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U.S. History
Causes of the Civil War Quiz
Review Sheet #4
Directions: Do your best to answer the following questions without the use of your notes/handouts. Circle any of the
questions that you find difficult or confusing. Then focus your studies on those questions that you found to be the most
1. What does the word “secede” mean? _______________________________________________
2. Identify the first state to secede from the Union. ____________________________________
(Another Declaration of Independence: South
Carolina Secedes from the Union handout)
3. Identify 3 reasons that South Carolina cites for seceding from the Union in their Declaration
of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the
Federal Union (their Declaration of Independence). You should paraphrase their grievances
from the primary source document.
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
(Another Declaration of Independence: South
Carolina Secedes from the Union handout)
4. Why were southerners so upset about the election of Lincoln in 1860? __________________
(Another Declaration of Independence: South
Carolina Secedes from the Union and The Party Splits
and so Does the Nation handout)
5. What is the name of the country formed by the southern states that seceded from the Union?
(The Birth of the Confederate States of America:
Examining the Confederate Constitution handout)
6. What did Senator Jefferson Davis of Mississippi mean when he said the following to the US
Senate in 1861:
I rise, Mr. President, for the purpose of announcing to the Senate that I have satisfactory evidence that the State of
Mississippi, by solemn ordinance of her people, in convention assembled, has declared her separation from the
United States. Under these circumstances, of course, my functions are terminated here…
Davis was saying that: ____________________________________________________________
(The Birth of the Confederate States of America:
Examining the Confederate Constitution handout)
7. Identify two ways that the U.S. Constitution and the Confederate Constitution were similar
and two ways that they were different. Your similarities and differences should reflect specific
references to both documents (i.e. they were both constitutions is not an acceptable
(The Birth of the Confederate States of America:
Examining the Confederate Constitution handout)
8. Why didn’t the CFA feel the need to give the states more power than the federal government
in their new constitution? ________________________________________________________
9. After the drafting of the Confederate Constitution and the declarations of independence
from the southern states, do you consider the Confederacy to be a free and independent
country or is it still a part of the United States (Union)? Explain.
(Liberty & Justice for All? A Close Examination of a
Peculiar Institution handout)