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Invertebrates Test Review
From your “Introduction to Invertebrate Phyla Names“ assignment, answer the following
1. What do the following phyla names mean (use Greek and Latin word parts)?
Porifera Pore-bearing
Cnidaria stinging cells
Platyhelminthes flat worms
Nematoda round/thread
Annelida rings
Mollusca soft-bodied
Arthropoda jointed feet
Echinodermata prickly skin
2. Why are scientific names used by scientists in all countries almost always made from
Latin and Greek names? These languages will not change especially Latin since it is no
longer used.
From your “Animals Without Backbones Video Questions” and Invertebrate Phyla
Differences packet, answer the following questions.
1. Give two examples of each of the following invertebrate phyla:
Porifera Sponges
Cnidaria jellyfish, corals, sea anenomes
Platyhelminthes planaira, tapeworm
Nematoda Heartworms, hookworms
Annelida earthworms, leeches
Mollusca sea snails, clams, sea slugs, squid, octopi
Arthropoda crabs, shrimp, lobster
Echinodermata sea urchins, star fish
2. Which invertebrate phyla includes organisms with stinging cells? Cnidaria
3. Describe the following ways of reproduction:
Asexual: reproduction, as budding, fission, or spore formation, not involving the union of
Sexual: reproduction involving the union of gametes.
Regeneration: the restoration or new growth by an organism of organs, tissues, etc., that have
been lost, removed, or injured.
What does sessile mean? Name three organisms which are sessile. It means not free-moving or
stationary. This includes sponges, corals, sea anemones.
5. Mollusks are divided into three classes. What are the classes and how are they different
from one another?Bi-valves: mollusks with two shells; gastropods: mollusks with a single
or no shell; cephalopods: highly developed mollusks
6. How are worms characterized? By their shape
7. What are the three worm phyla and their distinguishing characteristics? Platyhelminthes:
flat worms; Nematoda: round worms; annelida: segmented worms
8. What is the difference between a one-way digestive system and a two way digestive
system? One-way digestive system has two holes; food enters one way and wastes are
excreted out another. Two-way digestive system has one hole; food and waste enter and
leave through the same hole.
9. Name an organism which has a one-way digestive system. Nematodes
10. Name an organism which has a two-way digestive system. Poriferans and cnidarians
11. Draw the cnidarian body plan.
Should have the following items labeled: mouth, tentacles, endoderm, ectoderm
12. Draw or list the life stages of a jelly fish.
Sex cells combine to form larva. Larva develops into a stationary, asexual polyp. Polyps
release disks which grow into sexually mature medusae
13. What are the parts of a clam and what are their functions? Shell: protection; mantle:
sevrete shell; muscular foot: locomotion; visceral mass: holds organs in place.
14. Why do organisms with exoskeletons molt? To allow the organism to grow bigger and not be
restricted by its exoskeleton.
15. Why are the organisms in the phylum Porifera considered the simplest invertebrates?
They have no muscles, nerves, organs, or organ systems.
16. Give examples of organisms which have the following body symmetry:
Asymmetrical sponges
Bilateral worms
Radial cnidarians and echinoderms
Squid A
Squid B
Using the information from your Squid Dissection Lab and the diagrams above, answer the
following questions.
1. Which squid is female? Squid B
2. Using the diagram of Squid A, list the body part identified by the following letters:
B Mantle
C Heart
D Kidney
3. Using the diagram of Squid B, list the body part identified by the following letters:
B Nidamental gland
D ink sac
F Gill
G Siphon
4. Which of the following is the primary function of chromatophores for squid? To
communicate with other squid
5. Which part of the squid is a remnant of its exoskeleton? The pen
6. What is the main purpose of a squid’s siphon? For jet propulsion