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Spelling Activities
To set up each activity, start by neatly writing your spelling words in a list on the
left hand side of the paper. Then complete your chosen activity on the right side or
back of paper.
1. Use at least 10 spelling words in sentences that show you understand the meaning
of each word. Underline the spelling word.
2. Write a synonym and antonym for each spelling word.
3. Find your spelling words in a newspaper or magazine. Cut them out and glue
them on to paper.
4. Write a “mini” definition of the word.
5. Find your words in a dictionary. Write each word, then write the page number
and guide words that appear at the top of the page that your word is on.
6. Write each word one letter at a time. Example:
7. Divide each of your words into syllables.
8. Put your words into alphabetical order.
9. Write your spelling words 3 times each in your best cursive.
10. Find the letters of each spelling word in a newspaper or magazine. Cut each letter
out and glue them on to paper.
11. Find as many words as you can in each spelling word. Example: favorite-or-itfavor.
12. Write each of your spelling words. Next to the word draw its configuration
(shape). Example: Spelling 
13. Write all your words with crayons. Use a different color for each letter.
14. Write your words. Circle the vowels and underline the consonants.
15. Scramble each of your spelling words. Write the word correctly next to the
scrambled word.
16. Study 10 minutes with a parent. Turn in parent’s signature.
17. Make a puzzle using all your words. Example: Word search – Crossword Use