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Concert Report
Your Name
Date (of paper)
Concert Attended
Date (of concert)
Type of Concert:
General Reaction:
Is this the first time you went to this type of concert?
Is it what you expected?
What were the memorable features of each piece? (Look at hand-out).
Were there soloists within the piece itself? If so, how did this contribute to
the piece. Did the instrumentation change with each piece?
How were the works different from each other?
How was the performance itself?
Pick the piece you liked the best. If it is a longer work with many
movements you may choose one movement. What did you like about it?
Could you pick out the meter? Did it help to watch the conductor? What
was the character? What features could you hear?
Themes/ Melodies
Rhythmic patterns that were used different ways
Did any instrument predominate
Change of style/character within piece or movement. Contrasting
Then you are to listen to this piece again. Check the TC library, download
from i-tunes. Email me if you’re desperate and can’t find it.
What is your reaction on hearing it a second time? What do you hear
now that you didn’t hear in concert?
Include a paragraph on the composer. What musical period did he/she
belong to – this will be in any biographical information you find. If you can
only find the dates, look up the periods of music and see where they fit.
The names of pieces are formal names like books; they should be capitalized
and underlined.