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hyperglycemic control
in the emergency
Myrna Buenaluz- Sedurante
University of the Philippines
Dept of Medicine
Section of Endocrinology
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
 Pathophysiology
 Diagnosis
 Treatment
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
AKA Nonketotic Hyperglycemia, Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma
DKA Statistics
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1b Ketosis prone Diabetics
Occasionally in Type 2
Infection, Trauma, Cardiac
 Newly diagnosed Type 2 DM
Annual hospital cost $1 billion
 ¼ of health care dollars spent on Type 1 diabetics
DKA Mortality
Mortality primarily due to precipitating illness
Prognosis worse with old age, coma and
HHS Statistics
<1% of all diabetes-related admissions
More common in elderly diabetics
poor access to water
Decreased GFR
Variable 10-50%
 Most often due to the precipitating illness
Role of Insulin
Lipolysis→Increased FFA→Converted to Ketones in
Three ketones
Acetoacetic Acid; Beta-Hydroxybutyric Acid; Acetone
Accumulation leads to acidosis (↓pH) & formation of
anion gap
Differential Diagnosis
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
 Starvation Ketosis
Diagnostic criteria
blood glucose >250 mg/dl,
blood glucose >600 mg/dl
arterial pH <7.3,
arterial pH >7.3,
bicarbonate <15 mEq/l, and
bicarbonate >15 mEq/l,
moderate ketonuria or
mild ketonuria or ketonemia, and
effective serum osmolality >320
mOsm/kg H2O.
longer time for development of
the disease
cytokines, markers of oxidative stress, lipid
peroxidation and cardiovascular risk
• All increased even in the absence of infection
• CRP and homocysteine do not go back to normal
levels with resolution of DKA/HHS
Causes of DKA/HHS
New diagnosis of Diabetes
Infection: Pneumonia, Gastroenteritis, UTI
Acute MI/ACS
Missed Insulin/Compliance
In between type 1
and type 2
• Unprovoked ketosis
• Absent islet cell antibodies
• Frequent evolution to Insulin independence over
Flatbush or ketosis prone
• ADA classification: type 1a (Ab+) and type 1b (Ab-)
• AβClassification based on presence of antibodies
(GAD65 autoantibody) and cell reserve (C peptide
Symptoms of DKA
Develops rapidly
Earliest symptoms are due hyperglycemia
Polyuria, Polydipsia, Weight loss
Neurologic symptoms
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
Up to 50% of DKA
 Associated with degree of acidosis
 ?Delayed gastric emptying/ileus
Physical Exam in DKA
Signs of dehydration
Tachycardia, hypotension
Neurologic exam
“Acetone breath”
Kussmaul Respirations
Fever is rare, even with infection
Serum Ketones
Plasma Osmolality
ABG (venous pH 0.03
Chest X-Ray
Blood Culture
Urine Culture
Sputum Culture
Labs in DKA: ABG and
Labs in DKA: Glucose
Usually between 300-500 mg/dl
“Euglycemic DKA”
Nutritional deficiency
 Pregnancy
 Prior use of insulin en route to the E.R.
Labs in DKA: Sodium
Variable sodium levels
Direct effect of hyperglycemia leads to
hyponatremia (↓1meq/L for every 62 mg/dl rise in
BS) due to fluid shift from intracellular to extracellular
Need to compute for corrected sodium
Corrected Na = serum sodium +1.6 for ever 100 mg/dl above 100
Secondary effect of osmotic diuresis which causes
loss of free water→hypernatremia
Most are mildly hyponatremic
Labs in DKA: Potassium
Overall potassium deficit
Renal loss with osmotic diuresis & ketone excretion
 GI loss
However, on initial evaluation, K level is usually
normal or elevated
 Insulin deficiency
 ?Acidemia
Take great care in monitoring/repleting K for fear of
Labs in DKA: Other
Usually body depleted, but initial levels may be normal or high
May be elevated, even without pancreatitis
Elevated WBC
Elevated TC & Trigs
•Corrected Na = serum sodium +1.6 for ever 100 mg/dl
above 100
•Fluid deficit = (Corrected Na- Goal of 140/ 140) x 0.6 x
kg BW
•Anion Gap = Na – (Cl+HC03)
•Osmolarity = 2Na +glucose in mg/dl/18
Anion Gap
AG= Na – (Cl + HCO3)
Normal <12; DKA >20
Accumulation of BHB & AA
Test in serum & urine
Nitroprusside reaction converts AA to acetone and
(does not detect BHB)
Test may be negative test if most of the anions are BHB
 Adding Hydrogen Peroxide to urine the urine converts BHB to AA & allows
NP reaction
Anion Gap
High Anion Gap
•Uremia and RF
•Diabetes and other
ketotic states
•Ethylene glycol
add lactic acidosis
Normal Anion Gap
•Enteric fistulas
•Aldactone, acidifying
add HAL
Treatment of DKA
Initial Evaluation: ABCs; Exam; Labs; Causes
Close Monitoring
Fluid Replacement
Insulin Therapy
Electrolyte Replacement
Resolution & Conversion to home therapies
ICU Status
Blood sugar monitoring q1 hr
Electrolytes ,venous pH q2-4 hrs
Ketones q 6H
Close evaluation of vitals & neuro status
Consider use of flowsheet
DKA/HHS flowsheet for the documentation of clinical parameters, fluid and electrolytes,
laboratory values, insulin therapy, and urinary output.
et al. Dia Care 2003;26:s109-s117
Copyright © 2011 American Diabetes Association, Inc.
Fluid Replacement
Mainstay of initial therapy
Expand the intravascular volume & improve renal
blood flow
Ave fluid loss for DKA: 3-6 Liters (8-10 in HHS)
Isotonic saline
Rapidly infuse volume without acute lowering of plasma
Switch to ½ NS in subacute phase if Na normal or high
15-20 ml/kg initially then decrease to 5-10ml/kg/hr
Fluids alone my initially decrease BG by 35-70
ER doc’s recommendation: Hardern and Quinn
Emerg Med J 2003; 20:210-13
• 500 ml x 4 hours then 250 x 4 hours
• Make sure lines are in
• Insert NGT and Urine catheter
Insulin Therapy
Role of Insulin
Lower serum glucose (mainly by decreasing liver
Reduce ketogenesis in liver by reducing lipolysis and
glucagon secretion
Increase ketone utilization
Insulin IV bolus and continuous drip is standard of
Some studies have looked at frequent, rapid-acting insulin,
but not enough data to support use except in mild DKA
Insulin Therapy
Check Potassium first!
If K <3.3, delay insulin until begin K repletion
 May drive insulin into the cells and lead to life-threatening hypokalemia
IV bolus of regular insulin: 0.1 U/Kg
Continuous infusion, start at 0.1 U/Kg/hr
Goal is to decrease glucose by 50-70 mg/dl per
hour; will require further titration of drip
Higher rates in the young compared to the old
Higher rates in those with Type 2 diabetes
Insulin Therapy
Once BS < 200 (<300 in HHS) start dextrose (usually
D5 ½ NS) and decrease insulin drip rate to 1/5 of
Addition of dextrose to IVF
Avoid hypoglycemia
 Continue insulin drip while awaiting resolution of ketoacidosis
 Continue nutrition while patient NPO
Need to overlap IV drip with SQ insulin to avoid
going back into ketosis
Comparison of the effects of iv, sc, and im low-dose insulin regimens on changes of plasma
glucose and total ketone bodies in patients with DKA. Reprinted from Fisher et al.
Kitabchi A E et al. JCEM 2008;93:1541-1552
©2008 by Endocrine Society
SQ Aspart vs. I.V.Regular
• BOLUS 0.3 u/kg/hour then
• Aspart SQ 0.1 u/hr until glucose is less than 250
mg/dl then decrease dose to 0.05 u/hr till DKA
Aspart SQ 0.2 u/2hr until glucose is less than
250 mg/dl then decrease dose to 0.05 u/hr till
DKA resolves
Aspart vs. Regular insulin
Bicarbonate and pH
A: Serum insulin levels before and after subcutaneous injection (at 0 min) of insulin aspart (•)
or insulin lispro (○) in seven patients with type 1 diabetes.
Homko C et al. Dia Care 2003;26:2027-2031
Copyright © 2011 American Diabetes Association, Inc.
Plasma levels of FFA (A) and total ketone bodies (β-hydroxybutyrate plus aceto-acetate, B)
before and after subcutaneous injection (at 0 min) of either insulin aspart (•) or insulin lispro
(○) in seven patients with type 1 diabetes.
Homko C et al. Dia Care 2003;26:2027-2031
Copyright © 2011 American Diabetes Association, Inc.
Changes in metabolic profile in patients with DKA treated with intravenous glulisine (○) and
regular insulin (●).
Umpierrez G E et al. Dia Care 2009;32:1164-1169
Copyright © 2011 American Diabetes Association, Inc.
IV Glilusine vs. IV
Regular insulin
Potassium Replacement
If initial K high, should not need more therapy than
insulin, which will drive K into the cells
To prevent hypokalemia, add KCl to IVF if K<5.3
If K normal, 20-30 meq/liter of IVF is adequate
 If K low, may need more aggressive rx
 If using 40 meq KCl in saline, may use ½ NS as this will create isotonic
 NS = 154 cation equiv
 ½ NS = 77; ½ NS + 40 meq KCl = 117 (~3/4 NS)
Effects of acidosis in
experimental studies
• Initially acidosis from ketones, lactic acidosis and
renal dysfunction
• Subsequently, Hyperchloremic acidosis due to
preferential excretion of ketones over chloride and
from saline administration
• Impairs myocardial contractility
• Reduces cardiac output
• Affect oxyhemoglobin dissociation and tissue
oxygen delivery
• Inhibit intracellular enzymes
• Alter cellular metabolism
Marked heterogeneity and
NO clear evidence
No difference
Resolution of Acidosis/ketosis
Insulin sensitivity/ glucose
Potassium balance
Tissue oxygenation
CSF acidosis
Cerebral edema
Neurological outcomes
Hemodynamic outcomes
Bicarbonate Therapy
Concerns with use:
Rapid rise in pH will shift the O2 dissociaiton curve to the left. This
results in decrease tissue oxygenation. The rise in pCO2 results in
an increase in lactate and acidosis
 The rise in lactate may lead to fall in cerebral pH contributing to
Consider use with:
pH <7.0, especially if decreased cardiac function
 Life-threatening hyperkalemia
Dose: 50-100 meq NaHCO3 (1-2 amps) over 2 hours
Does not apply to HHS
Phosphate Therapy
Most patients phosphate depleted
Usually level will fall with initial therapy
Driven into the cells with resolving acidosis
Improved renal perfusion→excretion
Most patients do not have symptoms related to
Routine use not necessary
If evidence of cardiac dysfunction, hemolytic
anemia, or respiratory depression in pts with phos
<1.0 mg/dl
20-30 meq/L of Potassium Phosphate, added to IVF
•Blood glucose <200 mg/dl
•PLUS 2 0f the following:
o Bicarbonate ≥15 mEq/ml
o Venous ph 7.3
o Anion gap ≤12 mEq/l
•Normal osmolality
•Normal mental status
Related to underlying illness
Cerebral edema
Decreased arousal, Lethargy after initial improvement, headache,
vomiting, relative bradycardia and hypertension, seizures,
incontinence,pupillary changes 4-12 hrs after tx
0.5-1% of cases, mostly in children, case rate constant across 6 decades
Mortality 20-25%
Cerebral edema
 Hypoxia induced damage to blood brain
Saline bolus increases capillary hydrostatic
pressure resulting in interstitial edema
Fluid shift along the osmolar gradient
secondary to overzealous hydration/insulin use
Activation of the Na-H exchanger by insulin
Cerebral edema
Reduce risk by
 Slow rehydration in 48 hours, gradual
replacement of Na & H2O deficits in
hyperosmolar patients & adding dextrose
to IV solution once appropriate,
 supplemental oxygen
Cerebral edema
 3% Nacl 5-10 ml/kg or
mannitol 0.25-1 g/kg over 20 mins
I case report:octreotide at 3.5 ug/kg/hr
(suppresses IGF 1 and GH levels leading to
lower glucose values)
Improved access to medical care
When to contact doctor if illness occurs
 Increased use of short-acting insulin during illness
 Continued use of insulin & BS monitoring when illness prevents eating
 Continued nutrition during times of illness