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Zhang Zhongjing, a prominent Chinese Physician of ancient China, once said,
“He who delivers cure before the onset of a disease is a great physician.” In
today’s context, it means “prevention is better than cure.” Among the countless
health-care formulations in the market today, Lingzhi stands tall as a miraculous
and unparalleled health food. Lingzhi is a kind of mushroom. Its botanical name
is Ganoderma. The Japanese calls it Reishi. It is a functional food, NOT
What are the benefits of consuming Lingzhi?
Lingzhi contains many active components, of which the five most important are:
Polysaccharide – Strengthens immune system, improves body constitution.
Triterpenoids – Improves liver functions, alleviates allergy, and promotes
platelet aggregation.
Adenosine – Improves blood circulations, inhibits platelet aggregation
Organic Germanium – Rejuvenates cells, anti aging, prevents acidic body
Lingzhi 8 Protein – Modulates immune system, enhances cells regeneration
In summary, the functions and benefits of Lingzhi are as follows:
Protects the heart Improves blood circulation, reduces cholesterol, blood
thinner Improves/modulates immune system Prevents common cough, cold,
allergies, improves body constitution and regulates the immune system
Enhances cellular health Healthy cells lead to health organs and a healthy body
resulting in the prevention of degenerative diseases Improves detoxification
Improves liver functions and other body systems Lingzhi does not cure but
normalizes and regulates the body constitution via the above benefits.
It scans and highlights early symptoms of illness thereby allowing us to detect
and take preventive measures.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
1. There are so many types of Lingzhi in the market. How do I know which is the
The criteria for selecting quality Lingzhi are:
i) Species
A good species will definitely give a good yield.
ii) Growing environment
Lingzhi is a highly absorbent plant. Thus, it is important that it is grown in a clean
free from contaminants and pollutants.
iii) Age
It has been found that the active constituents in Lingzhi
iv) Processing method
Lingzhi will yield most health benefits when it is in water-soluble form. Thus
extracted Lingzhi is better than grounded Lingzhi.
v) Recognition by relevant authorities
A good quality Lingzhi should have obtained the appropriate recognition from the
relevant authorities.
Unique features of Lingzhi
- Patented species with high yields
- Cultivated in a controlled environment, free from pollutants
- Constantly monitored and harvested at the optimum age
- Contains 100% concentrated Lingzhi extract
- Stringent Quality Control exercised from cultivation to processing
- Internationally recognized
3. Some people say wild Lingzhi is better than cultivated Lingzhi?
Again, the criteria mentioned in Q1 can be used to determine good quality
Lingzhi. When Lingzhi is gathered from the wild, the species, growing
environment and age are usually unknown. Thus it is very difficult to determine
the exact quality of wild Lingzhi. Due to the numerous factors beyond control,
consistent quality wild Lingzhi is difficult to obtain. This plant is best cultivated in
In this respect, cultivated Lingzhi would be much safer and consistent in quality,
as the species, cultivation environment and the age are being monitored
compared to Lingzhi grown in the wild.
4. Some people say that Lingzhi is poisonous.
There are a few thousand types of mushroom and only 10% are edible, because
most are poisonous. Lingzhi has been documented in the Chinese Medical
Pharmacopoeia “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” (BC 100) and “Ben Cao Gang Mu”
(AD 1518) as a superior quality herb that is non-toxic, neutral in nature and long
term usage will promote good health, longevity and prevent aging.
Good Lingzhi in itself is non-toxic; however, the growing environment may
contaminate the Lingzhi. Thus, it is important to ensure that the Lingzhi you
consume comes from a reliable
5. Lingzhi is not good because it has side effects.
Lingzhi DOES NOT cause side effects, however there is a particular
phenomenon worth mentioning. Lingzhi helps normalize the body constitution by
helping the body to detoxify and improve metabolism. As a result, consumers of
Lingzhi will experience some Vertigo Reactions also known as “Healing Crisis”,
meaning the body will go through a period of discomfort before it gets
comfortable. (To get things in order, one has to go through some disorder and
discharged from the body. These discomforts have been misunderstood as side
6. What are some of the Vertigo Reactions?
Flatulence/Passing out gas
One may flatulent/pass out gas many times a day for about a week or so. (A sign
of toxic and trapped gas being eliminated from our congested colon and tissues)
Frequent bowel movement
Watery, smelly and black stools may be experienced for a number of days. This
bowel movement reaction may sometimes be up to 3-4 times a day. (A sign of
colon cleansing)
Perspiration of Hot Flashing
Those who seldom perspire will now sweat it out even in a cool environment.
Others may find themselves perspiring more. (A sign of skin cleansing)
Discharging of clots
Whatever blockages and/or infections are in the womb, uterus and cervix will be
flushed out in the form of blood clots, extra menstrual flow, and white/brown
discharge for a number of days. (A sign of reproduction organ cleansing)
Phlegm and mucus discharge
Lingzhi is indeed very helpful for asthma and bronchitis sufferers. More phlegm
and mucus will be discharged. The longer the illness has advanced; the longer
the time is needed to clear the affect organs. Lingzhi is also helpful for those
who has sinus. Persistent running nose and itchy nostril will occur for about 2
weeks. Do not attempt to stop the running nose reaction, as this is only
temporary. In some cases, blood debris and clots are discharged, a sign of final
cleansing from the nose. (A sign of respiratory system cleansing)
More urination
Increase in urination. Dark colored urine will be passed out in advanced cases of
high uric acid level and kidney malfunction. The color will become clearer as the
condition improves. (A sign of kidney and bladder cleansing)
If the lymphatic vessels are contaminated with toxins, bacteria or virus, rashes
will appear on the skin. Itchiness over the lymph nodes area will cause some
discomfort for many days (depending on the level of contamination). If itchiness
is unbearable, apply ointment for relief. (A sign of lymphatic vessels cleansing)
Dark and/or bloody traces in stool
Alcohol harms the liver. It hardens the liver and causes it to malfunction. Lingzhi
is able to remove alcohol toxins to allow cells in the liver to regenerate and be
normal again. Reactions such as dark and bloody stools can be seen passing out
for a number of days. However, bowel movement will resume its normal function
once this temporary reaction is over. (A sign of liver cleansing)
Other general Vertigo Reactions
Better sleep, increased energy level, sleepiness, fever are also some of the other
general Vertigo Reactions.
7. How long do these Vertigo Reactions last?
The reactions will differ from person to person depending on the amount of toxins
in the body that are being eliminated. Consumers who experience the Vertigo
Reactions will have faster results. Those who do not encounter any reactions will
find recovery slower. The length of reaction also depends on the individual. A
light reaction may last for about 3-7 days. Severe ones will last for 7-30 days.
Most importantly, they are only temporary phenomenon. Sometimes symptoms
of pain may surface. If so, this is an indication of tissue or organ weakness in the
boy. When pain appears at any point of time, increase dosage to double or
triple to speed up the cleansing process. Should the pain persist for a longer
period, seek medical opinion.
8. What happens if the Vertigo Reactions persist, say after 3-4 weeks?
Lingzhi is also a scanner, in that it is able to scan the body of any diseases that
are in the preillness stage. Therefore, if the Vertigo Reaction persists, consult a
doctor to get another opinion on your state of health.
9. Can I take Lingzhi together with other medication?
It is important to note that all medication and treatment from doctors must be
adhered to when taking Lingzhi. Lingzhi together with natural pollen should be
taken hand in hand with western or traditional medicine and/or any other form of
therapy. This combined method of treatment has proven to be very effective and
10. Some people say that Lingzhi is not suitable for everyone.
The misconception that “Lingzhi is not for everyone” comes about because
some consumers of Lingzhi were not properly briefed on that to expect
after consuming Lingzhi, and mistaken the Vertigo Reactions as a negative
reaction. In fact Vertigo Reactions are a positive indication that Lingzhi is
taking its effect in the body.
Lingzhi can be consumed by everyone. Pregnant ladies, new born and elderly
have consumed Lingzhi and found it very beneficial.
11. Is there a dosage guide for Lingzhi?
Lingzhi is not a medicine. It is neither a nutrient nor vitamin. It is classified as a
food in the Chinese herbal medical compendium “Ben Cao Gang Mu” (AD 1518).
It is harmless and has no side effects even on high dosages. Supreme
Ganoderma has been approved by the Ministry of Taiwan, as per the Health
Food Act, as a non-toxic health food supplement. Since Lingzhi is a scanner,
cleanser and detoxifier, it helps out body to eliminate laden toxins to
promote cells regeneration and thus enhances our body to heal itself.
It is noted that the more Lingzhi we consume, the more toxins are expelled.
Consumers need not be concerned on the right dosage for a particular illness.
Generally, we suggest consuming 4-6 bottles within 2 months for a thorough
cleansing. Then maintain at 2/4 capsules per day.
However, we advise those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart
problem, and asthma and kidney problem to consume Lingzhi on a lower
dosage. For a start 1 per day for the first 3 days. Then increase 1 more capsule
to 2 a day (i.e. 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the night) for a week.
Subsequently, increase to 4 capsules a day (i.e. 2 capsules in the morning
and night) for a bottle. After which, maintain at 6/8 capsules until the problem is
Please continue with your western medication while consuming Lingzhi until such
time when your illness has improved. Then only do you reduce your western
medication, with your doctor’s approval.
12. Why must Lingzhi be consumed with Pollen?
Health problems of the modern generation are mostly caused by chronic
nutritional imbalance. Dietary bias, irregular eating habit and various reasons
have brought about insufficient intake of essential nutrients. As a result of
physiological degeneration, we eventually fall ill.
As pollen can be readily assimilated and utilized by chronically undernourished
body cells, it helps restore the vitality of our body in a rapid manner. Only
revitalized body cells can respond positively to the exceptional efficacy of
Lingzhi. No nutritional program can ever work effectively when the body cells are
on the verge of death. This is why Lingzhi is best taken with pollen (a nutrient
supplement). Research has also found that consuming Lingzhi with Natural
Pollen enhances the assimilation of polysaccharides in the body.
13. Lingzhi is too expensive.
In today’s living environment, it is not cheap to have and maintain good health.
Visits to clinics and specialists are expensive. However when one is diagnosed
with degenerative diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problem,
and kidney malfunction etc, long-term medication is needed for the whole life
which is not cheap either. Thus, if Lingzhi can help promote good health and
delay the onset of degenerative, diseases, then it is not expensive. If one
adheres to the philosophy of “Prevention is better than Cure”, then one will find
Lingzhi inexpensive because of its health promoting capabilities.
14. Lingzhi from the medical hall is cheaper.
It may or may not be true. However, what is more important is one should
consume quality Lingzhi. Good quality Lingzhi should be of a good species,
properly cultivated/grown, of the right age and in water-soluble form so that the
body can absorb its goodness. One might not be able to ascertain the above in
Lingzhi purchased from the medical hall.
15. I am healthy, so there is no need for me to consume Lingzhi?
A person may feel that he is health; however he may not be sure that his body is
free of toxins. The colon, skin, kidney/bladder, lymph and lungs are the 5 major
elimination channels, which make up the body system for eliminating toxins and
wastes. If one of the elimination channels in our body is not functioning well, the
other channels are forced to compensate. If they are unable to handle the
overload, the toxins and waste products find their way back into bloodstream
circulating throughout the body and settling in the weakest organ and tissue
areas. Toxicity in the body lays the groundwork for diseases. Of course, the
accumulation of toxins, which can cause injury to the cells, tissues or organs,
does not happen overnight. It takes many years before any symptoms of
diseases can be seen or felt. Taking Lingzhi daily is an assurance that toxins are
being expelled from our body, making way for our cells to regenerate to promote
better metabolic activities. Lingzhi is not meant only for the sick. Everyone
should consume Lingzhi for better health and for prevention of future illnesses.
Well, do you want to keep the toxins and waste products in your body? The
choice is YOURS!
– TAKE Lingzhi.
16. There are so many types of health food in the market, also professing to do
the same thing like detoxifying, cleansing, improving immune system and so on.
So why should I take Lingzhi?
Most health food in the market today addresses only a specific problem or area.
Lingzhi is unique because:i) It is an Adaptogen, in that it does not cure but enables the body to help itself.
An Adaptogen possesses these 3 qualities:- It is non-toxic
- It is non-specific
- It has overall normalizing effect
ii) It has a 2-way efficacy. For example Lingzhi can promote platelet aggregation
(by Triterpenoids) and inhibit platelet aggregation (by Adenosine) iii) It is a
proven product. It exists more than 3,000 years ago and is one of the world’s
most highly researched herbs today.
iv) It can scan and highlight hidden illnesses.
v) It can be taken on a long-term basis to promote good health and longevity.
Lingzhi is the STAR of all herbs. It is a single product for general health and
many health related problems as it addresses most problems at root.
The STAR among all Lingzhi is Lingzhi.
17. What are some of the benefits experienced by Lingzhi consumers?
a. Better skin tone, smoother, clearer and fairer complexion
i) Acnes and pimples will disappear within a short period of time
ii) Even scars and marks will fade away
b. Sound and deeper sleep
c. Regular bowel movements
d. Normalized blood pressure
e. Calm nerves, less agitation
f. More energetic, no more fatigue, improved stamina
g. Less frequent sore throats, infections, enlarged lymph nodes and allergies
h. Less frequent fever, cold and flu
i. Speedier recovery if one catches fever, cold or flu
j. Improved conditions of high cholesterol, high lipids, high/low blood pressure
k. Improved conditions of various diseases like chronic bronchitis, hepatitis,
diabetes, leukemia
and other various diseases, etc.
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