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8th Grade U.S. History Final
Study Guide
You should be able to answer these questions by using your corrected tests and quizzes
from this past year:
Unit 1- A Meeting of Different Worlds
What did Christopher Columbus’s exploration led to?
How would you describe the relationship between Native Americans and the English,
French, and Spanish during the colonial period?
What were the results of Columbus's voyage?
Why did England’s first colony, Jamestown succeed?
What were examples of the beginnings of representative democracy for the English
colonies in the America?
Who founded the colony of Connecticut?
What is the theory of mercantilism and how should it work?
What is toleration?
What did the Quakers believe?
Who could vote in the colonies?
Unit 2- From Revolution to Republic
How did France try to protect its claims in North America?
What were the results of the French and Indian War?
Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger the British colonists?
Why did the colonists object to the Stamp Act?
What was the chief goal of the Tea Act?
What was the Olive Branch Petition asking Great Britain to do?
What rights does the Declaration of Independence say everyone has?
Why did Americans want an alliance with France?
For what reason did Americans want a written constitution?
What problems did the nation face under the Articles of Confederation?
Why was Shays's rebellion important?
Civics Overview- The Constitution at Work
How many parts is our Federal Government divided into?
What is the basic function of a legislature?
In the Constitution, who has the power to tax?
What does a writ of habeas corpus assure citizens?
What did the government tax in order to create a large amount of revenue for our country
in the years following the Constitution?
What does the "elastic clause" allow Congress to do?
How may a President be impeached?
What is the basic function of the executive?
What determines the number of Presidential electors a state gets?
How does federalism work?
What is the basic function of the judicial branch?
Who appoints those justices?
What limits the federal government in its power?
What is the source of the authority for the Constitution?
How do bills become law?
What is the supreme law of the land?
How many Supreme Court justices make a majority in a case ruling?
What are requirements for holding office?
Unit 3- The New Republic
What does precedent mean?
What does neutrality mean?
What does tariff mean?
What does sedition mean?
What does nullify mean?
What is the group of officials chosen to assist the President called?
How did President Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?
Who did Washington's Neutrality Proclamation keep the United States out of war with?
In his Farewell Address, President Washington urge Americans to follow a foreign policy
based on what?
What were major issues dividing the Federalist Party from the Republican Party?
What slogan summarized Americans’ response to the XYZ Affair?
What were the results of the war of 1812?
What was the result of the Louisiana Purchase for the United States?
What were Lewis and Clark were sent to do?
How did the Embargo Act affect New England merchants?
What did the impressment of American sailors by the British cause Congress to do?
What did the War Hawks want?
Unit 4-An Expanding Nation
How did Eli Whitey’s invention, the cotton gin effect slavery in the United States?
What leader in Congress strongly opposed the Protective Tariffs of 1816 and 1828?
Why would a southerner say the following? “Why pay a man much more than the value
of it to work up our own cotton into clothing, when by selling my raw material, I can get
my clothing much better and cheaper from India?”
What were the major effects of the high tariffs?
What was the Spoils System?
How did the Bank of the United States become a political issue?
In the Supreme Court decision about Cherokee lands, what did Chief Justice Marshall
What were Andrew Jackson’s famous quotes regarding the following issues?
a) Government jobs –
b) States’ rights –
c) Indian Removal Act –
d) The election of 1824 –
What was the United States saying with the Monroe Doctrine?
What did Manifest Destiny mean?
Manifest Destiny led to conflict between what two countries?
Unit 5- The Nation Torn Apart – Civil War
How did the divided Democratic Party affect the election of 1860?
How did Lincoln winning the election of 1860 affect South Carolina?
How did differences in geography and economy between North and south affect their
views on federal government policies?
How did Missouri not being admitted as a slave state affect Maine?
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the slavery issue out west?
How did sectionalism cause a serious problem in the US during the 1840s?
What were the results of the Missouri Compromise?
How did the Compromise of 1850 decide the slavery question decide in New Mexico and
What did the Compromise of 1850 state to satisfy both North and South temporarily?
What did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 declare?
What did Frederick Douglass protest in this quotation? "The Supreme Court of the United
States is not the only power in this world. The Supreme Court of the Almighty is greater.
All that is merciful and just, on earth and in heaven, will despise this edict."
What did Abraham Lincoln's "house divided" speech suggest?
Why did John Brown attack the arsenal at Harpers Ferry?
Why was Lincoln able to win the election of 1860?
What did Lincoln's election lead many Southerners to believe?
What was the strategy of the North going into the war?
What were the terms of surrender that General Grant offered to General Lee designed to
What is “total warfare”?
What did Amendment 13 do?
What did Amendment 14 do?
What did Amendment 15 do?
What did the Jim Crow laws do to blacks and whites during Reconstruction?
What was the important outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896?
What did the Freedmen’s Bureau provide to African Americans?
Unit 6 - Big Business in America and the Spanish American War
What were the main reasons for conflict between white settlers and Native Americans?
What were long-term effects of building railroads across the West?
What attracted people to America’s rapidly growing cities in the late 1800’s?
What is a monopoly?
Why were labor unions organized?
Why did the U.S. declare war on Spain in 1898?
What were the major results of the Spanish American War?
How did the Philippines respond to the American domination of them?
Task: Use your notes and prior knowledge to answer the essential
question below.
Recurring Essential Question:
How has the American government increased and restricted the
democratic ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
Key elements (Pick 3)
Civil War Amendments – 13, 14, 15th
Jim Crow Laws – segregation
Supreme Court decision– Plessy vs. Ferguson of 1896
Homestead Act
Big Business, rise and response – monopolies, labor unions
Urbanization, immigration
Be sure to consider the groups of people (African Americans-free or slave, Native
Americans, women, immigrants, common men, and land owning men) affected by
these elements.