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IBM RRDI v2.0: Overview and Installation
IBM RRDI video series, Part 1 of 3
By Michael Fox, IBM Rational
Hello and welcome to the series of videos on Rational reporting for development intelligence also known as
RRDI which is the reporting tool for the CLM product suite
This is the first part of a three part series during which we are going over the overview of what RRDI is and a
detailed demo of how to Install it.
So as I had said, the goals of these videos are to provide an overview of RRDI; basically what is it. Show
how it integrates with CLM and then do a complete installation demo that will span three videos, actually that
shows the complete process start to finish.
We will also be running CLM reports using the money that matters data and to do that I have CLM, RC5
already installed.
A quick overview RRDI: RRDI is an optional component to provide reporting for CLM.
We originally released it with the previous CLM release v3.01 that was in June of 2011.
And that was with RRDI v1.02. It uses Cognos BI for reporting and it's basically available with no additional
license or cost
... you just need the CLM license and it's an optional download off of jazz .net.
And its used or what it does is report on data in the CLM data warehouse that the CLM products maintain.
Now a little bit techie here: a layout of what RRDI looks like: you have your RTC Products your CLM
RTC, RQM, and RRC on the left; they have an application and their own database repository.
Data is extracted from those products via a web operation; namely HTTP "get" operation. So it pulls it over
the web and this is done by the CLM data collection jobs that are controlled by the Jazz system. That data
ends up in a data warehouse which consists of two distinct layers; the ODS or Operational Data Store which
is a relational system that contains the detailed data that individual work items such as that.
Data is also moved into star schemas which are pre- aggregated metrics so you can do trend reports, things
like that, historical reports, without going back to the original data because a lot of the metrics there are precalculated and this is what RRDI reports off of. It contains the Cognos components and it also has its own
content store database which is used internally by Cognos.
We'll set that up but then you never really deal with it again. So that's sort of a quick overview.
Now... what we'll be showing here today is v2.0 of RRDI which is brand new. It is being released with the
new CLM v4.0 versions.
It contains Cognos v10.1.1 which is the current release from Cognos.
It supports both 32 and 64-bit Websphere; this is an improvement over the previous one which was only the
32-bit. So we've added the 64-bit
It supports new platforms, some later versions of Red Hat, SuSE and AIX, a new database platform from
Microsoft a SQL server 2008, R2, etc.
And what we'll be focusing on a lot in here is a totally new install and configuration process which is
designed to greatly simplify what it takes to get the system up and running.
So we'll be going through that in great detail during a demo.
The demo contents as I said is three parts and we'll be starting part one now which is used to create the
content store database, run the launch pad, which comes to RRDI to kick off the process and I also show
you some of the good information that is in there, install it, then later on in part two we will go through the
setup and configure everything and then load the reports and do some demos in part 3.
So much for the slides; now let's get in there and do stuff.
Content Storage Database and Installation
So the first thing I need to do is create the content storage database as I had said, so I need to connect to
the system I will be doing the install on.
So we connect there, and I want to login as my database administrator.
And I want to run, as my database administrator, as I get into DB2 here.
So I've already got the data warehouse I'm going to use because that was created when I installed CLM.
But I do need to create a new database for use as the Cognos content store.
And that will be called RICM.
And now we can take all the defaults and just click finish.
So as you can see my database is successfully completed.
What I have to do now is set some properties in it so let me go configure parameters and I need to change
this lock timeout value to 240.
And also set the application heap size to 1024.
So that's done and for that to take affect I've got to stop and restart the database.
Now we start it.
OK we're all set and we're done with this. And that's the operation we have to do as a DB admin.
So I logged out of that system as a DB2 admin, so now I can connect back again as a regular user to do
everything else.
The next step in the process now that we have the databases we need all setup is to run the launch pad as
we can actually do the install.
So I'm back on the system now that I'm using to do the install on.
I bring up a windows explorer here and we'll run the launchpad.
Ok, so this is the RRDI launchpad; there is some introductory text and then under installation planning there
is a lot of good information that you should read through.
An architectural overview with some links to the documentation in the information center, things you need to
know, prerequisite information,
And I'd especially like to point out this Collect information prior to install page. This is a list of what you really
need to have before you get into the installation and especially the setup of RRDI.
So you know about it before you go in and then you'll see when we get to the setup phase in part 2 that I
have a file with all this information in it so let's go and do the install.
Install and click on the
Install manager to start it.
Ok, so you see we're going to the right place and you see we'll be installing version v2.0 of Rational
Reporting for Development Intelligence.
And as we go through this you'll see its generally going to be a click-through process.
And here is the license agreement.
so something you should read through before you accept in which, I will accept for now.
Ok, verify the package group will be installed in a default place. Also you notice here we have an
architecture selection of 32 or 64-bit.
Installing on a 64-bit machine.
But what this really deals with is the version of websphere application server.
That you have. I have a 64-bit websphere installed so I'll leave this at 64 because it must match websphere.
If I had a 32-bit websphere on 64-bit hardware I would still set this to 32, but since I have a 64-bit websphere
I'm going to go with 64.
Ok, take English default language and here is the one option that you get there in the install which is the
Cognos samples this is some material supplied from Cognos useful as a learning aid, and things like that.
If you want it, you can get it. I'm not going to get it now and the reports server is really what you need for
RRDI and you cannot the deselect that, it's required.
And we'll start the install and let it run.
As you can see the install has finished successfully.
And the next step which will be doing in the second video is to run the setup server to actually configure the
system and make it operational.
And I have an option to start the setup server right here if we want to, but since I'm not going to be
proceeding to it directly I'm just goin to change this to none, because I really don't wanna do that and I'll start
it manually in the next video.
So that's it for the install.
I can just exit install manager here.
And I don't need the launch pad around any more.
So that concludes part one of the RRDI video where we have gone to an overview of what RRDI is and then
use the launch pad and the installer to successfully install it.