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CDM 2015 - Construction Phase Plan
(Event/production template for simple projects)
Client details: Producing company Principal Designer details: Producing company
Principal Contractor details: Producing company PLAN
Description of work/ project: Theatrical production set build, scene change and deconstruction
Key dates:
load in date 25/05
• Truck arrival : 06:00am
• Get in starts: 9.00am
• Fit up crew call: 12:00pm
Focus and plot (am, 26/05)
Start of technical rehearsal (12.00pm, 26/05)
First performance (7pm, 26/05)
Get out (10.30pm, 08/06) (final performance night planned duration - 4 hours)
Key members of the project team during construction and their role /
responsibilities (Insert name, role and summary of responsibilities)
(name) Production Manager (PM) – in overall control of production build
(name) Technical Manager (TM ) – theatre staff supervisor
(name) Venue Master Carpenter (MC) – theatre representative in charge of stage crew
(name) Chief LX (LX) – venue representative in charge of sound and lighting installation
(name) Flyman (FM) – venue representative in charge of flying and rigging
(name) Stage Manager (SM ) – production representative in charge of performance
How the work will be managed safely (Include details of the site rules, arrangements to ensure
cooperation between project team members and coordination of their work (eg regular site meetings), site
inductions, welfare facilities and fire and emergency procedures. Also include arrangements for the control
of any specific risks such as falls from height / collapse of structures/ handling heavy components)
Key Arrangements:
• ‘Get in’ briefing on the morning of 25/05 attended by all crew and led by the PM, to discuss the work
program and arrangements for the one scene change, introduce key production personnel and provide
induction to site. Induction includes site rules and venue fire and emergency arrangements
• Start of call briefings attended by all crews led by PM/MC.
• Site rules distributed to all workers - copy attached to this plan
• Welfare arrangements – toilets, shower and break room are located in the backstage area of the theatre
adjacent to the green room
• Emergency arrangements and fire plan – follow venue fire and emergency evacuation instructions.
Production manager will lead roll call for production staff
• First Aid arrangements - nominated first aiders on this show are the MC and House LX
Key safety risks on this project are:
• Manual Handling during get in – Use stage elevator to lift scenic elements/ flight cases to stage level.
Lift operated by trained nominated persons (nominated by MC). (Ref ABTT technical standards K2.20)
Structural collapse - key control measures - erection of structure is undertaken according to the
sequential method provided by the scenic contractor lead by the PM
Falls from height - key control measure – Stage edge is marked by a line placed 2m from the front
edge. No work takes place in advance of this line without permission from the PM who will make sure
additional precautions are taken to prevent/mitigate a fall (ref ABTT technical standards D2.23 and
Being hit by falling objects - key control measure – no personnel on stage during grid rigging operations