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The Research on the Paths and Choices of Strategies About
Developing Circular Economy in the Ecological Economic Region of
Poyang Lake
ZHU Shubin1,2, ZHAO Rongrong1
1. Economic and Trade Academic Institution of Jiangxi Agricultural University, P.R.China, 330045
2. ‘SHAN RONG’ Issues Research Center of Jiangxi Agricultural University, P.R.China, 330045
[email protected]
Abstract: Developing circular economy greatly is an inevitable choice in order to further use
advantages of ecological resources and advantages of location of the Ecological Economic Region of
Poyang Lake (EERPYL) and improve the competitiveness of the EERPYL, and to narrow the gap with
the eastern coastal areas quickly and realize the sustainable development in the regional and economical
society. Therefore, the paper put forward the specific paths and political recommendations of green
zoology industrialization and industrial development ecology of EERPYL as national strategy
Keywords: Circular Economy, Green Ecology Industrialization, Industrial Development Ecology, The
EERPYL, Sustainable Development
1 Introduction
On December 12, 2009, the State Council authorized The Planning of the Ecological Economic Region
of Poyang Lake (EERPYL) formally. It shows the EERPYL rising as national strategy background. On
January 31, 2010, Jiangxi Provincial Party Secretary Su Rong emphasized that grasping practically the
essence of the ERPYL is premise and basis of promoting the construction of the EERPYL in the
mobilization meeting of developing the EERPYL. The characteristic of the EERPYL is ecological and
its core is developing. Changing development mode is crucial. Its goal is to embark on a specific
developing and green rising roads. Therefore, we should develop circular economy greatly. In order to
further use ‘advantages of ecological resources’ and ‘advantages of location’ of the EERPYL and
improve the competitiveness of the EERPYL ,and to narrow the gap with the eastern coastal areas
quickly and realize the sustainable development in the regional and economical society, developing
circular economy greatly and building the green EERPYL is an inevitable choice. For this issue, some
domestic scholars did some relational study. The task force from Academy of Social Science of Jiangxi
province (2008) put forward the guiding ideology, basic ideas and building goals, etc of the construction
of the EERPYL. Cai Shaohong (2010), etc studied economic and social development problems in the
underdeveloped regions of western China and made some relational recommendations. Cao
Xiaolin(2010),etc analyzed the barriers of developing the circular economy of the less developed areas
from Chongqing province. Then she put forward the corresponding proposals about strategic choices.
2 Major Problems of the Development of Circular Economy in the Ecological
Economic Region of Poyang Lake
In recent years, the economy of the EERPYL is in the stage of rapid development, and it relies mainly
on resources and labor and capital investment to promote economic growth. But high investment is not
sustainable that it will be a serious threat to the sustainability of the economic development of Poyang
Lake and Poyang Lake ecological sustainability. Although the EERPYL rose to national development
strategies, but the EERPYL is still faced with many problems which are to be solved in the development
of circular economy and becoming a strategic green Poyang Lake.
(1) The EERPYL will face a financial bottleneck in the development of circular economy.
Implementation of circular economy requires a lot of capital investment, and needs capital accumulation
under the economic development to a certain degree or borrows external funds to invest. In the situation
that traditional economic model has not been fully or mostly exited, Carrying out the circular economy
is hard to execute because short-term economic benefits and economic strength in the economically
backward regions is not enough and quality of personnel is too low and so on. Then, it will cause the
financial bottleneck of developing circular economy. In the end of 2010, the domestic and foreign
currency deposits of Jiangxi financial institutions added up to 1.19078 trillion yuan. It only accounted
for only 1.6% of the domestic and foreign currency deposits of the whole country, much lower than the
level that Jiangxi's population accounted for 3.3% of the country's total population and obviously much
lower than the level that Jiangxi’s GDP accounted for 2.3% of the whole country’s GDP. It showed that
the level of credit funds in the province was below the national average level. This is a reflection of
financial bottleneck. Here attached 2010 GDP Rankings of the Whole Country’s Provinces and Cities,
as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 2010 GDP Rankings of the Mainly Country’s Provinces and Cities in CHINA
(Resource: CHINA Statistical Yearbook, 2010, China statistics Press)
(2) The EERPYL’s industrial clustering is not enough, it is difficult to meet the development of circular
economy which needs support from the economies of scale. Economies of scale are important
conditions for development of ecological industry. Whether it is circular economy's ‘small cycles’
model - efficient internal recycling of resources, or ‘in the loop’ mode - recycling of resources between
enterprises, or ‘big loop’-to establish a recycling society from the perspective of viewing society as a
whole cycle model, all will be conducive to the implementation of circular economy development model
under the economies of scale, and recently, the scale of the industrial parks in the EERPYL is too small.
Its features are not obvious and industrial structures are identical. There are some other problems, and
these problems will restrict seriously development of regional recycling economy. Digital research
showed that many county industrial clusters have only 10 or so companies. These clusters can not be
compared with Zhejiang and other places. Statistics indicated that in 1999 there were more than 5000
shoe enterprises in Wenzhou and their output value is 25 billion. It is equal to 140% of the total number
of all the joint venture of industrial park in Jiangxi in 2003 and 42.54% of their sales. This shows that
the enterprises in the ecological economic zone gather inadequate.
(3) The absence of institutional arrangements leads to the shortage of policies to support the
development of circular economy. Compared with that the development of circular economy needs for
relevant policy mechanisms, the EERPYL is not perfect in terms of the policy mechanism for the
development of circular economy. Market’s externality benefits of circular economy are difficult to be
compensated from the market itself, specific programs of policy support have not yet introduced, every
subject’s motivation in the development of circular economy is inconsistent, and their interest is also
inconsistent, and then result that it is hard to consort the interest among macro and micro body, so the
development of circular economy lacks of the mechanism of interest. The absence of institutional
arrangements leads development competition among various industrial parks in the EERPYL to be
(4) Public participation is consciousness and agricultural pollution is serious, directly weakens social
mass base of the development of circular economy in the EERPYL. On a statistical sample of 187
households, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium application proportion of farmers after calculation of
pure discount was 1:0.53:0.58. However, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption ratio of grain
was 1:0.45:1. The proportions of household fertilization are clearly not reasonable. In addition, straw
rate is only 63%.Therefore, the development of circular economy and the formation of the green
EERPYL depended on the great efforts of the government and the active participation of the public.
Otherwise, circular economy which is lack of public foundation is difficult to achieve. The development
in the core area of the EERPYL is relatively backward, and smooth information network of circular
economy is absent. This is likely to cause that the public lack of knowledge on the significance of the
development of circular economy and the construction of The EERPYL. Their consumer savings and
green environmental protection is awareness, and sense of participation is so much thin. At the same
time, the EERPYL lacks of Non-governmental environmental organizations, and ‘recycling economy
and green’ is closely related to each person's interests and of behavior. Relying solely on the
government's promotion is difficult to achieve the desired effect.
3 The Development Path's Choices of Circular Economy in the Eco-economic
Region of Poyang Lake
Ecological advantages of the EERPYL highlights in the water resources, ecological agriculture, green
food, tourism, shipping and open economy and so on. Therefore, the ideas of development that develop
greatly circular economy of the EERPYL and build green the EERPYL not only meet the regional
situation of the EERPYL, but also meet the situation in the province of Jiangxi province. Poyang Lake
ecological economic zone's ecological resources and locations which have comparative advantages are
easier to play.
3.1 Develop circular ecological agriculture
Based on strict protection of cultivated land, we will solve scientifically the EERPYL's ‘SHAN RONG’
issues by the promotion of agricultural industrialization, urbanization and industrialization. Poyang Lake
Ecological Economic Zone can choose such as cycle selection modes of ecological agriculture
development: tourism agriculture and urban agriculture; red eco-tourism model; green eco-tourism
model; farm family-type circulation patterns (such as: pigs - biogas - fruit model); Eco-agriculture park
mode (trade-Engineering-Agriculture Integrated Ecological Park); forestry, animal husbandry complex
ecological engineering and so on. Development of efficient circular ecological agriculture needs to
establish a concept of eco-industrial, industrial ecology and strive to create cycling ecological
agriculture industrial system of the EERPYL, and to promote the construction of the efficient ecological
agriculture demonstration zones with the Poyang Lake ecological economic zone.
3.2 Develop circular eco-industry
The main comparative advantages of Poyang Lake ecological economic zone are the beautiful
environment and ecosystems, the industrial development of the Poyang Lake ecological economic zone
bases on the protection of ecological environment and the optimization of the ecological environment
firstly, and those are the fundaments that regional enterprises improve the sustainable competitiveness.
Thus, in the long run, the key of the industrialization of Poyang Lake ecological economic zone is to
develop circular eco-industry. Alternative strategies are: to strengthen the construction of the
eco-industrial parks (pre-pilot can be paid attention to 1-2); traditional enterprises to adopt
eco-cluster-style development integration model; great selection of clean production mode and so on.
3.3 Develop cycling ecological services
The development of service industry is important that it guarantees the development of circular
eco-agriculture and eco-industry. Service industry of the EERPYL should focus on the development of
circular economy. Alternative strategies are: the major cities as the center to develop ecological logistics
industry; construct ecological information services; to develop eco-tourism and develop circular
education industry with particular attention to practical technical education and training and commercial
recycling and processing mode and so on.
4 Conclusion
Developing circular economy and building green the EERPYL should adhere to regard the scientific
outlook on development as guidance, to optimize the patterns of using resources as the core, and to
regard increasing resource productivity and reducing waste emissions as targets, to regard technology
innovation and system innovation as the driving force, then take effective measures to mobilize the
forces and promote them actively. Those problems in the economic and social developments of the
EERPYL need to be urgently addressed.
(1) Promote the new concept of developing circular economy to the whole society. Compared with the
traditional ‘linear economy’, circular economy is a new model of economic development. It is related to
public behavior, interests, and activities closely, and need for understanding and support of public.
Therefore, to organize a variety of publicity and education activities, to improve the whole society,
especially leaders at all levels of the cognition about the development of circular economy and the
importance and urgency of building a green eco-Jiangxi, to lay a profound public base for the EERPYL
in the implementation of this new model of economic development.
(2) Develop eco-industrial model, and do a good job of the industrial layout in the EERPYL.Jiangxi
province is in a very important stage of development, industrialization and urbanization are accelerating,
and it further increases its demand for resources. If you do not change effectively the mode of economic
growth and the status of a large number of consumption of resources, development's opportunities may
be lost, and it will lead to economic wandering. Therefore, to do a good job of the industrial layout in
the EERPYL, to avoid the duplication caused by the waste of resources from the source. At the same
time, to develop greatly the patterns of circular economy of resource production and consumption,
control strictly the waste production from the source of production and consumption, form a perfect
mechanism for waste recycling mechanism and avoiding waste generation.
(3) Build legal protection system of the development of circular economy. To study how to establish a
blameless legal system of circular economy, now we should pay close attention to formulate Resources
Comprehensive Utilization Ordinance, Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Recycling Regulations,
Waste Tire Recycling Regulations, Packaging Recycling Management and so the development of
circular economy-specific legislation. Accelerate development of energy-using equipment efficiency
standards, water industry standards for key water quotas, energy-saving design of the main
energy-consuming industries, and mandatory energy efficiency labeling and re-use of products such as
the identity standards of the development of circular economy. Strengthen law enforcement supervision
and inspection, and gradually make the task of the development of circular economy step into the legal
(4) Construct the political support system of the development of circular economy. To give some major
projects in the EERPYL support of loan discount and direct investment or capital grants and guide all
kinds of financial institutions give loans to key projects which help to promote the development of
circular economy. To combine the investment system and adjust and implement investment policies, to
increase financial support for the development of circular economy, further deepen the price reform,
study and implement the policy prices and charges which promote the development of circular economy
development.To sound fiscal policy and increase the favorable intensity of the development of circular
economy,then continue to deepen reform of enterprises, and study to develop a kind of economic policy
which will help the enterprises to establish eco-industrial network that meets the requirements of
circular economy.
(5) Build technical support system for the development of circular economy. The EERPYL should
accelerate the pace of the high technology and advanced applicable technologies to transform traditional
industries, to backward techniques, technologies and equipment. The resource conservation and
alternative technologies which have universal significance should be organized to develop and
demonstrate, technology that extend the industrial chain and related industries links, ‘zero emissions’
technology, technologies that alternative toxic and hazardous materials, recycling and processing
technology, green re-manufacturing technologies, etc which have universal significance should be
organized to develop and demonstrate. Then work hard to make breakthroughs in the development of
circular economy technological bottlenecks.
(6) Construct the support system of the development of circular economy. The scientific development
concept guide the overall situation, the concept and the taking of circular economy are guidance, to
accelerate the economic restructuring of our province and transform economic growth mode, and then
can provide strong economic support for the development of circular economy in the EERPYL.
Therefore, the EERPYL develop greatly high-tech industry and tertiary industry which is low power,
low emissions, to foster toursim which is eco-tourism-based into new pillar industries of the area. To
limit strictly the blind development of industrial parks and the industries which have high energy
consumption, high water consumption, high pollution and waste of resources with the circular economy
concept to guide regional development, industrial transformation, and to promote reasonable
adjustments of regional industrial layout. Industrial park's planning, construction and renovation should
obey the mode of circular economy, and then fully use the effects of industrial agglomeration and
industrial ecology, to develop related industries around the core resources and formation industry chain
of recycling of resources.
Author in brief:
ZHU Shubin, male, Jiangxi Shangraoese, Professor, Doctor, vice president of Economic And Trade
Academic Institution of Jiangxi Agricultural University, deputy director of ‘SHANRONG Issues’
Research Center of Jiangxi Agricultural University. Mainly engaged in teaching and researching in
agricultural economic theory and policy and development of regional economic.
ZHAO Rongrong, male, Jiangsu Nantongese, master of Economic And Trade Academic Institution of
Jiangxi Agricultural University. Direction of Research: organization and management of agricultural
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