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Reflexive and Reciprocal
The reflexive verb construction
How to conjugate the reflexive verb
 The reflexive verb is identified in the infinitive
by the presence of the reflexive pronoun “se”
 So infinitives will look like this:
LAV (stem)-AR (ending) SE (reflexive pronoun)
Conjugation into indicative
 When you conjugate a reflexive you
assign the verb to each person (1st,
2nd , 3rd, singular or plural) by making
a change to the ending and/or stem.
 Then, you assign the appropriate
reflexive pronoun in front of the
 The finished conjugation results in
two words.
(one word infinitive)
Me lavo
Te lavas
Os laváis
Os acostáis
Se lava
Se lavan
*Él Se
Two word conjugated
Reflexive verbs + Body Parts
 When using reflexives with body parts
use the definite article with the body
Reflexive verb + def. art. + body part
 Me lavo las manos.
 Ella se maquilla la cara.
The infinitive
 Sometimes the reflexive verb will stay
in the infinitive when used in
“+ infinitive” constructions
 In those cases, the reflexive pronoun
can also go before or after the
construction and must agree with the
subject of the sentence…
Examples of the “+ infinitive”
ir + a + infinitive
 Voy a lavarme las manos.
 Me voy a lavar las manos.
 Vas a lavarte las manos.
 Te vas a lavar las manos.
 Ella va a acostarse.
 Ella se va a acostar.
 Vamos a acostarnos.
 Nos vamos a acostar.
Examples of the “+ infinitive”
tener que + infinitive
 Tienes que ducharte.
 Te tienes que duchar.
pensar + infinitive
 Pensamos cepillarnos los dientes.
 Nos pensamos cepillar los dientes.
 When using the constructions that include the
gerund (the progressives) the reflexive
pronoun can go before or after the
 Me estoy lavando. (3 words) = Estoy lavándome. (2 words)
 Ella se está acostando. = Ella está acostándose.
 Just make sure the reflexive pronoun agrees with
the subject of the sentence.
Uses of the reflexive verb
 True reflexive action: action done
and received by the same person.
 Subject = Object
Example verbs include:
 lavarse
 vestirse
 afeitarse
to wash oneself
to dress oneself
to shave oneself
 Actions in the daily routine (ex. grooming)
 Can be acted out. Active outward actions.
Uses of the reflexive verb
 Pseudo-reflexive action: express a change of
emotion (to get… or to become…)
 Mark an internal process. (not apparent)
Example verbs are:
aburrirse- to get bored (process)  estoy aburrido/a (state)
alegrarse- to become happy (process)  estoy *alegre
cansarse- to get tired (process)  estoy cansado/a
dormirse- to fall asleep
enojarse- to become angry (process)  estoy enojado/a
olvidarse –to forget
enfermarse – to get sick (process)  estoy enfermo/a
equivocarse- to make a mistake (process)  estoy equivocado/a
Uses of the pseudo-reflexive
verb, con’t.
 You can also use some verbs with an adjective to
describe changes in mood/disposition:
 PONERSE + adjetivo
nervioso/a – Me pongo nerviosa en la clase.
pálido/a - Se puso pálido por la sorpresa.
rojo/a - Se está poniendo rojo por el chiste.
 VOLVERSE + adjetivo
loco/a – Casi me volví loca estudiando para el examen.
imposible – Mi novio se ha vuelto imposible. ¡No lo soporto!
 HACERSE + profesión ; LLEGAR a ser
Rafael se hizo abogado.
Y su esposa, Lola llegó a ser profesora también.
Uses of the reflexive verb
 Reciprocal Reflexives: the same
action reciprocated between two
individuals or two groups.
 Verbs of Affection ♥
 Actions will be done to…
 …themselves or each other
3rd person plural (ellos or ellas)
 …ourselves
 1st person plural (nosotros)
Reciprocal Reflexives
 Will & Kate se quieren mucho.
 Ellos se ven (el uno al otro) cada dos
 ¿Cuándo vamos a reunirnos para