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Chaper 1 Key Terms
Android 4.0 Library—A project folder that contains the android.jar file, which includes all the
class libraries needed to build an Android application for the specified version.
Android Market—An online store that sells programs written for the Android platform.
AndroidManifest.xml—A file containing all the information Android needs to run an
assets folder—A project folder containing any asset files that are accessed through classic file
gen folder—A project folder that contains automatically generated Java files.
Java—An object-oriented programming language and a platform originated by Sun
layout—A container that can hold widgets and other graphical elements to help you design an
interface for an application.
object-oriented programming language—A type of programming language that allows good
software engineering practices such as code reuse.
Open Handset Alliance—An open-source business alliance of 80 firms that develop open
standards for mobile devices.
Package Explorer—A pane on the left side of the Eclipse program window that contains the
folders for the current project.
res folder—A project folder that contains all the resources, such as images, music, and video
files that an application may need.
smartphone—A mobile phone with advanced computing ability and connectivity features.
src folder—A project folder that includes the Java code source files for the project.
widget—A single element such as a TextView, Button, or CheckBox control, and is also called
an object.
XML—An acronym for Extensible Markup Language, a widely used system for defining data
formats. XML assists in the layout of the Android emulator.