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1. Note: Ionic Compounds
 atoms, collision, ionization by e- exchange so charge
develops, bond together as opposites attract, become a
neutral compound overall
 in chart show formulas that have subscripts, not charges
2. finish Activity: TRY THIS Ionic Compounds pg. 179
3. Physical and Chemical Change
Lab write-up from first day – complete questions
Hand in note with
chart of results
4. Skills lab: mass and volume
 water, block, coinage metal
Ionic Bonding: with worksheets
 B-R diagrams of atoms exchanging e Lewis Dot Diagrams
 cross-over rule for formula writing
 naming
Pg. 178 - 183
Activity: TRY THIS Ionic Compounds
- follow directions independently (chart, building)
-leave chart at lab
station for
2. Complete chart of three more atoms  ions
Cut out puzzle pieces for “building” ionic compounds
1. Lab: finish it & complete write-up on back
2. return B-R diagrams
3. new worksheet for Ion Formation with energy levels drawn in
Enter NB data (atomic number, symbol, column number etc.)
Do 5 selected atoms  ions for marking & hand it in
4. Practice sheet: identifying physical vs just chemical change
- give supporting evidence (observations) and conclusion
- ex. melting physical change of state
-hand in chart
with 3 more ions
-name on envelop
of puzzle pieces
-hand in lab sheet
-hand in 5 B-R
diagrams of ions
-hand in practice
sheet for physical
Return work: - classifying matter, physical properties, B-R
*show two lists for p.p./ demo marking for B-R/
Improve/Complete 5 B-R diagrams for marks (title: Atoms)
2. Lab: Discuss
-what to look for in each spot (note in test agent column)
-importance of the size of the toothpick
-use of white paper behind it to see
Lab: finish as far as possible in last 15 – 20 min.
1 .Note: Physical and Chemical Change
-on handout
Chemical Properties and chemical reactions
1.Try This pg. 176 for theory of ion formation
-modify diagrams to show elements
2.Lab: Forensics – physical and chemical change
-share chemicals from lab spots 2,4,7,9,12,14
-just do one run (one powder)
Physical Properties
-note on chart for physical/chemical, qual./quant.
Do top section – classify one element in a T-chart
Do bottom section
- viscosity race (order selves HLow for motor oil samples);
– classify one solution (honey, syrup, soap)
M Sept 12
1.Reviewed the TRY THIS pg. 164 – on overhead
-phrase the trends together
-leave last question to do
2. Atomic Theory – quiz/worksheet from gr. 9 (hand in for
3. Classifying Matter: Elements and Compounds (models sheet)
- draw oxygen in chart
- use kits to build diatomic molecules (O, H, Cl, bonus N)
F Sept 09
1. Self-test Classifying Matter
vs chemical
(highlight 5 that
are correct for
-read pg. 169 on
physical and
chemical change
-hand in B-R
diagram sheet
-hand in lab
sheet from lab
1,4,5 and viscosity
R Setpt 08
W Sept 07
-empty flow-chart: add categories and classify 12 substances
from samples on the lab counters
2. Periodic Table Assignment pg. 162
-areas, symbols, atomic numbers, element vs compound
3. TRY THIS pg. 164
-atomic structure of the first 20 elements
-patterns on the periodic table
1. Lab feedback
2. Organize seating plan
3. Crossword Puzzle of Chemistry
 Review text sign out
4. Add to harmful chemical reactions note
6. Getting Started pg. 157
 again, title, pg. date
 key words defined
 worksheet for atoms and elements?
 flow chart of matter
1. Rules: don’t touch anything & be nice
2. Seating, lab station, text book sign out,
3. Course handout, list of culminating tasks (3/4?),
4. Story: my niece and her cell phone (same details as Ivanna)
Read questions 1, 2 and discuss them
 Chemical Reactions, date, pg. 155
 summarize nickel problem
 list other harmful effects of a) – d)
5. LAB: Go to lab desk and produce some chemical reactions
 worksheet, safety – lab glasses, wash up,
 perform, leave proof of work on the lab counter,
complete chart at desk, return to clean-up, work together
if you please but each does own write-up
-classify 10
substances at lab
counter (get 2 for
each as examples)
Intro. pg. 155
-test tubes (6)
-rack (2)
-chemicals in pill