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Causes of the Civil War
Guided Notes
Section 10-1: The Divisive Politics of Slavery
 When people are more concerned with the good of their _______________________ than the good of the entire country.
Northern States
 Economy based on _____________________
 Cheap immigrant labor
 Small towns become ________________
 Telegraph wires provide communication
 _____________________ of expansion of slavery
Southern States
 Economy based on __________________________
 Slave labor
 Rural: Small farms & ____________________________
 Few immigrants
 Fear _________________________ of slavery will change way of life
Balance of Power in Congress Shifts
 As the population _________________ in the North, so did its political power
 The North now was able to pass laws that helped the North but _________________ the South
 This made the ____________________ feel like their government was no longer working for them
Slavery in the Territories
 __________________________ applies for statehood
 Wilmot Proviso proposes to ______________ slavery in lands gained from Mexican War
 South threatens to ____________________ from the U.S.
 Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser) offers a solution --- Compromise of 1850
1. California comes in as a free state
2. Stronger ___________________________________
3. Slave trade banned in Washington D.C.
4. ___________________________________: let people in territories decide if they should have slavery
Section 10-2: Protest, Resistance, and Violence
Fugitive Slaves & The Underground Railroad
 __________________________________: a law that said slaves could be arrested without a search warrant and returned to
the South
*Example: ________________________________ returned to Virginia from Boston, Ma.
 Northerners counter FSA by sending slaves to Canada and passing _____________________________________
*9 states pass these laws guaranteeing slaves a jury trial and delaying their return
 _________________________________
*19 trips to the South
*helped 300 slaves to freedom
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
 Written in 1852 by _________________________________
 Sold more than a million copies in 2 years
 Painted picture of very hard life of slaves… _________________ protests to harsh treatment
 South believes it gave a _________________ picture of slavery… Myth of the “Happy Slave”
 President ______________________ once met her and said: “So, you’re the lady that started this whole war.”
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
 Introduced by Stephen Douglas
 ________________________________________: allowed people in those territories to decide on slavery
 Would _________________________ the Missouri Compromise
 ________ of Southerners voted for the bill
 Act passed in 1854
Bleeding Kansas
 The Sack of Lawrence, Kansas
*__________________________ breaks out between Pro & Anti-Slavery forces
 The Pottowatomiie Massacre
*Abolitionist ___________________________ believes God wants him to slavery
*Brown’s followers violently kill _____ men
Violence in the Senate
 Senator ______________________________________ verbally attacks colleague for his stance on slavery
 ______________________________________ beats Sumner for insulting his uncle
 Southerners __________________________ Brooks
 Northerners _________________________ him
Section 10-3: Birth of the Republican Party
The Whig Party
 Whig Party Divides
 1852 – General __________________________________ becomes a presidential candidate
 Scott & Northern Whigs opposed Compromise of 1850
 This allowed Democrat ___________________________________ to win the presidency
The American Party
 ______________________________ to the Whig Party was the American Party
 Founded in 1854
 Also known as the Order of the Star Spangled Banner
 ______________________________: favoring native born citizens rather than immigrants
 Became known as the _______________________________ Party
 _______________ over the topic of slavery
Free Soil Party
 _____________________________ the expansion of slavery in the territories
 Supported laws keeping blacks ____________ of their communities in the North
 Believed slavery impacted the __________________ of white labor workers
 _________________ African Americans the right to vote
Republican Party
 Organized in July 1854 in Jackson, Michigan
 Founder: _________________________________
 Made up of Northern Whigs, Free Soilers, and Democrats
 __________________________ the Kansas-Nebraska Act
 Lacked national organization
 Chose John C. Fremont as their candidate in _______________
Election of 1856
 Know Nothing Party want President _____________________
 __________________ Party no longer exists
 ________________________ choose James Buchanan
 only received 45% of the vote
 won all Southern states except Maryland
 ___________________ president but does nothing when South secedes
Section 10-4: Slavery & Secession
Dred Scott
 African American who had been a slave and moved by his master to _______________________________ in Illinois &
 Scott sued for his freedom in 1857 but the Supreme Court ruled that he was considered _______________________ and
thus, could not sue.
 Roger B. Taney was the Chief Justice who presided over the case
 South - ___________________!
 North - ___________________!
Abraham Lincoln
 Born _______________ in Kentucky
 Self-educated
 Became a successful _____________________ and politician
 Gained national attention in the ___________________________________ Debates in Illinois
*Lincoln: against spread of slavery
*Douglas: for ____________________________________
 Stephen Douglas won the Senate seat for Illinois in 1858…
*but Lincoln shows the Republicans he would be a good presidential ______________________________ in 1860
Harper’s Ferry
 ________________________ wanted to capture an ________________________ to help slaves revolt and gain freedom
 Slaves did not join him
 Brown is arrested, charged with treason and murder… sentenced to ___________________
 The North feels Brown is a _______________
 The South is ________________ he’s dead
 His death brings the issue of slavery to the _______________________ point
Election of 1860
 Democrats could not agree on how to explain slavery in their platform
*N. Democrats - ________________________________________
*S. Democrats - ________________________________________
 Republicans - ________________________________________
 Constitutional Union - ___________________________________
 Abraham Lincoln _____________ the election even though he does not win a single southern state
 Abraham Lincoln becomes the ________ president
 Lincoln will take office in ________________ 1861
Southern States Leave the Union
 With Northern politicians in control of ___________________________ and the __________________________________,
Southern states begin to __________________ from the Union.
 The Southern states felt that they had the right to __________________ the Union and choose its own government.
 _____________________________________ is elected president of the Confederate States of America
 The Northern states felt that all of the states had signed a contract when the ______________________________________
was agreed on, and that no state had the power to leave.
 Lincoln tells the South he will ___________________________ their secession
Southern States Seize Federal Property
 Southern leaders believe ______________ in their states are theirs to have
 Northern leaders consider this an _______________________________ against the United States
 ___________________________, South Carolina: Federal troops ___________________ to surrender their post
 On April 12, 1861, Confederate forces fire on the supply ship ___________________________________ to prevent resupply
of Fort Sumter. Later, Confederate forces fire on Fort Sumter, considered the opening volley of the Civil War. The Civil
War Begins!