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What do you mean by allotropes? Name three allotropes of carbon.
Write 2 points of difference in the structures and properties of diamond and graphite.
What is Buckminster fullerene? How many atoms does its molecule contain?
Why is diamond used for making cutting tools?
What do you mean by catenation?
Why does the carbon form a large number of organic compounds?
(i) What are hydrocarbons?
(ii) What do you mean by saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons? Name a group of each
of these.
What are alkanes? Write their general formula and first three members of it with their
electronic dot structures.
What are alkenes? Write their general formula and first three members of it with their
electronic dot structures.
What are alkynes? Write their general formula and first three members of it with their
electronic dot structures
What are alkyl groups? Give two examples.
Identify alkanes, alkenes and alkynes from the following:
C2 H6 , C3 H4 , C3 H6 , C H4 , C2 H2 , C2 H4 , C3 H8.
Which of the above will undergo addition reactions and which will undergo substitution
Which of the following will have double and which will have triple covalent bond between
two of its carbon atoms: C4 H8 , C5 H8 , C5 H10 , C4 H6 , C2 H2 , C2 H4 , C7 H16.
Name three types of chains that carbon can form and give an example of each.
Draw the structures of cyclohexane and benzene.
What do you mean by homologous series? List the properties of a homologous series by
explaining them with examples.
Select the hydrocarbons which belong to the same homologous series: C 4 H8 , C5 H8 ,
C5 H10 , C4 H6 , C2 H2 , C2 H4 , C7 H16, C2 H6 , C3 H4 , C3 H6 , C H4 , C7 H12 , C8 H16 , C6 H10.
What do you mean by isomers? How many isomers do the following compounds have:
(i) propane (ii) butane
(ii) pentane (iii) hexane?
Draw their structural formulae and write their IUPAC name.
Why do alkenes and alkynes burn with sooty flame in air but alkanes burn without soot?
State whether alkanes can also burn with sooty flame. If yes, under what conditions?
Which of the following will burn with smoke in air:
ethane, ethene, propene, propyne?
Write the balanced chemical equations for the burning of ethane and ethene.
Why do sometimes bottom of cooking utensils get blackened after cooking food?
(i) What type of fuel burn with flame?
(ii) When wood is ignited, in the beginning it burns with flame but after sometimes flame
goes off and it just glows red without flame. Why?
(iii) What makes the candle flame luminous?
Why are alkanes excellent fuels?
What is meant by substitution reactions? What type of hydrocarbon undergoes substitution
reaction? Explain this reaction by the reaction of methane with chlorine.
What is meant by addition reactions? What type of hydrocarbon undergoes addition
reaction? Explain this reaction by the reaction of ethene with bromine.
What is hydrogenation? Write one of its industrial uses.
What happens when vegetables oils are hydrogenated? Name the catalyst used.
A mixture of ethyne and oxygen is burnt for welding. Why do we not use a mixture of ethyne
and air?
(i) Explain, why ethene decolourises bromine water whereas ethane does not.
(ii) Give a test that can be used to differentiate chemically between butter and cooking oil.
What do you mean by heteroatom in carbon compounds?
Q.31 What is meant by a functional group? Which properties of organic compounds are
determined by its functional group?
Q.32 Name first five members of alcohols and carboxylic acids. Write their structural formulae
and IUPAC names.
Q.33 Draw electron dot structures of (i) ethanol (ii) ethanoic acid (iii) propanone (iv) methanal.
Q.34 Name the functional group present in the following compounds and write their IUPAC
names: (i) CH3 COOC2H5
(ii) CH3 CH2 OH
(iii) C2 H5 COOH
(iv) CH3COOCH3
(vi) HCOOCH3
(vii) CH3 CO CH2 CH3
(viii) CH3 CH2 CHO
(ix) HCHO (x) CH3 Cl
(xi) CH2 = CH2
(xii) CH  CH
Q.35 What will be the effect of alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic acid on litmus paper?
Q.36 (i) State 4 physical properties of ethanol.
(ii) Write 4 important uses of ethanol.
Q.37 What happens
(i) when sodium metal is put into ethanol
(ii) ethanol is burnt in
(iii) ethanol is heated at 170 C in the presence of conc. sulphuric acid.
Write the balanced chemical equations for the above reactions.
Q.38 Name two oxidizing agents which are used to oxidize alcohol. What is the product of
oxidation? Write the chemical equation of the oxidation of ethanol.
Q.39 How do alcohols react with carboxylic acids? What are the products? What do we call these
Q.40 What do you mean by esterification? Write the chemical equations involved between (i)
methanol and methanoic acid (ii) ethanol and ethanoic acid (iii) methanol and ethanoic acid.
Write the IUPAC names of the products formed.
Q.41 Why is the conversion of ethanol into ethanoic acid an oxidation reaction?
Q.42 How can you identify an alcohol and a carboxylic acid by chemical tests?
Q.43 (i) What is rectified spirit? (ii) What is denatured spirit? Name a poisonous alcohol which is
added to ethanol to make it denatured spirit? What is the need to denature it?
Q.44 What is molasses? What is its use?
Q.45 What is antifreeze mixture?
Q.46 (i) What is glacial acid? Why is it called so?
(ii) What is vinegar?
(iii) State 3 important uses of ethanoic acid.
Q.47 Write the balanced chemical equations of the reactions of acetic acid with:
(i) sodium bicarbonate
(ii) sodium carbonate
(iii) sodium hydroxide.
Q.48 (i) What happens when esters are heated with sodium hydroxide solution? Write the
chemical equation of ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide.
(ii) What do you mean by saponification? Why are these reaction called so?
(iii) Write 2 important uses of esters.
Q.49 Write the names and formulae of acids and alcohols from which the following esters are
What is a soap? Describe the structure of soap molecule with a diagram.
Explain the cleansing action of soap.
What is hard water? Why is soap not suitable for washing clothes in hard water?
(i) What is a detergent? (ii) What is the advantage and disadvantage of detergent over
Q.54 Would you be able to check if water is hard by using a detergent?
Q.55 Why does micelle formation take place when soap is added to water? Will a micelle be
formed in alcohol?