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First Responders: Responding to Sexual Assault
by Jamie Suvak, L.M.H.C.
Workshop Objectives
In this course, you will learn to:
Describe the context of sexual assault, including how to define sexual assault and what to do if
someone discloses to you.
Identify the three stages of a survivor's healing process: immediate crisis, outward adjustment,
and retriggering/resolution.
Describe the survivor's feelings and experiences at certain points in healing.
Explain the appropriate response to survivors by providing them safety, empowerment, empathy,
and knowledge about where to seek appropriate interventions and connections.
Questions and Answers (correct in green)
1. After being sexually assaulted, survivors usually react with deregulated emotions that change
from one extreme to another.
a. True
b. False
2. The perpetrator is most often responsible for the crime.
a. True
b. False
3. Empowerment can be as easy as changing language. For example: Instead of telling a survivor of
sexual assault, "You should go to the hospital," you can say "_____."
a. You can go to the hospital and this is how it can benefit you.
b. Why haven't you already gone to the hospital?
c. If you have already bathed, then you only need to go to your primary care physician.
d. I'll help you get to the hospital.
4. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. 1 in 2 women and 1 in 3 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime.
b. 2 in 5 women and 1 in 4 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime.
c. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime.
d. 1 in 10 women and 1 in 50 men will experience a sexual assault in their lifetime.
5. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Sexual assault is an act of violence and an intrusion.
b. Sexual assault for college students usually occurs at parties.
c. Sexual assault is due to alcohol, drugs, and/or miscommunication.
d. All answers listed are correct.
6. After making sure that you and the survivor are talking in a private environment and address
safety concerns, the next priority is empowerment, which includes making sure the survivor
understands the guidelines around confidentiality and reporting, letting the survivor decide what
to talk about, and pointing out the survivor's strengths and courage.
a. True
b. False
7. What is one of the major reasons why someone does not talk about or report being sexually
a. They are scared that the rapist will harm them if they disclose.
b. They know the attacker.
c. They do not know how to report the crime.
d. All answers listed are correct.
8. What might a person be feeling immediately after a sexual assault?
a. Hypervigilent
b. Disbelief and confusion
c. Anger
d. All answers listed are correct
9. Consequences of sexual assault can include pregnancy, mental health problems, sexually
transmitted infections, and suicidal behavior.
a. True
b. False
10. Which of the following statements is true?
a. A sexual assault trauma reaction is linear: survivors go through certain stages of recovery.
b. A sexual assault trauma reaction is cyclical: survivors may return to the stages of the healing process
c. A sexual assault is primarily due to alcohol, drugs, and miscommunication.
d. A sexual assault is typically about miscommunications in sex.
11. Someone who is sexually assaulted has experienced a traumatic event; therefore, it is important
to understand that his/her experience can be overwhelming, incomprehensible and a senseless
threat to his/her life and/or physical, emotional, or spiritual integrity.
a. True
b. False
12. The Immediate Crisis stage of a sexual assault trauma reaction is:
a. An acute disruption to the survivor's everyday life.
b. When the survivor gains control over being a sexual assault victim.
c. When the survivor usually experiences strained relationships.
d. All answers listed are correct.
13. The Retriggering/Resolution Stage of "Rape Trauma Reactions":
a. Occurs approximately one year after the sexual assault trauma
b. Is when the initial symptoms can reoccur but usually are not as intense
c. Is when the survivor regains a sense of self if they have been able to heal
d. All answers listed are correct
14. The first responder's goal is to facilitate the appropriate interventions and connections for the
survivor; i.e., the first responder should enable a survivor of sexual assault to seek what they
a. True
b. False
15. The Outward Adjustment stage of a sexual assault trauma reaction is when a survivor appears to
feel and act like s/he is returning to his/her normal functioning.
a. True
b. False
16. Research shows that the response of the first person to whom someone discloses is the most
important indicator of how the survivor will fare later on.
a. True
b. False
17. When someone who has been sexually assaulted discloses in a group, such as a classroom, the
first step you should take is to let the survivor know you are sorry that was his/her experience and
get the survivor to share with his/her peers.
a. True
b. False
18. When a survivor of sexual assault discloses to you for the first time in an individual setting, your
first priority is:
a. Empathy
b. Safety
c. Empowerment
d. Knowledge
19. When a person has been sexually assaulted and that person discloses to you, you should
disregard your own feelings.
a. True
b. False
20. When a person has been sexually assaulted and that person discloses to you, the most important
thing you can do is direct them to law enforcement and medical resources if their story is credible.
a. True
b. False