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Medieval Europe Unit Test
Name:_________________________________Date___________________ Period: _________
100 %
pts. earned
possible pts.
I. Mapping (10 pts)
On the map above put labels in parentheses in the appropriate places.
1. England (E)
2. Spain (S)
3. Italy (I)
4. France (F)
5. Jerusalem (J)
6. Constantinople (C)
7. Rome (R)
8. Mediterranean Sea (MED. SEA)
9. Atlantic Ocean (ATLANTIC)
10. The historic location of the Holy Roman Empire (draw a line around the approximate
boundary and mark with HRE)
II. Chronology Number the order of each event.
(11 pts.)
A. Changes in Medieval Europe
_____ The Frankish Empire becomes a strong power in Europe, but people are still threatened by
invaders like the Vikings and the Magyars.
_____ There was significant growth in towns.
_____ Increased agricultural production led to increased trade and commerce.
_____ Feudalism came to an end.
_____ Feudalism develops, and its social order offers people protection.
_____ Barbarian kingdoms fought for power in Europe after the fall of Rome.
B. The Crusades
_____ Christian soldiers gain control of Jerusalem.
_____ The Byzantine Empire calls on Pope Urban for help against the Seljuk Turks.
_____ Muslim soldiers take back most of the Holy Land from Christians.
_____ The Seljuk Turks conquer parts of the Byzantine Empire, coming within 100 miles of
_____ Pope Urban calls for a crusade.
III. Multiple Choice (20 pts.)
1. Who would have most likely said the
“If you give me your loyalty, I will give you land
and protection”
a. a serf
b. a lord
c. a pope
d. a knight
2. Which leader do the following traits describe:
 Ruled the Franks from 768-814
 United the Christian lands of Europe
 Was crowned as Emperor by the Pope.
a. Charlemagne
b. Henry IV
c. Leo III
d. William the Conqueror
3. Which of these is NOT true of the Roman
Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?
a. It was the most popular of three
branches of Christianity.
b. The church owned valuable land and
c. Clergy and monks were some of the
only people in society who could read.
4. As feudalism declined, power shifted from
lords to _________.
a. merchants
b. knights
c. serfs
d. priests
5. Which Medieval thinker believed that science
and philosophy could be used to show that God
a. Pope Gregory
b. Aristotle
c. Saint Benedict
d. Thomas Aquinas
6. Many people from all social classes died
during the plague. How did the plague affect the
peasants and workers who survived?
a. They were able to demand more rights
and take advantage of new
b. They were forced to return to a feudal
c. They could no longer live in cities, so
they moved to farms.
d. They were able to move into the
positions of nobility after the nobles
7. Which of the following was NOT a typical
reason for going on pilgrimage?
a. to cure a disease
b. to seek forgiveness for sins
c. to fight for a religious cause
d. to show devotion to God
8. If you were a customer who bought shoes
from a cobbler, how might a guild help you?
a. by making sure cobblers made good
b. by making sure prices remained very
c. by making sure cobblers were treated
d. by making sure work conditions were
9. How did artisans benefit from being a
member of a guild?
a. Guilds offered members protection.
b. Guilds helped members and their
families in times of sickness or death.
c. Guilds helped establish fair rules for
their trade.
d. all of the above
10. Which of the following was an example of
trial by ordeal?
a. having to sword fight to prove your
b. walking barefoot in the wintertime
c. being thrown in a well to see if the water
rejects you
d. all of the above.
11. What was one key result of the Magna
a. The king could live by different laws
than the commoners.
b. Power of the nobles was abolished.
c. England became a democracy.
d. The king was required to listen to the
advice of the nobles.
12. Which of the following is true about King
Henry IV?
a. His kingship proved that the monarchy
had power over the church.
b. He believed that the church should be
separate from the government.
c. His experience showed that the church
had power over the monarchy.
d. He answered the church’s call and led
the first Crusade to Jerusalem.
13. What was one key result of the Hundred
Years’ War?
a. The effectiveness of the French knights
helped spread feudalism.
b. The use of peasant soldiers made
knights obsolete and helped end
c. Joan of Arc helped spread Catholicism
to England.
d. England and France experienced the
pain of war and vowed never to wage
war again.
14. How did the crusades affect Jews?
a. Many Christians converted to Judaism.
b. Many Jews left Europe and went to the
Holy Land.
c. Jews joined Christians to fight Muslims.
d. Jews were persecuted throughout
15. Which of the following is the most accurate
description of the Divine Right of Kings in
Medieval Europe?
a. It was the King’s Divine Right to
appoint religious officials.
b. Popes chose the kings with Divine
c. Most monarchs believed that God had
given them the right to rule.
d. People believed it was the Divine Right
of Kings to reclaim Jerusalem.
16. Pope Gregory VII wanted to:
a. free the church from the control of kings.
b. start a crusade to reclaim Jerusalem.
c. allow kings to assist in appointing
church officials.
d. none of the above
17. Constantinople played an important role in
the Crusades because:
a. The Byzantine emperor helped the
Muslim and Christian leaders come to a
peace agreement.
b. The Byzantine emperor’s plea for help
encouraged the pope to call for the
c. Once the crusaders had conquered
Constantinople, they were able to defeat
the Muslims.
d. none of the above
18. Which of the following hierarchies is NOT
in the correct order from lowest to highest rank?
a. priest, bishop, archbishop, pope
b. serf, knight, lord, king
c. apprentice, journeyman, master
d. squire, page, knight
19. Which of the following is NOT true about
homes in the Middle Ages?
a. Old houses leaned so much they
sometimes touched each other across the
b. Houses were cold, dark, and smoky.
c. Houses were made of brick or stone.
d. Many people lived in one house.
20. What was the significance of religious art in
the Middle Ages?
a. Until then, it was forbidden to draw
pictures of religious characters like
Jesus or the saints.
b. Most people couldn’t read, so pictures
helped them to learn about Jesus’ life
and teachings.
c. The church taught great numbers of
people how to paint.
d. The church banned any art other than
religious art.
IV. Short Answer (9 pts)
1. Why is Jerusalem such a holy city for so many people? (3 pts)
2. How did the establishments of guilds and urbanization cause major social changes in Europe?
(3 pts)
3. Name three historical figures that are remembered from the Crusades because of their role or
their writings. Give a sentence explaining who each was and why s/he is significant. (3 pts)