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Classification Test Outline 2016
 Review notes on classification
 Be able to use a taxonomic chart to answer questions.
 Be able to use a biological key to identify organisms.
 Study your notes on Virus.
 Know why viruses cannot be classified.
Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
 Review the Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria notes.
 Know the three main groups of archaebacteria and where they live.
 Know the three basic shapes that are used to classify eubacteria and how they are also classified based on their modes
of respiration and nutrition.
 Know the difference between an obligate aerobe, an obligate anaerobe, and a facultative anaerobe. Know how
bacteria can survive unfavourable conditions.
 Be able to explain how bacteria reproduce by binary fission and conjugation.
 Be able to discuss antibiotic resistance and why antibiotics cannot be used to treat viral infections.
Kingdom Protista
 Review your protista notes from the power point. Know the basic characteristics that place organisms within this
kingdom. Be able to identify the three main groups of protists and what places them in each group.
 Be able to label a paramecium and an amoba.
Kingdom Fungi
 Review the fungi notes. Be able to identify characteristics that make them different from plants.
 Know the names of the three divisions and the defining characteristics. Know what is meant by a symbiotic
 Know some different ways that fungi are beneficial to humans
Kingdom Plantae
 Review the Plantae power point. Know the basic characteristics that place organisms within this kingdom.
 Know the function of the following plant structures for multiple choice: rhizoids, xylem, phloem, cuticle, and stomata.
 Know the structural differents between non-vascular and vascular plants
 Know the four divisions of plants and the defining characteristics of each division.
Kingdom Animalia
 Review the Animalia notes. Know the 5 characteristics that place organisms within this kingdom.
 Be able to identify main traits of the classes of vertebrates (i.e., mammals produce milk)
 Know the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates.
Questions: Some Questions will be duplicated on Review sheet #2
1. Explain binomial nomenclature and identify the scientist who created this system.
2. Identify the seven taxa used in taxonomy.
3. Name the six kingdoms in our current classification system.
4. What is a dichotomous key or classification key used for?
5. What are the two components of all viruses?
6. What is a bacteriophage?
9. What are three major groups of Archaebacteria?
10. What three shapes are used to classify Eubacteria?
11. What other trait is used to classify Eubacteria?
12. Outline the difference between the following: obligate aerobes, obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes.
13. Explain binary fission.
14. What is an endospore?
15. Identify some ways bacteria are useful to us.
16. What are antibiotics?
17. What are the basic characteristics organisms in Kingdom Protista?
18. What are the three distinct groups of organisms in kingdom Protista?
19. What are the characteristics of each group you named in question 18?
21. Outline a few differences between fungi and plants.
22. Identify the three divisions of Kingdom fungi and a defining characteristic of each.
23. Explain symbiosis using lichen as an example.
24. What is the difference between mycelium and hyphae?
25. Identify the basic characteristics of organisms in kingdom Plantae.
26. Identify the four divisions of kingdom Plantae and a defining characteristic of each.
27. What is the function of each of the following plant structures; rhizoids, xylem, phloem, cuticle, and stomata.
28. Identify some characteristics used to classify animals into phyla in Kingdom Animalia.
29. Name the nine phyla in Kingdom Animalia and give one example of an organism from each phyla.
30. What are some reasons why arthropods are so successful?
31. What term is used to describe an organism that produces its own food?
32. Organisms that obtain nutrients from their environment.
33. What term is used to describe animal-like protists?
34. What organisms are heterotrophs that absorb their food?
35. What kingdom does a paramecium belong to?
36. These kingdoms contain organisms that are prokaryotic.
37. This class of animals have fur and feed milk to their young.
38. What is the term that describes asexual reproduction in bacteria?
39. The hard outer shell that encloses a bacterium in harsh conditions.
40. What are the three main shapes of a typical bacterium?
41. What term is used to describe a virus or bacteria that cause diseases?
42. Amoeba have these, also known as false feet.
43. These animal-like protists cannot move and are parasitic.
44. Protozoans are classified based on what?
45. This part of a paramecium allows it to pump out water.
46. This plant structure prevents water loss.
47. This type of relationship benefits both organisms involved.
48. This phylum contains animal-like protists that have cilia.
49. These types of protists have flagella.
50. On what basis are fungi classified?
51. What fungi is known as a dual organism?
52. This plant structure transports water from the roots to the rest of the plant.
53. This phylum includes mushrooms and puffballs.
54. What are the three main groups of Archaebacteria?
55. This plant structure is used in gas exchange.
56. These bacteria respire in the presence of oxygen.
57. What is the difference between an endoskelton and an exoskeleton?