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Persuasive Memo: Importance of Social Media to a Business
(Institution’s Name)
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Role of Social media ....................................................................................................................... 3
Marketing tool ............................................................................................................................. 4
Advertising tool ........................................................................................................................... 4
Advantages of Social Media to Business ........................................................................................ 4
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Top-Level Management
(Your Name), Sale Team Manager
October 5, 2014
SUBJECT: Request for Adopting Social Media
There are literally tens of thousands of articles online talking about the importance of social
media for online business. A straightforward Google search will probably turn up more
information than anybody could imagine in relation to how best to employ Twitter, LinkedIn,
MySpace, and Facebook for the reason of business, and these social networking sites are purely
the tip of the iceberg. There are various other less-known social media sites that can factor into
the field of business, as well.
It is obvious why social media sites are essential for business. It is a free and resourceful means
of marketing to the virtual audience. After all, if your business is virtual; then it only makes that
you should be advertising where the virtual population goes to hang out and converse with
friends. It is equivalent to putting up a sign at a baseball game of the shopping mall. Businesses
must market to an online audience.
Role of Social media
Many people misguidedly believe that social media does not need to be factored much into the
running of an offline business, and this is a serious mistake. Why? Although business might be
physical, chances are that customers are spending a lot of their time on these social networking
sites. DeMers (2014) suggest that approximately 92% of business owners, in 2014, believe that
social media is critical to their business, up from 86% in 2014. Businesses continue to rearrange
their budgets away from conventional techniques of advertising towards social media and other
inbound marketing strategies. Andrew Murray, social media manager at creative agency,
observes, “It’s about brining a business to life through the use of great imagery. It’s about
focusing on your product or services but creating a story around your offering” (Roche, 2014).
Marketing and advertising programs were once developed well in advance and released on the
organization’s timetable, but social media have developed a demand for real-time, two-way
communication programs that connect the public and evolve based on the conversation (Al-Deen
& Hendricks, 2012).
Marketing tool
Even-Dar and Shapira (2007) emphasizes on the importance of social networks as marketing
tool; growing rapidly and spanning diverse area. The beauty of social media as a marketing tool
is that it creates an opportunity for interaction. Using social media allows the business to step
away from single-sided conversation, like reading a brochure. Social media sites facilitate
businesses to strictly craft an experience and link with the network on a deeper level than
possible through conventional marketing techniques.
Advertising tool
In their book Social Media: Usage and Impact, Noor et al. claims, “Through learning consumer’s
interests and lifestyles, as presented in the customer’s social media profiles, advertisers can
deliver messages and information that is customized to the individual.” The application of this
vise of social media advertising marks a continued trend to develop more intimate relationships
with customers. Several strategic communicators have also adopted social media as a significant
tool to enhance issues management, environmental evaluation and two-way communication.
There are various social media advertising tools, among them Flite and Kontera. Farnworth
(2011) asserts, “Flite allows you to edit ads in real time, and then spread that message across
your social network.” For instance, foot traffic to a business slows one afternoon. The business
can create advertising and edits its commercial video, the repost on its Twitter stream or
facebook account.
Advantages of Social Media to Business
To some businesses, social media sites are “the next big thing,” a provisional but
resourceful fad that must be integrated into the business system while still in the spotlight. To
some, it is catchphrase with no reliable merit and a tee, complex learning curve. According
Social Media Examiner, about 97% of marketers are presently taking part in social media, yet
85% of these participants are not fully aware what advantages social media tools hold to their
business (DeMers, 2014). Social media demonstrates a huge potential to increase sales; however,
lack of understanding on how to accomplish these outcomes is still a challenge. Below are some
of the advantages of social media to business.
First, social media allows the business to reach out to potential clients without spending
large sum of money advertising whereas staying connected with the present customers. Demand
Media reporter Elizabeth Freeman writes, “Having a presence on a popular social network
suggests to people that your business is on the cutting edge or at least is able to keep up with the
changing times” (Freeman, 2013). Employing social media promotes business’ success but also
needs some commitment and hard work on part of the management.
Secondly, it is a means of open communication. Social media allows online users to
inform friends and followers of the services, special offers and open opportunities quickly and
simply. It is a bridge connecting the business to its customers since they can contact the business
much easily. In situations where the customers have questions, he or she can post the questions
on Facebook wall or write them a short message explaining the problem. This makes the
business respond quickly and attempt to improve the situation.
Thirdly, Social media improves brand recognition. According to DeMers (2014), social
media presents every opportunity the business has to syndicate its content and enhance its
visibility. Social media sites are new mediums for the voice and content of organization’s brand.
It is of essence at it subsequently makes the business easier and more accessible for new
customers, and makes the business more familiar and recognizable for existing customers.
While social media can never replace the authenticity of handshake and personalized
service, these virtual touch points has the ability to reinforce existing relationship or spark new
interests or unrealized market. As we all know, the use of social media is significant to the
business through increase sales, profit maximization and improve customer relations. I have
developed a close work relationship with the IT department and Mike Smith, a local internet
consultant, who projected that adopting social media to the business will pay for itself within one
to two months. Smith would be an asset to the development of this project. With the business’
goals in mind and this potential boost, would you grant the sales department the authority to
develop accounts on different social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, to expand our
present internet capabilities to comprise the use of social media as both marketing and
advertising tool? Additional research of the project, the knowledge and expertise, and the driving
force to achieve our upcoming sales projection will generate a reliable plan for meeting the
objectives of the business and essentially the requirements of our customers.
Al-Deen, H. S., & Hendricks, J. A. (2012). Social Media: Usage and Impact. Lanham,
Maryland: Lexington Books.
DeMers, J. (2014, August 11). The Top 10 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing. Retrieved
October 5, 2014, from Forbes:
DeMers, J. (2014, July 23). The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends Dominating 2014.
Retrieved October 5, 2014, from Forbes:
Even-Dar, E., & Shapira, A. (2007). A note on Maximizing the Spread of Influence in Social
Networks. In X. Deng, F. C. Graham, & F. R. Chung, Internet and Network Economics
(pp. 306-312). Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Science & Business Media.
Farnworth, D. (2011, October 14). Ultimate list of social media advertising tools. Retrieved
October 5, 2014, from Raven Blog:
Freeman, E. (2013). The Advantages of Social Networking Promoting a Business. Retrieved
October 5, 2014, from Chron:
O'Guinn, T., Allen, C., Semenik, R., & Scheinbaum, A. C. (2014). Advertising and Integrated
Brand Promotion. Stamford CT: Cengage Learning.
Roche, K. (2014, June 19). Too many Irish firms are ignoring the value of Instagram – don't get
left behind. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from Independent.Ie: ignoring-the-value-of-instagram-dont-get-left-behind-30366279.html