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Glivec 333
Patient information leaflet on
Glivec (imatinib) treatment
This leaflet provides information on a course of treatment
known as Glivec. The leaflet will explain what this is and
when and how it is given. It will also tell you about common
side effects that you may experience. Contact telephone
numbers and details of how to obtain further information on
Glivec are given at the end of the leaflet.
What is Glivec treatment?
Glivec is a cancer treatment which is given as tablets. It
works by stopping a particular type of cancer cell from
Why am I having Glivec?
Your doctor has recommended Glivec because it has been
found to be effective in treating your type of cancer.
How should I take the Glivec tablets?
You should take your tablets once a day with a meal and a
large glass of water. You can choose what time of the day to
take your tablets but it is important to take them at about the
same time each day. If your dose is altered, you may need to
take the tablets at slightly different time intervals, but this will
be labelled on the box.
Glivec 333
Taking your Glivec tablets with food and water will help stop
them upsetting your stomach. It is best not to have drinks
containing caffeine, such as tea, coffee or cola, for an hour
before and after you take your Glivec tablets. You should also
not have grapefruit and grapefruit juice during your treatment
with Glivec.
How many tablets will I need to take?
This will vary for each person. There are 2 different strength
tablets which are different sizes. The bigger tablets are
400mg and the smaller tablets are 100mg. The amount you
need to take will be clearly marked on the box.
What should I do if I forget to take my tablets?
 If it’s within 2 hours of the normal time take them now.
 If it’s more than 2 hours late, miss this dose.
Do not take the extra tablets when your treatment should have
finished. It is important that even if you have missed any
doses you should finish the treatment at the planned time.
What if I take too many tablets?
Please contact Velindre Cancer Centre immediately for
advice. The telephone numbers are at the end of the leaflet.
How should I store my Glivec tablets?
You should store your tablets in their original packaging in a
safe place away from children. They should be kept in a cool
dry place.
Any unused tablets should be returned to the hospital
Pharmacy or your local chemist for safe disposal.
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How long will I need to take my Glivec?
Your doctor will discuss with you how long you need to take
Glivec. You will usually take Glivec for as long as it is helpful.
This could be for many months.
Are there any side effects to Glivec?
As with all medicines some patients can get side effects when
taking Glivec. Usually these side effects are mild or moderate.
It is unusual to have to stop taking Glivec because of any side
effects. The doctors, nurses and pharmacists can give you
advice or answer any questions you may have.
Fluid retention (oedema)
Some patients notice puffiness around their eyes or swelling
of their ankles and legs. If you develop fluid retention you
should tell your doctor or nurse at your next clinic visit. Your
doctor may prescribe tablets which can help.
Some patients have diarrhoea when taking Glivec. This is
usually mild but it is important to tell your doctor or nurse if this
If you have four or more bowel movements in 24 hours above
what is normal for you please contact Velindre Cancer Centre
immediately. The telephone numbers are at the end of the
Nausea and vomiting can usually be avoided by taking your
Glivec tablets with a meal and a large glass of water. We will
give you anti-sickness tablets to take in case you need them.
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If you are sick more than once in 24 hours despite taking
regular anti-sickness medicine contact Velindre Cancer Centre
for advice. The telephone number is at the end of the leaflet.
Muscle cramps and joint pains.
These are usually mild but please tell your doctor or nurse if
these happen. You may find it helpful to take a mild painkiller,
for example what you take for a headache. If your normal
painkiller doesn’t help please contact us for further advice.
The telephone number is at the end of the leaflet.
Effect on your blood cells
The normal production of blood cells can be affected by taking
Glivec. This may lead to an increased risk of bruising or
bleeding. Please contact Velindre Cancer Centre immediately
if you experience any of these problems. The telephone
number is at the end of the leaflet.
You are at an increased risk of picking up infections because
your white blood cells which help fight infections can be
reduced by this treatment.
If you develop an infection whilst your white blood cells
are low, you are at risk of sepsis, this can be life
Contact Velindre Cancer Centre immediately if you
develop any signs of infection, for example flu like
symptoms or a temperature above 37.5°centigrade. The
telephone number is at the end of this leaflet.
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Other possible side effects
Glivec may also cause: dry skin
 dry eyes or eye infections
 difficulty sleeping
 heartburn, reflux and wind
 Rarely Glivec can cause intestinal bleeding. If you
cough or vomit blood, please go to your local
Accident and Emergency Department.
Please tell your doctor or nurse at your next clinic visit if you
experience any of the following:
Abdominal pain
Pains in your muscles, joints or bones
Skin rash
Watery eyes
Other information
It is important you do not become pregnant or father a child
whilst taking Glivec.
Women should not breast feed whilst taking Glivec.
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How often will I be seen in clinic?
You will be reviewed regularly in clinic. Your doctor will
discuss how often you will need to be reviewed.
How will my doctor know if the treatment is working?
You will have scans at regular intervals during your treatment
so that we can see if your treatment is working.
Is it alright to take other medicines with Glivec?
It is important to tell us about any other medicines you are
taking. There are a number of medications that you must not
take with Glivec, including over the counter medicines, such
as St.John’s Wort. You should also tell your GP and your
pharmacist that you are taking Glivec, if you are prescribed
medication or wish to buy over the counter.
Can I drive whilst taking Glivec?
Some people can feel very tired, slightly dizzy or have some
blurred vision when they first start taking Glivec. You should
not drive if you experience any of these side effects. If these
persist or cause any problems please talk to your doctor or
Admission to another hospital whilst taking Glivec
If you are admitted to hospital it is important that you tell them
you are taking Glivec tablets. You should take your Glivec
tablets with you to the hospital.
It is also important that you let us know that you have been
admitted to another hospital. If this is within normal working
Glivec 333
hours ask the hospital to contact your consultant’s secretary at
Velindre Cancer Centre. At any other time ask them to
contact the chemotherapy pager. The telephone numbers are
at the end of this leaflet.
Sometimes cancer drugs can have very serious side effects
which rarely can be life threatening. It is important to inform
Velindre cancer centre if you are concerned about any sideeffects
Manufacturer’s patient information leaflets
Velindre leaflets provide information about very common and
common side-effects: for more information regarding the less
common side-effects please refer to the manufacturers patient
information leaflets, obtained from Velindre pharmacy and/or
on the internet at Sometimes patients
may find these leaflets difficult to read however. Please ask if
you would like a copy from your doctor or from Velindre
Useful websites:
Glivec 333
Contact telephone numbers
Velindre Cancer Centre
029 2061 5888
Ask for the chemotherapy pager if you are unwell at home and
need immediate attention at any time of the day or night. For
example you should phone if you:
 Are sick more than once in 24 hours
 Have a temperature of 37.5°C or above
 Have 4 or more bowel movements in 24 hours above
what is normal for you
If you need to let us know that you have been admitted to
another hospital ask switchboard to transfer you to your
consultant’s secretary
Pharmacy department
029 2061 5888 ext 6223
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm for queries about your medicines
Tenovus freephone
0808 808 1010
cancer helpline
7 days a week 8am – 8pm for general queries on cancer
This leaflet has been written by health professionals. The
information contained in the leaflet is evidence based. It has
been approved by doctors, nurses and patients. It is reviewed
and updated every 2 years.
Reviewed June 2016