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Data di nascita
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Andrea Pace 2/8/1955
Medico Chirurgo, Neurologo
Responsabile ff SSD Neurologia
Numero telefonico dell’ufficio
Fax dell’ufficio
E-mail istituzionale
[email protected]
Titolo di studio
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Altri titoli di studio e professionali
Specializzazione in Neurologia
Esperienze professionali ( incarichi
1988-1993 IRCCS S Lucia di Roma Assistente medico
1993 ad ottobre 2009 Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena –Neurologo
Dal 5/10/2009 Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena Responsabile ff SSD Neurologia
2001 ad oggi Corso di Laurea in Scienze infermieristiche Università di Roma La
Sapienza, Professore a contratto
Inglese, buona conoscenza scritta e parlata
Capacità linguistiche
Capacità nell’uso delle tecnologie
Altro ( partecipazione a convegni e
seminari, pubblicazioni,
collaborazioni a riviste, ecc. ed
ogni altra informazione che il
dirigente ritiene di dover
Pubblicazioni su riviste recensite:
1-Pace A, Grassa C, Cavalletti C, Figa' Talamanca L: Complications of
cerebral angiography. Statistical analysis of 1260 cases. Recenti Prog
Med 1984 Feb;75(2):132-41
2-Bernardi S, Buttinelli C, Grasso MG, Millefiorini E, Pace A, Prencipe
M, Fieschi C.: Evolution and severity markers in 233 MS patients. Riv
Neurol. 1987 May-Jun;57(3):197-200.
3-Fieschi C, Argentino C, Lenzi GL, Fantozzi L, Sacchetti ML, Pace A,
Rasura M, Bastianello S, Bozzao L, Zanette E, et al. Therapeutic
window for pharmacological treatment in acute focal cerebral ischemia.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988;522:662-6
4-Buttinelli C, Pace A, Mauriello A, Sette G, Bonanno E, Zanette EM.
B-mode echography in carotid pathology: correlation with morphology.
Minerva Med. 1988 Aug;79(8):665-7
5-Giubilei F, Argentino C, Silvestrini M, Pace A, Rasura M, Di Piero V,
Intiso D, Bastianello S, Paris L, Lenzi GL, et al.Prognostic factors in
acute cerebral infarct. Minerva Med. 1988 Aug;79(8):637-40.
6-Pietrangeli A, Finocchiaro R, Pace A, Rinaldi M, Jandolo B. The effect
of brain radiotherapy on the P3 component of ERP's. J Neurosurg Sci.
1990 Jul-Dec;34(3-4):327-8.
7-Jandolo B, Pietrangeli A, Pace A, Carapella CM, Finocchiaro R,
Morace E.
Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials in supratentorial brain tumors.
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1992 Jun;32(6):307-9.
8-Grasso MG, Pantano P, Ricci M, Intiso DF, Pace A, Padovani A, Orzi
F, Pozzilli C, Lenzi GL. Mesial temporal cortex hypoperfusion is
associated with depression in subcortical stroke. Stroke. 1994
9-Pace A., Pietrangeli A., Bove L., Rosselli M., Lopez M., Jando
B.:Neurotoxicity of antitumoral IL-2 therapy: evoked cognitive potentials a
brain mapping. Ital J Neurol Sci 15: 341-346, 1994.
10-Jandolo B., Della Giulia M., Pace A., Pietrangeli A. et
Neurophysiological examination of end-plate function in patients with lu
cancer. Electromyogr clin neurophysiol 35: 247-250, 1995.
11-Pietrangeli A., Bove L., Innocenti P., Pace A.:Meningiti
carcinomatose: aspetti clinici e decorso in 5 pazienti trattati con
metotrexate endorachide. Riv. Neurobiologia, 41(5), 671-675,1995.
12-Pace A., Jandolo B: Taxoids neurotoxicity. Neurology 47, 615, 1996.
13-Pace A., Bove L., Nisticò C, et al : Vinorelbine neurotoxicity: clinical
and neurophysiological findings in 23 patients. Journal of Neurology,
Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 61,4: 409-411, 1996.
14-Jandolo B., Pietrangeli A., Pace A. et al: Electrophysiological testing
in patients operated with the nerve sparing technique for bladder and
prostate. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 15: 67-70, 1996.
15-Fuoco U, Scivoletto G, Pace A, Vona VU, Castellano V. Anaemia
and serum protein alteration in patients with pressure ulcers. Spinal
Cord. 1997 Jan;35(1):58-60.
16-Pace A., Bove L., Aloe A, et al: Paclitaxel neurotoxicity: clinical and
neurophysiological study of 23 patients. Ital J Neurol Sci, 18:73-79,
17-Pace A., Innocenti P., Bove L., et al: Epilessia come sintomo di
esordio e nel decorso della malattia in 143 pazienti affetti da neoplasia
cerebrale emisferica. Boll Lega It Epil, 99:269-270, 1997.
18-Pietrangeli A., Bove L., Innocenti P., Pace A. et al:
neurophysiological evaluation of sexual dysfunction in patients operated
for colorectal cancer. Clinical Autonomic Research 8,6:353-356, 1998
19-Pace A., Bove L., Innocenti P. et al: Epilepsy and gliomas: Incidence
and treatment in 119 patients. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 17,4: 479-482,
20-Pace A. Assistenza domiciliare neuro-oncologica. Il progetto Qualità
della vita dell’Istituto Regina Elena. Notiziario dei Comitati Gigi Ghirotti.
21-C.Nistico’, C.Garufi, M.Milella, A.Vaccaro, AM D’Ottavio, A.Fabi,
A.Pace, L.Bove, F.Tropea, A.Marsella, F.Izzo, RM D’Attimo,
V.Ferraresi, S.De Marco, E.Terzoli: Weekly schedule of vinorelbine in
pretreated breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Research and
Treatment 59: 223-229, 2000
22-S.De Santis. A.Pace, L.Bove, F.Cognetti, F.Properzi, M.Fiore,
V.Triaca, A.Savarese, MD Simone, B.Jandolo, L.Manzione, L.Aloe:
Patients Treated with Antitumor Drugs Dispalying Neurological Deficits
Are Characterized by a Low Cinculating Level of Nerve Growth Factor
Clinical Cancer Research 6, 90-95, January 2000
23-Bove L, Picardo M, Maresca V, Jandolo B, Pace A.: A Pilot study on
the relationship between cisplatin neuropathy and Vitamin. E. J Exp Clin
Cancer Res 2001; 20 (2): 277-280.
24-Pace A.: Cure palliative in Neuro-Oncologia. Notiziario dei Comitati
Ghirotti. Luglio/Settembre 2001.
25-Pompili A, Caperle M, Pace A, Ramazzotti V, Raus L, Jandolo B,
Occhipinti El: Quality of life evaluation in patients operated upon for
cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma. J Neurosurgery 96:229-234, 2002
26-Pace A et al: Un modello di assistenza continuativa per malati con
tumore cerebrale. Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative, vol 4 n 2, 2002.
27-Santanelli F, Tenna S, Pace A, Scuderi N: .Free flap reconstruction
of the sole of the foot with or without sensory nerve coaptation. Plast
Reconstr Surg. 2002 Jun;109(7):2314-22
28-Pace et al: Neuroprotective Effect of Vitamin E Supplementation in
Patients Treated With Cisplatin Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol. 2003 Mar
1;21(5):927-31. 2003.
29-Leonetti C, Biroccio A, Gabellini C, Scarsella M, Maresca V, Flori E,
Bove L, Pace A, Stoppacciaro A, Zupi G, Cognetti F, Picardo M: Alphatocopherol protects against cisplatin-induced toxicity without interfering
with antitumor efficacy. Int J Cancer. 2003 Mar 20;104(2):243-50.
30-Galie E, Pietrangeli A, Maschio M, Pace A, Vidiri A, Carosi M,
Jandolo B.: Demyelinating disease in monoclonal gammopathy of
undetermined significance. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Jun;22(2):3379.
31-Pace A, Vidiri A, Galie E, Carosi M, Telera S, Cianciulli AM, Canalini
P, Giannarelli D, Jandolo B, Carapella CM. Temozolomide
chemotherapy for progressive low-grade glioma: clinical benefits and
radiological response. Ann Oncol. 2003 ;14(12):1722-6.
32-Fabi A, Vidiri A, Carapella C, Pace A, Occhipinti E, Caroli F, Mirri A,
Carlini P, Cognetti F: Bone metastasis from glioblastoma multiforme
without central nervous system relapse: a case report. Anticancer
Research 24 2004
33- Reni M, Mason W, Zaja F, Perry J, Franceschi E, Bernardi D,
Dell'Oro S, Stelitano C, Candela M, Abbadessa A, Pace A, Bordonaro
R, Latte G, Villa E, Ferreri AJ. Salvage chemotherapy with
temozolomide in primary CNS lymphomas: preliminary results of a
phase II trial. European Journal of Cancer 2004 Jul;40(11):1682-8
34-Pace A, Pompili A: Depression in Patients with High-grade Glioma:
Results of the Glioma Project. Neurosurgery. 56(4):E873, April 2005.
35-Pace, Bove L, Jandolo B:Vitamin E and cisplatin neurotoxicity.
Neurology. 2005 Aug 9;65(3):501-2 l
36-Fabi A,Salesi N,Di Cocco B, Vidiri A, Visca P, Pace A, Carapella C,
De Paula U, Mirri A, Cognetti F: Choroid plexus carcinoma in the adult:
is there a role for chemotherapy? J Exp Clin Cancer Res.
37-Pace, Bove L, Jandolo B:Vitamin E and cisplatin neurotoxicity.
Neurology. 2005 Aug 9;65(3):501-2 l
38-Pace A: Diagnosi e trattamento delle Meningiti Neoplastiche.
Medicina & terapia. Supplemento 2005. Edimes
39- A. Pace:Neuropatie da farmaci:criteri diagnostici e neuroprotezione.
40-Fabi A,Salesi N,Di Cocco B, Vidiri A, Visca P, Pace A, Carapella C,
De Paula U, Mirri A, Cognetti F: Choroid plexus carcinoma in the adult:
is there a role for chemotherapy? J Exp Clin Cancer Res.
41- PompiliA, Pace A, Occhipinti E: Subtemporal Transtentorial
Approach. J Neurosurgery 104; 854-855, 2006
42 -Maschio M, Albani F,Baruzzi A,ZarablaA,Dinapoli L,Pace A,Pompili
A,Carapella CM,Occhipinti E,Jandolo B: Levetiracetam therapy in
patients with brain tumour and epilepsy.
J Neurooncol 2006: 80(1):97-100
43-Guido Cavaletti, Stefano Jann, Andrea Pace, Rosaria Plasmati,
Gabriele Siciliano, Chiara Briani, Dario Cocito, Luca Padua, Elisabetta
Ghiglione, Mariagrazia Manicone, Giuditta Giussani, in the context of
the Italian NETox Group: Multi-center assessment of the Total
Neuropathy Score for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity.
J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2006 Jun;11(2):135-41.
44-Pace A, Fabi A: Chemotherapy in neoplastic meningitis. Critical
rewiev in Oncology/Hematology. 2006
45-Vidiri A, Carapella CM, Pace A, Mirri A, Fabi A, Carosi MA,
Giannarelli D, Pompili A, Jandolo E,Occhipinti E, Di Giovanni S, Crecco
M: Early post-operative MRI: correlation with progression free survival
and overall survival time in malignant gliomas. Journal of Experimental
and Clinical Cancer Research 2006:25 (2);177-182
46-G Cavaletti, B Frigeni, F Lanzani, M Piatti, S Rota, C Briani, G Zara,
R Plasmati, F Pastorelli, A Caraceni, A Pace, M Manicone, A Lissoni, N
Colombo, G Bianchi, C Zanna for the Italian NETox Group: The Total
Neuropathy Score as a useful assessment tool for grading the course of
chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity: a comparison with the
National Cancer Institute-Common Toxicity Scale. J Peripher Nerv Syst.
2007 Sep;12(3):210-5
47-M Reni, F Zaja, W Mason, J Perry, E Mazza, M Spina, R Bordonaro,
F Ilariucci, M Faedi, G Corazzelli, P Manno, E Franceschi, A Pace, M
Candela, A Abbadessa, C Stelitano, G Latte and A J M Ferreri
Temozolomide as salvage treatment in primary brain lymphomas British
Journal of Cancer (2007) 96, 864-867.
48-Andrea Pace, Cecilia Nisticò, Federica Cuppone, Emilio Bria, Edvina
Galiè,Giuliana Graziano, Guido Natoli, Isabella Sperduti, Bruno
Jandolo, Francesca Calabretta, Silverio Tomao, Edmondo
Terzoli:Peripheral Neurotoxicity of Weekly Paclitaxel Chemotherapy: A
Schedule or a Dose Issue? Clin Breast Cancer. 2007 Apr;7(7):550-4
49-Andrea Pace: Intrathecal chemotherapy treatment of neoplastic
meningitis from solid tumors using liposomal cytarabine: experience at
the Istituto Regina Elena di Roma. Tumori, 93 (3);9-12:2007
50-A Pace:Supportive care and end of life issues. Rivista Medica.
2007,vol 13 n 4
51-Pace A. Rehabilitation in brain tumor patients. J Exp Clin canc
52- Maschio M, Dinapoli L, Zarabla A, Pompili A, Carapella CM, Pace
A, Giannarelli D, Occhipinti E, Jandolo B: Outcome and tolerability of
topiramate in brain tumor associated epilepsy. J Neurooncol. J
Neurooncol; 2007, 86(1): 61-70.
53- Nisticò C, Bria E, Cuppone F, Fornier M, Sperduti I, Carpino A,
Pace A, Cognetti F, Terzoli E. Weekly epirubicin and paclitaxel with
granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support in previously untreated
metastatic breast cancer patients: a phase II study. Anticancer Drugs.
2007 Jul;18(6):687-92.
54-Andrea Pace, Cristiano Parisi, Maurizio Di Lelio. La Riabilitazione
palliativa. Un progetto per l’assistenza e la qualità della vita dei malati
neuro-oncologici. Riabilitazione Oggi. Anno XXIV, settembre 2007, 5253
55- Fabi A, Mirri A, Felici A, Vidiri A, Pace A, Occhipinti E, Cognetti F,
Arcangeli G, Iandolo B, Carosi MA, Metro G, Carapella CM.Fixed doserate gemcitabine as radiosensitizer for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a
dose-finding study. J Neurooncol. 2008 Mar;87(1):79-84
56-Pompili A, Telera S, Pace A:Metastases to the cerebellum. Results
and prognostic factors in a consecutive series of 44 operated patients.
J Neuronc 2008
57- Maschio M, Albani F, Jandolo B, Zarabla A, Contin M, Dinapoli L,
Fabi A, Pace A, Baruzzi A: Temozolomide treatment does not affect
topiramate and oxcarbazepine plasma concentrations in chronically
treated patients with brain tumor-related epilepsy. J Neurooncol. 2008
Jul 9
58-Andrea Pace, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Lara Guariglia, B Jandolo,
Carmine M Carapella, Alfredo Pompili: End of life issues in brain tumor
patients. J Neurooncol. 2009 Jan;91(1):39-43
59-Anna Maria Di Nallo, Antonello Vidiri, Simona Marzi, Alessandra
Mirri, Alessandra Fabi, Carmine Maria Carapella, Andrea Pace and
Marcello Crecco: Quantitative analysis of CT-perfusion parameters in
the evaluation of brain gliomas and metastases. Journal of
Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2009, 28:38
60-Alessandra Fabi, Giulio Metro, Michelangelo Russillo, Antonello
Vidiri, Carmine M Carapella, Marta Maschio, Francesco Cognetti, Bruno
Jandolo, Maria A Mirri, Isabella Sperduti, Stefano Telera, Mariantonia
Carosi and Andrea Pace: Treatment of recurrent malignant gliomas with
fotemustine monotherapy: impact of dose and correlation with MGMT
promoter methylation BMC Cancer 2009, 9:101
61- Maschio M, Dinapoli L, Vidiri A, Pace A, Fabi A, Pompili A,
Carapella MC, Jandolo B.:The role side effects play in the choice of
antiepileptic therapy in brain tumor-related epilepsy: a comparative
study on traditional antiepileptic drugs versus oxcarbazepine J Exp Clin
Cancer Res. 2009 May 6;28:60.
62 - Dinapoli L, Maschio M, Jandolo B, Fabi A, Pace A, Sperati F, Muti
P.:Quality of life and seizure control in patients with brain tumor-related
epilepsy treated with levetiracetam monotherapy: preliminary data of an
open-label study. Neurol Sci. 2009 May 5.
63 - Cavaletti G, Cornblath DR, Postma TJ, Merkies IS, Argyriou A,
Boogerd W, Briani C, Bruna J, Faber CG, Grisold W, Heimans JJ,
Kalofonos H, Krarup-Hansen A, Koeppen S, Lauria G, Leandri M,
Mielke S, Nobile-Orazio E, Pace A, Padua L, Plasmati R, Psimaras D,
Ros T, Schenone A, Stragliotto G, Galimberti S, Valsecchi MG. CIPERINOMS Study Group: CI-PERINOMS: chemotherapy-induced
peripheral neuropathy outcome measures study. J Peripher Nerv Syst.
2009 Jun;14(2):69-71.
64- Maschio M, Dinapoli L, Vidiri A, Pace A, Fabi A, Pompili A,
Carapella MC, Jandolo B.: The role side effects play in the choice of
antiepileptic therapy in brain tumor-related epilepsy:a comparative study
on traditional antiepileptic drug versus oxcarbazepine. J Exp Clin
Cancer Res. 2009 May 6;28:60.