Download Honors Biology “Origins” Study Guide

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Honors Biology
“Origins” Study Guide
Discuss the significance of each of the events listed below in the evolution of living things.
Using each of the subcategories, explain the following major events in the history of the early Earth.
Be sure to mention how they contributed to the evolution of life on Earth.
The Major Bombardment
space matter?
planet temperature?
organic compounds
The Iron Catastrophe
molten Earth stratifies into…
Earth’s crust is rich in…
Core remains…
Solar wind?
Creation of the moon
Planetesimal the size of Mars…
Released crust creates…
Earth’s axis…
speed of Earth’s rotation…
stabilizes Earth’s rotation reducing…
Moon’s gravitational pull creates…
First organic compounds
Important as ….
Urey-Miller concluded that…
Major Bombardment…
Deep sea thermal vents…
Fossil evidence of first…
This process begins…
Process adds _____________ to atmosphere
Causes oxidation of….
As evidenced by….
Binding poisonous oxygen first evolutionary step toward…
Buildup of oxygen in upper atmosphere creates…
which protects life from…
allowed sea life to move to…
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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