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Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
LESSON I - Cells
Pp. 22 – 23 What are Cells?
1. What is an organism? ______any living thing that can carry out life on its own__________
2. What is a cell? _________the smallest unit of living matter_________________________
3. A one-celled organism is called __unicellular____. A many-celled organism is
called _____multicellular_________________.
Pp. 24 – 25 What is inside an animal cell?
4. What are the basic structures inside of cells that help them perform life processes?
5. What is the function of the cell membrane? ____It surrounds the outside of the cell,
controls what goes in and out of the cell, and gives the cell its shape._________________
6. What is the function of cytoplasm? ___It is a gel-like liquid that fills the cell and supports
all its structures.__________________________________________________________
7. What is the function of the nucleus? ___It is the “control center” of the cell and sends
signals to all the other parts of the cell.________________________________________
8. What is the function mitochondria? ___They supply energy for the cell by breaking down
food, which releases energy for the cell to use._______________________________________
9. What is the function of vacuoles? ______It stores food, water and wastes. The nucleus tells
the vacuoles when to release the wastes.______
Pp. 26 – 27 What is inside a plant cell?
10. How is a plant cell like an animal cell? ______It has many of the same structures and
11. How is a plant cell different from an animal cell? ___It has a boxlike shape and is larger
than an animal cell. It also has some organelles that animal cells do not have.___
12. What is the function of the cell wall? __It is a covering on the outside of the cell that gives
the plant cell strength and extra support._______________________________________
13. What is the function of the chloroplasts? _____A green structure where the energy from
sunlight is used to produce food for the plant___________________________________
14. What is chlorophyll? _____A green chemical in plant cells that allows plants to use the
Sun’s energy to make food. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts.________________
15. What is different about the function of the vacuole in a plant cell? ____________________
___It is large and provides extra support. It helps keep the plant from drying out_______
by releasing extra water it stores._____________________________________________
P. 28
How are cells organized?
16. What is tissue? ____A group of similar cells that work together at the same job_________
17. What is an organ? ____A group of tissues working together to do a certain job_______
18. What is an organ system? ___A group of organs that work together to do a certain job_
Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
LESSON 2 – Classifying life
Pp. 34 – 35 How are organisms classified?
1. What is classification? ___the science of organizing categories for living things_________
2. What is a kingdom? __the largest group into which an organism can be classified________
What do scientists look at to classify organisms into kingdoms? ___by carefully
comparing the organism’s cells, tissues, organs and organ systems__________________
3. What is a species? ____a group of similar organisms in a genus that can reproduce more of
their own kind____________________________________________________________
Pp. 36 – 37 What are animals?
4. Name 4 things that make the animal
kingdom different from the other kingdoms.
a. ___They are multicellular.________________________________________________
b. ___They do not make their own food. They must eat other organisms.____________
c. ___Their cells do not have a cell wall.______________________________________
d. ___They are able to move from place to place.________________________________
5. What is a vertebrate? __an animal with a backbone_______________________________
6. What is an invertebrate? ____an animal without a backbone________________________
Pp. 38 – 39 What are plants and fungi?
7. Name 3 things that make plants and fungi different from the other kingdoms.
a. _____they have cell walls_____________________________________________
b. _____they cannot move from place to place_______________________________
c. _____they do not have true sense organs_________________________________
8. Are plants multicellular? __yes_____
9. What are vascular plants? __plants that have tissues through which water and food
10. What are nonvascular plants? __plants containing no plant tissue through which water
and food move____________________________________________________________
11. How are fungi different from plants? __They obtain energy differently than plants
12. How do fungi get their energy? ___by breaking down dead or decaying plants and
Pp. 40– 41 What are bacteria and protisis?
13. What type of organisms are bacteria? __Bacteria are unicellular, a single cell with no
central nucleus___________________________________________________________
14. What are the two kingdom classifications for bacteria? __true bacteria and ancient
15. Are bacteria harmful or helpful? ___some are harmful, others are helpful______________
16. Name three ways organisms in the protist kingdom differ from organisms in the bacteria
a. ______Protists can be unicellular or multicellular.____________________________
b. ______They are much larger than bacteria.__________________________________
c. ______They have a central nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles._________
17. Name 3 types of protists. ____algae, amoebas, and slime molds_____________________
P. 42 What are viruses?
18. Why do many scientists consider viruses not to be living things? __They do not carry out
all of the basic life processes. The only basic life process they carry out is reproduction._
Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
LESSON 3 - plants
Pp. 48 – 49 How are plants classified?
1. How do most nonvascular plants obtain water without a transport system? ____they are
small and live very close to the ground to absorb water___________________________
2. What are the two groups into which vascular plants are divided? seed plants and seedless plants
3. How do seedless plants reproduce? ____They reproduce with spores._________________
4. What is a gymnosperm? ____a seed plant that does not produce flowers_______________
5. What is an angiosperm? ____a seed plant that produces flowers______________________
Pp. 50 – 51 What are roots?
6. What are roots? _________ a part of the plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food,
and anchors the plant______________________________________________________
7. In the chart below, list the functions of the different types of roots:
Roots that anchor the plant to trees, rocks or other surfaces and absorb water
from the air and rain
Thin branching roots that do not grow deep
A single, main stalk-like root that grows deep into the ground
Prop roots
They prop up and support the plant so it cannot be knocked over.
Pp. 52 – 53 What are stems?
8. What are the two functions of a plant’s stem?
a. ______they support the weight of the plant___________________________________
b. ______they serve as the transport system for the plant__________________________
9. What is xylem? _____the tissue through which water and minerals move up through a plant
10. What is phloem? _____the system through which food from the leaves moves throughout
the rest of a plant____________________________________________________
11. What is cambium? ______the layer in plants that separates the xylem from the phloem
Pp. 54 – 55 What are leaves?
12. What is photosynthesis? _____the food-making process in green plants that uses sunlight
13. What is transpiration? ______the loss of water through a plant’s leaves
14. List the 5 steps of transpiration in order.
1. __Water enters the plant’s roots. _________________________________________
2. ___Water moves through the xylem tissue up to the leaves.______________________
3. ___Water in the leaves is used to make sugar.________________________________
4. ____Sugar is then transported in the phloem tissue.___________________________
5. ___Some water evaporates through open stomata._____________________________
Pp. 56 – 57 How are photosynthesis and respiration related?
15. What is cellular respiration? ___the process in which energy is released from food
(sugar) inside a cell______________________________________________________
Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
LESSON 4 – classifying animals
Pp. 62 – 63 What are simple invertebrates
1. Sponges are asymmetrical. What does this mean? ___cannot be divided into mirror images
2. Cnidarians, such as jellyfish and corals, have radial symmetry. What does this mean? __a
body plan in which all body parts of an orgaism are arranged around a central point_
3. Worms have bilateral symmetry, which is ______a body plan in which an organism can be
divided along only one plane of its body to produce two mirror images______________
4. What are the three main worm groups? __flatworms____ , ___roundworms________ and
____segmented worms____________
Pp. 64 – 65 What are complex invertebrates?
5. Name 4 ways mollusks can be identified. _muscular foot or tentacles_, ____mantle______,
_____internal organs__________, and _______bilateral symmetry______
6. Give three examples of mollusks. ____snails____, ___clams__________, and
7. Name 2 ways echinoderms can be identified. _hard skeleton inside body_ and ____radial
8. Give three examples of echinoderms. _____sea stars____, _____sea urchins_________,
and ______sea cucumbers_______________
9. Name 2 ways arthropods can be identified. ____exoskeleton____and ____bilateral
10. Give three examples of arthropods. ___spiders____, ____crabs______ and __insects____
Pp. 67 – 68
What are vertebrates?
11. Give examples of each type of fish below.
Jawless fish ____lamprey, hagfish___________________________________________
Cartilaginous fish ___sharks, skates, rays_____________________________________
12. Where do amphibians live? _part of their lives in the water and part of their lives on land_
13. Give some examples of amphibians. ____frogs, salamanders_______________________
14. Give some examples of reptiles. _______lizards, snakes, turtles, alligators, crocodiles____
15. What are three special features that make birds different from other vertebrates?
_____two legs and two wings______________________________________________
_____hollow bones to reduce weight_________________________________________
Pp. 68 – 69
What are mammals?
16. What is a monotreme? ____a mammal that lays eggs______________________________
17. Give two examples of monotremes. ____duckbilled platypus______, ___spiny anteater___
18. What is a marsupial? ___a mammal in which the female has a pouch where offspring
develop after birth_________________________________________________________
19. Give two examples of marsupials. ____kangaroo_______, ____koala bear_____________
20. What is a placental mammal? _____a mammal whose young develops within the mother_
21. Give two examples of placental mammals. _dogs______________, ____tigers__________
Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
Lesson 5 – Animal systems
Pp. 74 – 75
What are the skeletal and muscular systems?
1. What is the skeletal system? __________________________________________________
2. What are the two main functions of the skeletal system?
_Bones provide protection for some soft body organs.____________________________
_It provides a solid framework for the body.____________________________________
3. What is the muscular system? ________________________________________________
4. Describe an exoskeleton. ___It is a tough, rigid structure connected by flexible joints. It is
on the outside of the organism’s body.________________________________________
Pp. 76 – 77 What are the digestive and excretory systems?
5. What is the digestive system? _________________________________________________
6. List the six organs that are parts of the digestive system.
7. What is the excretory system? ________________________________________________
8. Which organ releases excess water, salt and other wastes from the body? ___skin_________
9. Which organs remove carbon dioxide from the body? _________lungs_________________
10. Which organs organ removes toxins from the blood? _________liver_________________
11. Which organs filter wastes from the blood? ______________kidneys_________________
12. Which organ stores urine before it leaves the body? ___________bladder______________
Pp. 78 – 79 What are the respiratory and circulatory systems?
13. What two things do all animals need to produce energy? __food______, ____oxygen_____
14. What is the respiratory system? ______________________________________________
15. What is the circulatory system? ______________________________________________
16. Write the steps of circulation and respiration.
1. _Oxygen-poor blood flows into the heart.____________________________________
2. _The oxygen-poor blood is pumped to the lungs.______________________________
3. _In the lungs, the blood drops off carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen_____________
4. _Oxygen-rich blood flows into the heart. Then it is pumped to the body.___________
P. 80 What are the nervous and endocrine systems?
17. What is the nervous system? ____The set of organs that uses information from the senses
to control other body systems._______________________________________________
18. What are four parts of the nervous system? ____brain________, nerve cord____
_______nerves_______________, _______sense organs_______________
19. What is the endocrine system? ____The set of ductless organs that secrete hormones
directly into the bloodstream to regulate life processes. ___________________________
20. What are hormones? ____chemicals released into the bloodstream that change body
21. What is adrenaline? __a hormone that increases heart rate and sends extra blood to the