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Topic: Roman Law
EQ: Describe the systems of law in Ancient Rome
Bolded words need to go in your notes section!
Fair Law Uniting the Empire
• Romans wanted fair law to unite the large
Roman Empire and make it strong. (chunk)
• Roman law became more complex. The job of
lawyers, called Juris Prudentes, was created
to explain the laws.
• The first lawyers did not exist to defend or
condemn, only interpret (chunk)
Law of the Twelve Tables
• Romans created a law code called "Laws of
the Twelve Tables.”
Twelve Tables
• The Laws of the Twelve Tables were recorded
on metal tablets and posted in the forum, the
center of town.
• The Twelve Tables were placed in the forum
so ordinary people could read it
easily. (chunk)
Check for Understanding
(write both questions and answers in your notes)
• How did having one set of laws affect the Roman
• Which modern countries have modeled their law
codes after the Roman model?
• Why was the profession of lawyers begin?
• What was the Roman law code called?
• Where were the Twelve posted?
• Why did the Roman government post the Twelve
Tables in the forum?
• What was the impact of the Twelve Tables on the
Roman Empire? (chunk)
The Basics
Ancient Rome had 3 main social classes.
• Patricians were the group with the most
status in society. They were the wealthy (rich)
landowners who participated in the Senate (1
part of Roman government). (chunk)
• The Plebeians were the Roman “middle- class”.
They were farmers, traders, and craft workers.
They too were allowed to participate in
Government -- in the Assembly. (chunk)
• Slaves were the lowest group in Roman Society.
They were not given the rights of citizens, and
were not able to participate in government.
Being a Good Citizen
• Romans believed that individual people had a
responsibility to participate in activities that
helped Roman society.
1. How many social classes did Rome have?
1. A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
2. Which group was made up of the rich, wealthy land owners in the Senate?
1. A. Plebians B. Patricians C. Slaves D. Nomads
3. Which group was made up of the middle class in the Assembly?
1. A. Plebians B. Patricians C. Slaves D. Nomads
4. Which group was made up of the poor people with no rights?
A. Plebians B. Patricians C. Slaves D. Nomads
5. Which of the following is true?
1. A. Romans believed that all people should be a positive part of the
society and help out
2. B. Romans believed that only patricians should be a positive part of
society and help out
3. C.Romans believed that only plebians should be a positive part of
society and help out
4. D. Romans believed that only slaves should be a positive part of
society and help out