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Looking at the Earth
Why do we study Geography?
Exploring the World Around Us
• What is Geography?
– Geo- “the earth”
– graphe “to describe”
– The study of people, their environments
and their resources.
Geographer’s tools
• Maps-visual
representations of a
portion of the earth
• Photographs-create
charts, graphs or
tables to understand
• Technology
5 Basic Themes
• #1 Location: The exact
position on the Earth’s
• Lines of LATITUDEmeasures distances
north/south of the
• Line of LONGITUDEmeasures distances east
or west of the Prime
#2 Place
• Geographers describe
places in terms of their
physical and human
• Physical characteristics:
landforms, climate,soil
and animal life
• Human characteristics:
people’s way of lifetheir activities, means
of transportation,
religion and languages
#3 Movement
• Migration
• Trade- goods exported or imported
• Spread of ideas
• Interdependence-dependence of
countries on goods, resources and
knowledge from other parts of the
#4 Region
• An area with its own
unifying characteristics.
• These can be physical
characteristics such as
landforms or climate.
• Or-cultural political or
economic features.
• One country can belong
to several regions
#5 Interaction Between People and
Their Environment
• How people adapt to
the world around
• Hidden costs?
• Negative examples
of how people
interact with their
Let’s review
• Give two examples of how people have
reshaped their environment.
• Two examples of how they have adapted to
their environment.
• How have modern communication and
transportation affected movement?
• Describe 3 different ways to identify the
region in which you live