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The sun is the centre of the solar system and every revolves a round it .
The surface of this burning ball of gas is 5500ºC, with the core reaching a sweltering 15.6 million ºC
The Sun is so large, you could fit over one million Earths inside it
The Sun fact file
Size Diameter 1,390,000km
Mass 1.989x1030kg
Composition Mostly hydrogen
Planets 8
Temperature Surface: 5,800ºC
Core: 15,600,000ºC
Colour Orange
Distance from Earth 149.6 million km
Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.
See the sun rise twice in one day
Experience the widest range in temperature of any planet, from a chilly -173°C at night to a sizzling
427°C during the day
MERCURY - Fact File:
Size Diameter 4880km
Mass 3.302x1023kg
Distance from Sun 57.91 million km
Atmosphere/weather Negligible atmosphere
Moons/satellites None
Temperature 427ºC day, -173ºC night
Colour Dark grey
Core Iron rich core about 3600km in diameter
Orbital period 88 Earth days
Distance from Earth Max 221.9 million km, Min 77.3 million km
Length of day 59 Earth days
Venus is the second planet from the sun
Experience the longest day of any planet, a staggering 243 Earth days!
The only planet where the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east
See volcanoes 100km wide and five km high
But watch out for the poisonous Venusian atmosphere - it's full of sulphuric acid
Venus fact file:
Size Diameter 12,104km
Mass 4.869x1024kg
Distance from Sun 108.21 million km
Distance from Earth Max 261 million km, Min 38 million km
Atmosphere/weather Mainly carbon dioxide
90 times Earth pressure
Temperature 464ºC
Length of year 225 Earth days
Length of day 243 Earth days
Moons/satellites None
Colour White cloud tops Core Iron/nickel core
Earth is the third planet from the sun
The only planet in the Solar System where life has been confirmed
Visit the ancient ruins of human civilisations
Enjoy the best night life in the Solar System
Earth fact file :
Size Diameter 12,756km
Mass 5.97x1024kg
Distance from Sun 150 million km
Atmosphere Mainly nitrogen with oxygen and carbon dioxide
Moons/satellites 1
Temperature Average 22ºC
Colour Blue and green
Core Iron/Nickel
Length of year 365.26 Earth days
Length of day 24 Earth hours
Mars is the forth planet from the sun
See the longest ever canyon system, stretching over 5,000km (3,100 miles)
Visit the Solar System's largest volcano - over 50 times bigger than those on Earth
Decide for yourself whether the Red Planet once contained life
MARS - Fact File:
Size Diameter 6794km
Mass 6.42x1023kg
Distance from Sun 228 million km
Distance from Earth Max 401 million km, Min 55 million km
Atmosphere/weather Thin carbon dioxide atmosphere
Temperature -80ºC to -5ºC Length of year 687 Earth days
Length of day 24 Earth hours 37 minutes
Moons/satellites 2
Colour Red Core Small iron core
Jupiter is fifth from the sun and it the largest planet
Explore a huge world, larger than all the other eight planets put together
See the largest storm in the Solar System
Visit the largest system of moons of any planet
Jupiter fact file:
Size Diameter 142,984km
Mass 1.898x1027kg
Distance from Sun 778.3 million km
Distance from Earth Max 968 million km, Min 598 million km
Atmosphere/weather Mainly hydrogen and helium
Temperature -48ºC at the surface20,000ºC at the core
Length of year 4,330.6 Earth days
Length of day 10 hours 40 minutes
Moons/satellites 63
Colour Yellow/orange
Core Iron and rock core
Saturn is the sixth planet and the second largest .
The most spectacular ring system of any planet in the Solar System
This planet's density is so small that it would float on water - if there were an ocean large enough!
Size Diameter 120,536km
Mass 5.68x1026kg
Distance from Sun 1,427 million km
Distance from Earth Max 1,659 million km, Min 1,196 million km
Atmosphere/weather Mainly hydrogen and helium
Temperature -178ºC on the surface12,000ºC at the core
Length of year 10,756 Earth days
Length of day 10 Earth hours 14 minutes
Moons/satellites 56
Colour Beige
Core Rocky iron core
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun
Visit this giant ball of gas, four times bigger than the Earth
The only planet to spin on its side
Experience 42-year nights and days
Uranus fact file:
Size Diameter 51,118km
Mass 8.683x1025kg
Distance from Sun 2,871 million km
Distance from Earth Max 3,157 million km, Min 2,582 million km
Atmosphere/weather Hydrogen, helium, methane
Temperature -216ºC
Length of year 30,707 Earth days
Length of day 17 Earth hours 12 minutes
Moons/satellites 27
Colour Blue/green
Core Rock/ice
Neptune is the eighth from the sun
The fastest winds in the Solar System at over 2,000km per hour
The gases in Neptune's atmosphere give it a unique deep blue hue
Neptune fact file:
Size Diameter 49,528km
Mass 1.024x1026kg
Distance from Sun 4,498 million km
Distance from Earth Max 4,687 million km, Min 4,306 million km
Atmosphere/weather Hydrogen, helium and methane
Temperature -214ºC
Length of year 60,190 Earth days
Length of day 16 Earth hours 7 minutes
Moons/satellites 13
Colour Deep blue
Core Rocky/ice core