Download SGA Senate 2016-2017 Elections Margaux Miller Platform Statement

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SGA Senate
2016-2017 Elections
Margaux Miller
Platform Statement
I am running for SGA senate because I would like to be personally involved in
the events and student matters at University of Vermont. I was a part of student
government for the duration of my time in high school, as well as during my first
year at the University of Vermont, during which I served on the Committee on
Diversity, Equity, and Environmental Ethics. During my time on CODEEE, I aided in
finding a featured speaker for the SGA-hosted Women in Leadership Conference;
participated heavily in the Save Slade campaign; worked to better Student Employee
Sexual Harassment Training by developing a supplemental resource for new student
employees; and helped launch composting programs in dorm bathrooms for brown
paper towels, beginning in McCauley Hall in Fall of 2016. Beyond my work on
CODEEE, I also served on the subcommittees for Mental Health and Sexual Assault
Awareness Month. The most meaningful component of my past student government
experience was the ability I had to represent my classmates. Through this
representation, I felt better connected to my peers as well as my school. I also feel
like I have access to an arena that allows me to have my voice heard surrounding
issues that I am passionate about. I thrive in a team setting; working alongside
others for a common goal is something I always enjoy and put ample amounts of
energy into. I consider myself a very hardworking person. In challenging situations,
often I think about a phrase my grandfather used to say: “If you don’t have time to
do it right, you must have time to do it over.” I carry that sense of commitment into
everything that I do. Another positive quality I possess is the ability to communicate
truthfully and effectively. I have always been a very vocal person; I believe in
digging into issues head on and talking them out until a successful solution has been