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Chapter 12: pages 332 – 333 (Be specific and brief; think in bullets)
1. Who were the invaders that settled in Western Europe after the fall of Rome?
2. What was the importance of the Franks? Who was Clovis?
3. Describe the role of women in this Germanic culture.
4. Be able to compare and contrast Roman law with that of the Germanic tribal laws. (wergeld and the ordeal)
5. Describe the role of the Christian Church during the Early Middle Ages.
6. What was the role did monasticism play during the Early Middle Ages?
7. What was different about the role of men and women in the Catholic Church?
8. How did Charlemagne come to be crowned emperor in 800 CE? What was he emperor of? What power did the
Church hold over him or he over the Church? What achievements did Charlemagne create?
9. Read page 328, The Achievements of Charlemagne
10. What three groups invaded Western Europe between the 9th and 10th centuries? What impact did they have on
Medieval Europe?
11. How did feudalism develop? Did this system bring stability? Why or why not?
12. What was subinfeudation?
13. Describe the Manorial systems importance to the development of the feudal system. Was it important for the stability
of Western Europe? Why or why not?
14. What created the shift between the Early and High Middle Ages? What were the changes and continuities that existed
between these two periods?
15. What technology and ideas developed between1000-1300 that aided in the rise in agricultural production?
16. What was daily life like for most peasants? Make a distinction between men and women.
17. What was daily life like for most nobles? Make a distinction between men and women.
18. How did European society compare and contrast with Japan?
19. Read and view the comparative illustration on page 332. How was Western Europe in comparison to China in
agricultural production? Please review previous chapters.
20. Describe the revival of trade in Europe and the development of a commercial capitalism.
Chapter 12, pages 333 – 343(Be specific and brief; think in bullets)
1. Give a quick over view of trade outside of Europe during the period of 1000-1300.
2. Describe the establishment of towns and how the rises of trade helped to create a more stable society. What role did
communes play? Compare the difference between towns in Northern Italy to towns in the rest of Europe.
3. What was daily life like in the middle ages? Describe the role of men and women in medieval towns.
4. What was the purpose of guilds?
5. Compare and contrast the development of medieval law in England and France.
6. What was the importance of the Norman conquest of England and the creation/forced signing of the Magna Carta?
7. Describe the establishment of the Estates General and how this limits the rights of the commoners of France. How is
this different from what political changes were occurring in England?
8. What was the Holy Roman Empire and how did these lands come to be governed?
9. How ere the Slavs and what peoples emerge from them? What events and ideologies helped to shape Slavic culture?
10. Describe Russia’s development during the Middle Ages and the transitions in the ruling of this region of Eastern
Europe. What events and ideologies helped to shape Russia’s culture?
11. Describe the role of Pope Gregory VII as a church reformer and Papal monarch. Make sure to understand the
Concordant of Worms.
12. How did the Popes during the 12th century continue to reform the church and begin to consolidate their power
13. Describe the new monastic orders that emerged between 1050 -1150. Why did they form? What impact did they have
on the Church and their community of believers in Europe? What was the role of the convent?
14. Please understand the cultural achievements of the High Middle Ages: universities, the development of
scholasticism, and architecture (Romanesque vs. Gothic)
Chapter 12, pages 343 – 355 (Be specific and brief; think in bullets)
1. Beginning in the 11th century - Briefly describe the cause and effects of the Crusades.
2. Read through the Primary document on page 344 (The Crusades)
3. Describe the technology used or gained during the Crusades, attributing it to the correct country from which it
4. Describe the causes and effects of the Black Death that occurred during the 14th century. (make sure to address
flagellants and anti-Semitism)
5. Read through the Primary document on page 346 and 347 (The Black Death).
6. How was the Black Death both a positive force for the economy?
7. How did this new freedom among peasants lead to social unrest? Were there any major gains from these upheavals?
8. What were the general causes and outcomes of the Hundred Years war?
9. Describe the technology used or gained during the Hundred Years war, attributing it to the correct country from
which it originated.
10. What caused the decline of the Church? What reforms were made and by whom?
11. Describe the issues surrounding the Great Schism of the 14th century.
12. What led to the Italian Renaissance?
13. Who was Petrarch? What was this new concept known as humanism?
14. What was different about Renaissance artworks compared to those of the middle ages?
15. Was a central governance of monarchial power reestablished in Europe during the 14th century? Discuss in brief
Italy, France, England, Spain and Germany)
16. What issues existed in Eastern Europe that led to a struggle for centralization?
17. Please read the conclusion of the chapter and review the timeline on page 355.
Chapter 12, pages 343 – 355 (Be specific and brief; think in bullets)
1. Beginning in the 11th century - Briefly describe the cause and effects of the Crusades.
2. Read through the Primary document on page 344 (The Crusades)
3. Describe the technology used or gained during the Crusades, attributing it to the correct country from which it
4. Describe the causes and effects of the Black Death that occurred during the 14th century. (make sure to address
flagellants and anti-Semitism)
5. Read through the Primary document on page 346 and 347 (The Black Death).
6. How was the Black Death both a positive force for the economy?
7. How did this new freedom among peasants lead to social unrest? Were there any major gains from these upheavals?
8. What were the general causes and outcomes of the Hundred Years war?
9. Describe the technology used or gained during the Hundred Years war, attributing it to the correct country from
which it originated.
10. What caused the decline of the Church? What reforms were made and by whom?
11. Describe the issues surrounding the Great Schism of the 14th century.
12. What led to the Italian Renaissance?
13. Who was Petrarch? What was this new concept known as humanism?
14. What was different about Renaissance artworks compared to those of the middle ages?
15. Was a central governance of monarchial power reestablished in Europe during the 14th century? Discuss in brief
Italy, France, England, Spain and Germany)
16. What issues existed in Eastern Europe that led to a struggle for centralization?
17. Please read the conclusion of the chapter and review the timeline on page 355.