants that contort the
North American lakes.
There are many possible solutions to the chemical and climatic problems that are presented in these
ecosystems. One is to clean up and purify the water that has been used as a waste dump. This could
possibly cut down on aspects like the acid rain that erodes
the soil and rocks. The argument that these companies use
to prove the ability of water to dilute any chemicals has
been proven false. Taking away the rights these companies
have to use these precious water sources for dump sites.
Now global warming has not a simple solution to take. It is
the natural warming of the Earth; but keeping water in the
lakes who are falling victim to over-evaporation could keep
these ecosystems fully functioning. But really it’s up to the
scientific research of ecologists and environmentalists to
find suitable solutions to these world changing issues.
Who/ What are affected by This Harm? Are There Species
Getting Extirpated, or Going Extinct?
When people think of extinct animals they think of dinosaurs, when they think of extirpated species
swift fox, endangered panda bears and threatened the burrowing owls. But realistically those are not
even close to the only species who are threatened or losing populations. Even in National Parks many
animals’ populations are dwindling. There are many levels of population threats; the lowest being
special concern and the highest being extinction. Thankfully, many animals in North America are still in
the safe area of no concern, or special concern. Species like the Gopher Frog and Pallid Sturgeon are
examples of endangered animals in North America. I could probably continue to list examples for all the
threatened and/ or other levels of endangered species. But with the continuation of drying out Arctic
lakes and the pollution of other lakes many species are being pushed to the brink of extinction.
If This Were to Continue What Would Happen to This Ecosystem?
Scientists, from all different backgrounds all have different perspectives have different beliefs on the
whole idea of global warming and what the effects will be. Some believe that it’s a sign that we are just
ending the Ice Age, or that the problem is global cooling not warming, or that we humans are neither
causing nor contributing to global warming. But no one scientist can deny the undying proof that this
year alone, temperatures all around the world. Effects such as the arctic lakes drying up are just
byproducts of the big picture- which is the melting of the polar ice caps. The polar ice caps melting could
cause the water levels to rise which could drown out or completely cover over the coastal land masses
adding to the amount of salt water and lowering the amount of fresh water. Lakes will get evaporating
as sort of a byproduct, the loss of water adding up to a larger amount of water that will return.
Species Diversification
In an ecosystem there are many different species living in a sort of
community. Inside these communities the species live there all have
different populations depending on the amount of luck that natural
selection brings to the species. Natural selection is affected by many
different characteristics and aspects in their niche: what they eat,
where they sleep, what types of symbiosis they are involved in, and
other such information. These niches are affected with the
habitat diversity within a single ecosystem and one like ponds
7/05/01/climate-myth-the-greatand lakes seems to be appropriately functioning for that
diversity. Another important factor of natural selection is
diversity within a species; the fur color or the placement of hair
on their body can all contribute to the success in natural selection.
The urbanization of areas around lakes and ponds has added the hobby of gardening to the yards of the
people. As aesthetic appeal is all about the beauty and the rarity of the plants many people bring in
exotic plants and or animals whom do not have any biological control or natural predators.
Conservation Groups
Every ecosystem in the world has certain groups of people who are dedicated to the conservation of a
specific ecosystem. The Great Lakes in Canada have quite a few working together to keep the ecosystem
clean and safe. Some examples are the Great Lakes Cleanup Fund, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Wetland
Habitat Fund, and EcoAction.
Summary (Conclusion)
Northern American Lakes have had quite a time the last few years with the mining waste and the drying
up which is caused by global warming. These issues are causing many animals to lose their homes to the
degradation of soil, or the pollution of water. Causing animals to become extinct or endangered and/ or
extirpated when unable to function anywhere else. Possibly, an agreement with the government which
could allow discontinuation of the ability to change the status of lakes and ponds to waste dump sites
could begin to help the issues affecting the ponds. Scientists are currently working hard to find solvable
solutions to contribute the conservation of these important ecosystems.
Pollution/ Global Warming (Oct. 15) (Oct. 15) (Oct. 15) (Oct. 18) (Oct. 19) (Oct.19) (Oct. 19)
Animals Affected: (Oct.19) (Oct. 21)
Effects of Continuation: (Oct. 21) (Oct. 21)
Conservation Groups: (Oct. 21)