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World Geography Exam 3
Land Bridge- An isthmian, strip of land, like two large land masses
Archipelago- A set of islands grouped closely- usually elongated into a chain
Hurricane Alley- The most frequent pathway followed by tropical storms and hurricanes over the past
150 years in their generally westward movement across the Caribbean Basin
Mestizo- Latin word for “mixed”- Refers to a person of mixed European and Amerindian ancestry
Altitudinal zones- Vertical regions defined by physical-environmental zones at various elevationsParticularly in the highlands of South and Middle America
Tierra Caliente- The lowest of the altitudinal zones into which the human settlement of Middle and
South America is classified according to elevation
Tierra templada- ‘Eternal Spring’- The intermediate altitudinal zone of settlement in Middle and South
America, lying between 750 meters and 1800 meters in elevation
Tierra fria- Cold, high-lying altitudinal zones into which settlement in Andean South America, extending
from about 1800 meters in elevation up to nearly 3600 meters
Tierra helada- In Andean South America, the highest-lying habitable altitudinal zone- ca. 3600 to 4500
meter- between the tree line and the snow line- Too cold and barren to support anything but the
grazing of sheep and other hardy livestock
Tierra Nevada- The highest and coldest altitudinal zone in Andean South America lying above 4500
meters and inhabitable environment of permanent snow and ice that extends upward to the Andes’
highest peaks of more than 6000 meters.
Culture Hearth- Heartland, source area, innovation center; place of origin of a major culture
Tropical deforestation- The clearing and destruction of forests to make way for expanding settlement
frontiers and the exploitation of new economic opportunities
Mainland-Rimland framework- Based on realm’s striking and economic contrasts
Plantation- A large estate owned by an individual, family, or corporation and organized to produce a cas
crop- Almost all plantations were established within the tropics
Connectivity- The degree of direct linkage b/w a particular location and other locations within a regional,
national, or global transportation network
Small-island developing economies- The additional disadvantages faced by lower-income island-states
because of their often small territorial size and populations as well as overland inaccessibility
Acculturation- Culture modification resulting from intercultural borrowing- In cultural geography the
term refers to the change that occurs in the culture of indigenous peoples when contact is made wit ha
society that is technologically superior
Transculturation- Cultural borrowing and two-way exchanges that occur when different cultures of
approximately equal complexity and technological level come into close contact
Maquiladoras- Modern industrial (assembly) plants in Mexico's US border zone
Small-island developing economies- exception (Trinidad and Tobago) - After 1950’s and 60’s several
islands decided were better off with their old colonial masters
Location of Mesoamerica- Low-lying tropical Plains and Quatemalan Highlands to Central Mexico's high
plateau; only hearth in lowland tropics
Hacienda- A large estate in a Spanish-speaking country
Tourism- Mixed blessing Caribbean industry
"Coffee Republic"- El Salvador
Central American country with old democratic tradition- Costa Rica maybe Nicaragua
Belize- "British Honduras"
Panama- Only remaining gap in the Pan American Highway
Bahamas- Caribbean island with more than one country
Haiti- Poorest country in Western Hemisphere
Mexico and Mexico City- Largest cities and countries of both realms (territory and population)
South America
Alexander Von Humbolt- "Laid foundation for modern geography as an integrative discipline marked by
a spatial perspective"
Unity of place- Notion that in a particular locale or region intricate connections exist among climate,
geology, biology, and human cultures
Altipanos- High elevation plateau, or valley between even higher mountain ranges, especially in the
Andes of South America
Land Alienation- One society or culture group taking land from another
Treaty of Tordesillas- 1494- Split the New World- Did not limit Portuguese- Territory was expanded
beyond to include the Amazon Basin
Liberation theology- A powerful religious movement that arose in South America during the 1950s, and
subsequently gained followers all over the global periphery
Plural Societies- A society in which two or more population groups, each practicing its own culture, live
in adjacent to one another without mixing inside a single state
Commercial Agriculture- The purposeful tending of crops and livestock in order to produce food and
fiber for profit
Subsistence agriculture- Existing on the minimum necessities to sustain life; spending most of ones time
in pursuit of survival
Uneven development- The notion that economic development varies spatially- A central tenet of coreperiphery relationships in realms, regions and lesser geographic entities
Rural-to-urban migration- The dominant migration flow from countryside to city that continues to
transform the world's population, most notably in the less advantaged geographic realms
Megacities- Informal term referring to the world's most heavily populated cities
"Latin" American City- The Griffin-Ford model of intraurban spatial structure in the Middle American and
South American realms
Dependencia theory- "the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped
states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former"
Informal sector- Primitive form of capitalism found in many developing countries- occurs beyond the
control of the government- Dominated by unlicensed sellers of homemade goods and servicesCompliment of the formal sector----"refers to those workers who are self employed, or who work for
those who are self employed. People who earn a living through self employment in most cases are not
on payrolls, and thus are not taxed. Many informal workers do their businesses in unprotected and
unsecured places"
Waru Waru- "agricultural technique developed by pre Hispanic peoples in the Andes region of South
America, from Colombia to Bolivia. [1] It is dated around 300 B.C. The technique has been revived in
1984, in Tiawanaco, Bolivia, and Puno, Peru"
Barrios- Term meaning "neighborhood" in Spanish- Usually refers to an urban community in a Latin
American city- Also applies to low income, inner-city concentrations of Hispanics in such U.S. cities as Las
Quecha- "a member of an American Indian people of Peru and parts of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and
Rural-to-Urban migration- "the movement of people from the countryside to the city. This causes two
things to happen: 1. Urban growth - towns and cities are expanding, covering a greater area of land. 2.
Urbanization - an increasing proportion of people living in towns and cities."
Hidrovia- System of river locks to open the Parana-Paraguay Basin to barge transport- Waterway
Subsistence agriculture in isolated and cluster villages- Quechua and Aymara
Ecuador -Some similarity with Peru:–Regional variations–Population clustered in Andes–Productive
coastal strip
South America- Realm with largest gap b/w rich and poor
Avery's Info.
Countries that contain a portion of the Amazon Basin-Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia,
Venezuela, Guyana, etc.
Country that was most affected by the African American Slave Trade-Brazil
Largest City in South America- Sao Paulo, Brazil
Largest Country in South America- Brazil
Ecuador vs. Peru- Some similarity with Peru, regional variations, population clustered in Andes,
Productive coastal strip
Brazilian Birth Rates- Declining
Pampas Agriculture- Grain
Best example of Elongated State- Chile
Realm with largest gap b/w rich and poor- Brazil
Most population Brazilian State- Sao Paulo?